Related: About this forumA personal plea from the Admins
- If you already have a recurring monthly or yearly payment, and you want to make an additional one-time contribution, use the One-time online payment option -- your recurring payment will not be affected.
- If you already have a recurring monthly or yearly payment and you want to increase the amount, my recommendation would be to visit this PayPal page and cancel your existing payment, then come back to DU and start either a new recurring monthly or recurring yearly payment.
If you've been around DU for a while, you'll know that we've always tried to be respectful in the way we fundraise. We don't send out desperate emails begging for cash; we limit our fund drives to two one-week periods per year (and we try to make those two weeks fun); and you get something in exchange for your contribution -- a Star Membership with additional benefits. For this, we don't force you to pay a monthly fee which we gradually increase over time; we've always asked you to pay what you want, which can be as little as one dollar per year.
Thanks to the many generous DUers who purchase Star Memberships, this fundraising method, combined with standard web advertising, has served us just fine for two decades -- but recently, things have changed, and unfortunately not for the better. The fact is that advertising brings in quite a bit more revenue than Star Memberships -- it's something like an 80/20 split. And over the past couple of years, for macroeconomic reasons, ad rates (the amount that advertisers will pay to advertise on a website) started to fall -- and then fell, and fell.
Meanwhile, in the wake of the January 6 insurrection, the social media giants deemphasized political content (wisely, many would argue). Even though we've never made it a priority to have a big social media presence, these global trends still affected traffic to DU -- and revenue -- just as they've affected many other independent sites recently, and even mainstream newsrooms.
I think some people have the impression that the DU Admins are independently wealthy and that this is all just a bit of a lark for us, but the truth is that DU is our job -- it's literally what we do for a living. We work hard at it every day, and we are incredibly grateful for the full time work it has provided us with, which we in turn put back into the site to keep it running, and improving, for you.
But like most people, we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck. And the problem is that the recent collapse in ad rates means that I haven't received that paycheck in a couple of months, and if things take too long to improve, I won't be able to give Elad his paycheck soon either.
What does this mean for DU? Well, we still make enough money to keep the servers turned on, so DU isnt going anywhere. Thats not a problem.
But if Elad and I have to find other work so we can pay our own bills, it does mean we wont be able to continue development on DU, right as wed got it to the point where we were done fixing things and ready to start taking feature requests. There wouldn't be any more Pics Of The Moment. And more worryingly, emergency breakdowns, or issues that need immediate attention, would take longer to resolve because we wouldn't be here to keep an eye on the site every day. If we can't reliably conduct regular maintenance and stay on top of bugs, it really could cause problems and service interruptions that we can't immediately start working to fix. We do not want things to be this way! But there are only so many hours in a day that we can work on DU, and if we can't afford to pay our bills, we'll have no choice.
And so right now, we really need your help. I want to be clear: We are hopeful that ad rates, and therefore DU's overall financial situation, will improve as the year goes on. The trend lines are pointing in the right direction. But we don't know how long it will take before things get back on track, and we don't want to have to leave DU in the lurch, especially when we've got a presidential election coming up.
As mentioned at the top, I think most of you have known us long enough to know that this isn't some Trump-style BS just to cash in. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is what it is. So if you value what we do, please consider kicking in to the fund drive. What we would really like to see is an increase in monthly subscriptions, because that would help to stabilize our budget. But any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated:
Thanks for reading

EarlG, on behalf of Elad -- the DU Administrators

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)* I bet he'd sell more if there were some incentive to buy more and get more. (It's not as though they gif images cost anything.)
(10,847 posts)CrispyQ
(39,210 posts)Last edited Fri Feb 9, 2024, 03:53 PM - Edit history (2)
Do I cancel the old one first?
on edit: Yonnie3 posted the answer in post #134, below.
Also, if you set up a recurring donation during the heart drive, you'll automatically be given hearts at the beginning of next years heart drive & when your recurring donation hits again, during the drive, you get more hearts.
Party, bonus!
(38,761 posts)I'm not finding any link to upgrade/increase my recurring subscription in MY DU settings.
(36,594 posts)dmr
(28,705 posts)the link to take you to the Monthly Subscription page. Follow the instructions from there.
(22,762 posts)We note on the monthly and yearly payment pages that if you start a new automatic payment, it will NOT cancel your previous automatic payment(s).
So you have a few options -- let's say you already have a $5 automatic payment and you want to make it $10 intead, you could just use the link above to start a new $5 automatic payment -- so you'd be making two $5 automatic payments for a total of $10/month.
But if you'd rather not have two automatic payments going on (which most people would not, I'd imagine) then you'd need to make sure to cancel your current one, either after or before you start a new one.
To do that, you can visit this PayPal page:
It will show you your current automatic payments, and you can manage/cancel any from there. (That link to PayPal can also be found on your Star Membership page -- click the My DU tab, and then the Star Membership button.)
Hope that helps!
(39,210 posts)
No big deal. My autopay day is in a few days. I'll just wait & add a second donation then.

(22,762 posts)I never used to have the ability to cancel people's automatic payments -- they had to log in to their PayPal accounts and do it themselves. But as of fairly recently, PayPal has provided me with an option to cancel payments. At the same time, some people have been getting these messages directing them to me to cancel their payments.
So I'm not quite sure what's going on there, but in most cases people should be able to cancel their own payments -- if they can't, however, I can do if for them. If you need me to do it, just contact me via DU Mail or email.
(18,441 posts)but scrolling way down I see a link "Remove PayPal as payment method."
I got there after logging on PayPal and by clicking on the "Democratic Underground, LLC - Automatic Payment for $XX
There is a link midway down the page that says "Manage Democratic Underground, LLC payments"
Clicking on the above gets you to a page that has links of:
"Change payment method"
"Manage and cancel at Democratic Underground, LLC"
and at the bottom all the way down the page "Remove PayPal as payment method"
I think this is how you cancel all PayPal payments to DU.
I didn't try to cancel DU but I removed several vendors who had apparently snuck themselves in there with no payments listed.
All above is from the website.
(39,210 posts)Yonnie3
(18,441 posts)They couldn't have hidden that better if they tried!
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Have a new credit card. It keeps sending me, not accepted. I just need the. Address.
(3,795 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)I will save that!!
(18,368 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)I hope it helps.
(20,232 posts)I donated earlier this week, a one-time payment. I will keep your monthly donation in mind for August. Thank you for all you do.
(12,388 posts)Id like to make a one-time payment now, but all I saw was either another Star membership or a monthly contribution.
(20,232 posts)I thought the one I got in Aug tacked on to the one I already had, but this one doesn't seem to do that.
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)But I'll certainly think about doing a monthly donation.
(21,058 posts)I'd be happy to add to my support, but I don't want to change the renewal date on my Star Membership, which is my largest contribution annually.
So I hold off on giving at other times of the year, sometimes.
If there was an easy way to contribute outside of (in addition to) the Star Membership program, I'd use it more often.
You guys hang in there, we got your back. We'll work something out.
The election is coming, after all, and we NEED DU, including your careful stewardship of the site's tech and content.
(36,631 posts)EarlG
(22,762 posts)maybe setting up a Patreon, in exchange for which DUers could suggest new features and get early input into how they might work, and then if a feature is approved, get early access using it while we test it out. I wasn't sure how interested people would be, but I could explore it further...
(21,058 posts)But I think it would be a worthwhile investment to build in a native transaction tool not unlike ordinary e-commerce programs, with a direct payment capability. It would give you more flexibility for managing contribution programs and managing members, users, contributors, etc.
Extra work, though. And not fun.
(19,714 posts)EarlG, I would love it you could do what TygrBright is suggesting. Tbh, the way things are set up now is kind of complicated and confusing for those of us who would just like to increase our monthly contribution.
PayPal currently shows me as having 2 annual recurring payments, one in August and one in February, plus a small monthly recurring payment. I'm not exactly sure how this came to be, but it looks like I'ver been donating 3 times as much per year to DU as I thought I was.
Fortunately, I can swing it (for now), and I don't begrudge DU a single penny, believe me. I'd much rather not have 3 different recurring payments, and now that I'm aware of the situation, I'll delete all 3 recurring payments and set up up a third that will total as least as much as I've been paying. Still, I can't help wishing it didn't have to be quite this complicated.
I don't know much about e-commerce, and I have no idea what would be involved in setting up what Bright is suggesting, but as a DU member, I would find that incredibly helpful!
(6,630 posts)member gave 10 dollars, or FIVE dollars for a Star Membership we could all sleep better knowing DU will be fine.
I won't say what I give for a star membership each year but it is more than 10 dollars and it doesn't hurt my bank account or budget.
This is such an informative site, how can someone just skate free?
(24,309 posts)This is important!
(24,158 posts)if i am now breaking a rule because of my california rights to opt out of ads then i quit. if evryone asked me for money i am lo income how about sending me money.
(4,701 posts)2) Without guilt, you should not donate if you are not in a position. Take care of your personal priorities. 3) If you are in need of additional income/food/resources, hopefully your community services can help: food bank, etc.
Take care.
(24,158 posts)hedda_foil
(16,663 posts)Your ad blocker doesn't have any work to do here.
(96,605 posts)Only one comment and one request from me:
First, Grovelbot wasnt so bad
Second, can the hearts start just a little sooner and linger a little longer?
Thanks for all you do, Earl G and Elad.
(4,701 posts)calimary
(85,363 posts)spooky3
(37,137 posts)Fundraiser like the hearts?
And how about a minimum star donor contribution of $10 or more?
(39,210 posts)You should, too, spooky3!
(24,158 posts)badhair77
(4,786 posts)but Id buy pumpkins, too.
(24,158 posts)ShazzieB
(19,714 posts)Keep doing the hearts, but add another fundraiser in the fall with punpkins!
(35,737 posts)

(96,605 posts)Im no good with sticky notes because I can never think of anything to say, but I know they work well for a lot of people.
Just remembered: at one time we got to give away star memberships, and I really enjoyed looking up friends who had no stars. Maybe could make those at the $10 level.
Grovelbot could kick butt, too.
(3,795 posts)Lower income people have plenty of obstacles.
(1,486 posts)It's feels so good to do this! This is the first time I bought hearts, but donate 20$ in August and November!
kinda feel Cupid!
(15,062 posts)... with an invitation to get a Star membership. I thought I already had one, but got a message that it was running out on Feb 7 and would be renewed for a year.
But I got the same message today, after "renewing."
I've already gotten myself signed up for Star twice a year or two ago. Sorry. But until this is cleared up I won't make another donation.
I just checked and it looks like you made a recurring payment on February 6 but then another one on February 7. I just refunded the February 7 payment and canceled the automatic payment so it will not recur again. So you now have a single automatic Star Membership payment which will recur again on February 6 next year (unless you turn it off before then) -- thank you for being a Star Member.
For people who already have a recurring Star Membership but would like to make an additional contribution, the best way to do it is to use the One-time online payment option. Making a payment with this option will not affect any automatic payments that you already have set up.
(15,062 posts)EarlG
(22,762 posts)Thanks again.
(672 posts)Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)If you make a donation to DU, it was as little as $5 you don't get advertisements and some other perks.
You have a Gold Star already, so you are a Star member.
(5,455 posts)nevergiveup
(4,815 posts)I have no clue what your salary is but it is peanuts when considering how vital your work is. I have a star membership but would like to make a one time donation. How can I do this? I hope others who can comfortably financially afford it will do the same.
(24,961 posts)PJMcK
(23,362 posts)You guys are great!
ms liberty
(10,028 posts)Omaha Steve
(104,735 posts)It'd about time I did.

(3,248 posts)Tree-Hugger
(3,379 posts)I know it's a drop in the bucket, but if the hearts could stay a little longer - like two weeks or through Feb, then I bet you'd raise a bit more funds.
This is my very first year being able to buy hearts. I only have a few, so it's hard deciding who gets them. I'd love to buy a few more. I just started a new job a few days ago and I was thinking that I'd love to buy more hearts after my first check
....but that is after this campaign expires. Boo.
And, yes, simply buying/renewing a star membership is enough, but I think campaigns like the hearts are more engaging and grab more attention. Maybe a seasonal thing? Flowers in the spring? Suns in the summer? Pumpkins? Christmas trees or snowflakes? I'd think you'd find people would be happy to engage in that way.
(36,631 posts)Thank you for keeping DU going!
(925 posts)DU has poor marketing. Everybody is focused on "buy us" "support us".
The awesome question to ask is: "Why do people NOT buy/support?"
I am quite well-off from a career in raising this question.
The answers range from trivial to profound, but you need to know why not.
It's just savvy marketing. Why not?
(4,239 posts)Cheers!!!
(29,540 posts)To improve marketing simply and economically?
(691 posts)i have been reading this site for years...not always commenting but always reading. i won't do paypal. and i am sorry about that but if you and elad decide to try a monthly fundraiser i would be more than interested.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)After I filled in the required blanks, it still tried to get me to sign into PayPal. However, there is a blue checkmark button that, when you uncheck it, lets you contribute direct from your cc or debit card account. It changes to a "guest member" donation .
I would suggest to the DU admins that you might want to clarify the non PayPal options for donating on your subscribe page.
(95,914 posts)Used an unsecure browser, allowed cookies, cleared every cache and tried again.
I give up.
The option you describe STILL brings you to Paypal because they handle all the transactions. The only non-paypal option is snail mail.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)But, by unchecking the blue check mark button, it clears the PayPal prompt and processes the tranaction as a normal direct cc/debitcard payment.
(95,914 posts)And I do that every time except when trying to troubleshoot. None of the options or click buttons change the problem. I go through the whole process and end up with my card rejected. Shit, I've entered it into the form so many times that I have the cc# memorized.
The little blue opt-out of opening an acct thing doesn't make any difference whether I use it or not, it is still a paypal transaction and they won't accept my card. I don't have another to use, I bought this one specifically for this DU event.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)good luck
(95,914 posts)Thanks for trying.
(96,605 posts)Altho I have long since gotten comfortable with online donations and purchases the one-time donor feature is good, and the guest feature for PayPal is also good.
(95,914 posts)The same way and now it does not work. Did it last year, same computer and settings, same brand of credit card. If they are trying to compare it to the one I used last year, we've got a big problem because that means they are retaining the card info on a one time transaction.
I've got an envelope ready and it will go in the mail tomorrow.
(21,261 posts)I send my checks to the PO Box that is under Contact us easy and Im happy the adm accepts payment this way.
The only down side is I have to be aware of the calendar..I sent my Valentines fundraiser last week and waiting for the ok to gift them..if we get to do pumpkins, bunnies, Veterans or whatever, well just have to mark the calendar. Hope this helps ya..
(95,914 posts)I'll just send it in earlier.
(691 posts)Blue Dawn
(970 posts)I very much appreciate all of your hard work and am happy to donate as much as I can.
Not too long ago, I wanted to gift a "Star Membership" to a person who said s/he couldn't afford to pay for membership. At that time, you emailed me that unfortunately that wasn't an option.
Do you think you could make it possible for those of us who can afford to gift a membership to do so?
Some of us may be able to help others get a membership while also raising much-needed funds. It would be like purchasing hearts, in a way. We could just purchase memberships!
Again, thank you for sharing this. I am very grateful for DU.
(16,500 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,762 posts)I've done that during that fundraiser for the past two years, but I wish it was possible more often as well.
(35,363 posts)Thank you!
(95,914 posts)Fucking Paypal will not accept my payment. I have tried all kinds of tricks suggested by others and none of that works.
Terribly frustrated, my membership ends tomorrow but I can't seem to renew unless I simply use snail mail which makes it certain that I can't buy hearts during this campaign and I was saving up for that for weeks. Seriously disappointed and kind of pissed about that part.
Would be nice if there were another option for online contributions but if not, guess snail mail is it.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)DU obviously has a partnership program with Paypal, but my above post explains how to do a one-time donation that doesn't require signing up or signing in to PayPal.
(4,239 posts)I'm gonna give myself a hat tip!
(9,238 posts)Hope that helps a bit! We need you and DU!
(4,318 posts)DU is a better value than any TV subscription.
I am going to review my TV subscriptions and start a monthly donation to DU, + a few extra $.
Thanks for everything DU and DU'ers!
(7,773 posts)I am a new baby star-member!
I can't wait to throw these hearts around like glitter.
(29,540 posts)Baby star member
Wonder Why
(5,256 posts)After all, it seems like you are achieving your goal of not making money, anyway!
(274 posts)scarletlib
(3,524 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)Scrivener7
(54,515 posts)Good luck with this.
(57,417 posts)First of all, the downside: you won't receive my contribution until after Feb. 14, so I don't get any hearts to distribute. Second, for the extra time I hope I am buying you, my 99th request to stick all the one-track "evil Israel" posts in the forum designated for them, and unburden GD from their tedious monotony (full disclaimer--I do not pretend to be Jewish, have never been to Israel, and have no special plans to go there, even though I'm closer than most of DU--4 hour flight or so, and would really like to try one of their locally baked babkas, which I hear are amazing).
Now the good news: I will be sending you a check. That means you get to keep all of it. No 4% deducted by some credit card company. And, that check will be for $1000. Not that I'm a billionaire, but the past few years have been good for me. It's only about $50 per year for the nearly twenty years I have been here, less than twenty cents a day. Obviously, I have contributed in the past, but not on this level, and never in response to this frank a message of need.
About the "you can refuse" part--there is no obligation to pay attention to my request, and you can always tear up my check if you consider it too old-fashioned, or if there is some kind of unspoken moral obligation to cut Mastercard in for $40.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)One for the donation and 1 for the forum comment.
(57,417 posts)"From each according to his ability to each according to his need."
But although there have been times when I left DU when certain factions seemed to have taken over the asylum (indeed--some still seem bent on it), I still sort of like the site, and think it is worth preserving.
(22,762 posts)I will gladly accept your check, provided that you still want to send it, on the understanding that it won't influence my decision on the status of I/P discussions in GD. However I certainly understand your feelings about that situation -- I can tell you that there is already an active discussion in the Hosts forum about it; there are no firm decisions yet, but we are currently in the process of determining when (and how) to return to the stricter standard.
(57,417 posts)Done deal!
(57,417 posts)Maybe not the most encouraging news you'll get all day, but better than the envelope sitting around in Düsseldorf gathering dust.

OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)With all the hearts I have now, I used this thread to dump a bunch of them.
Still have a lot of hearts in my inventory, though. Willing to sell a bunch at a steep discount!
(65,742 posts)I agree with the suggestions to have four fundraisers a year and to extend the hearts season to two weeks each year.
(54,515 posts)
Thank you so much to whoever just gave me one!

(67,112 posts)Richard D
(9,625 posts)How about creating an option for star members also to see advertisements? Totally voluntary of course. I for one would not mind seeing some ads if that would help you all get more money from your hard work.
(923 posts)I am now a star member on a monthly subscription plan.
Keep up the important work!
(13,182 posts)I figured I'm on here more than I am on Hulu and usually less disappointed in the content anyway.
(9,040 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)As a Canadian, this is the best site for news about the US that is of interest to more liberal minded thinkers. First stop of the day.
Alice Kramden
(2,536 posts)Wish I could contribute more! I value this forum immensely
(5,977 posts)I just received my tax return money so I can do a (what is for me) a nice one-time payment. I know you're worth a lot more. Good luck, and I hope the people here all pull together and contribute what they can.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)So I can send a check. Have a new credit card, the old one will not work.
Please send me an emai. I am not on PayPal.
(1,140 posts)But I agree you need a better way to plan and pay your obligations. I just started a monthly...more than I pay for my Washington Post subscription!
Please let us know if this fundraiser has helped you.
(55,101 posts)DU has been the only forum I have visited for over 20 years and I will contribute what I can to keep it going and also provide a paycheck for both you and Elad for the essential work you both do.
Last edited Fri Feb 9, 2024, 10:02 AM - Edit history (1)
Changed plans at credit union due to limitation on number of monthly transactions with my free account.
(43,203 posts)And you're right. You are respectful in the way you fundraise. JimBob puts out a call for more money whenever the mood hits him. And the last time I was there his site still looked like a 5th Grade Computer Club project. Keep up the good work.
(5,472 posts)is whether recurring payments are eligible for the fund raising "perks." I like to be able to give a gift star membership to someone who needs one and giving hearts. I've never set up a recurring payment because I don't want to lose those perks. Could you clarify if they are available? If not, is it possible to make at least one of them available (i.e., when the time comes "over the past year, you've donated enough with your recurring payments to give x star memberships/x hearts." ?
(538 posts)I hope it helps
Love you guys!
(26,158 posts)I just grabbed another batch of hearts to give away. I love this time of year on DU, and I love the idea for having pumpkins to give away in the fall, too! 🥰
(11,261 posts)A check will be in the mail tomorrow morning. Thank you for all you do.
(16,500 posts)Pinback
(13,062 posts)Thanks for all you do, you and Elad both.
My DU membership is way cheaper than therapy, and in my case, at least way more effective! Well worth a little extra.
(473 posts)I renewed and raised my amount a bit. Thank you for all you do!
Theres only one DU, and it matters to me.
This is my rock.
Thanks for all you do EarlG and Elad. You guys are the best.
Response to EarlG (Original post)
ancianita This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to ancianita (Reply #110)
ancianita This message was self-deleted by its author.
Casey and her cats
(1 post)I've been a lurker for years but today i officially signed up and set up a donation. Thank you for all your hard work.
(153,134 posts)I"m glad you're here!
(29,540 posts)
(159,670 posts)pansypoo53219
(22,018 posts)mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Someone said spend your money on experiences not things. DU is a great experience every day. Id like it to stay that way.
(9,993 posts)Thanks for all you do.
(54,515 posts)more after this effort, pass the hat again.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... ideally, how much should a DU member need to be thinking about paying yearly?
(3,995 posts)I probably spend more time on DU than Hulu. Someone might think 'I should get a life'. I have one, a great one.
Thanks admins, for all your...well you know.
Be The Light
(77 posts)a minimum payment of 20 bucks a year or something?
(3,795 posts)I can and do give more now but there were a few years when I used recycling money to send three bucks.
(16,457 posts)feel like its sort of an addiction. At any rate, I'll do my part and see what I can do for sure. Thanks again ... and don't ever feel bad about being frank about this. We need you guys!
diane in sf
(4,139 posts)AmBlue
(3,452 posts)Increased my donation and made it monthly. This place is special. It not only is my sanctuary in a world of chaos, it is a most-trusted news resource.
I really hope all the positive responses, with members both new and old stepping up, is making a difference!
Heartfelt thanks for all you and our DU Admins do!
marble falls
(63,643 posts)quaint
(3,795 posts)marble falls
(63,643 posts)MoonRiver
(36,974 posts)I no longer have a Paypal account. Please remove me from automatic payment status. This site is not clear how to do that myself without having a Paypal account.
Bread and Circuses
(595 posts)Hi,
I followed the link, but DU doesnt appear as active or inactive.
If you already have a recurring monthly or yearly payment and you want to increase the amount, my recommendation would be to visit this PayPal page and cancel your existing payment