Bill Barr Defends Attack on Peaceful Protesters: 'Pepper Spray Is Not a Chemical Irritant'
Source: The Daily Beast
Attorney General William Barr on Sunday repeatedly defended on the violent show of force used by D.C. police last week to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park moments before President Donald Trumps photo-op at St. Johns Episcopal Church, ultimately playing semantics on the use of chemical munitions by law enforcement.
During a wide-ranging interview on Face the Nation, anchor Margaret Brennan pressed the attorney general on whether he felt in hindsight it was appropriate for them to use smoke bombs, tear gas, pepper balls, projectiles at what appeared to be peaceful protesters?
An unapologetic Barr, who was behind the order to aggressively clear the demonstrators, insisted that they were not peaceful protesters and that this is one of the big lies that the media is perpetuating.
Brennan, for her part, pointed out that three of her CBS colleagues were present and didnt hear the so-called warnings from police or see any projectiles thrown, claims made by both Barr and the police.
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Newest Reality
(12,712 posts)It's a condiment like rock salt shotgun shells. Sprinkle liberally, add a dash of pepper spray. Voila!
(19 posts)(This is too easy. Barr must be retarded.)
"Pepper spray (also known as capsaicin spray or capsicum spray) is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears.[1][2] Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close, taking away vision. This temporary blindness allows officers to more easily restrain subjects and permits people in danger to use pepper spray in self-defense for an opportunity to escape. It also causes temporary discomfort and burning of the lungs which causes shortness of breath.
Pepper spray was engineered into a weapons grade chemical agent by Kamran Loghman when he worked for the FBI in the 1980s.
Loghman also wrote the guide for police departments on how it should be used. After police sprayed docile protestors at University of California in 2011, Loghman came to regret his work and said, "I have never seen such an inappropriate and improper use of chemical agents".[3][4]
Although considered a less-than-lethal agent, it has been deadly in rare cases; and being pepper sprayed may have been a contributing factor in a number of other deaths. "
(115,916 posts)It is a slur against people who are DD. Thank you.
marble falls
(63,639 posts)marble falls
(63,639 posts)obamanut2012
(28,318 posts)And, why would you use such a disgusting slur? Edit your post. Now.
(252 posts)Bet that Barr doesn't have a picture. Because I bet the unpeaceful acts never happened.
Good for Brennan.
[I deleted an accidental duplicate of my post]
Response to Mrs. Overall (Original post)
TreadSoftly This message was self-deleted by its author.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)Grokenstein
(5,926 posts)Naturally, like Hannity's "waterboarding is not torture, I'll prove it to you" bit, he would never actually subject himself to it.
(13,913 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)

(5,349 posts)what I thought.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)Once you can see and breathe again you can write your letter of resignation.
(25,111 posts)cabinet, and republican party alongwith so called "Christian" evangelists LIE continuously.
(2,107 posts)the coronavirus (remember that?) like gargling bleach, a Lysol IV drip and being exposed to UV C light, Bill Barf should have a pepper spray canister fired at him on live TV to prove it's not "a chemical irritant".
You know what is an irritant? Toadies like you, Billy boy.
(39,934 posts)Only out of touch, arrogant autocratic bullies with law licenses lie to everyone with eyes.
(1,905 posts)It's okay. It's not an irritant.
What a conservanazi douche bag.
(9,818 posts)Just a mildly irritating procedure. Certainly NOT torture.
(40,915 posts)Like the waterboarding that coward Hannity is due.
Still waiting, Sean.
(4,983 posts)Right, and execution is an 'alternative placement'.
(29,169 posts)yellowcanine
(36,393 posts)Billy Boy is flailing. Good to see.
(2,705 posts)IllinoisBirdWatcher
(2,316 posts)and then have one of your secret service goons pepper spray you in the face on camera.
THEN you can tell us all that pepper spray is not "a chemical irritant.
(4,249 posts)and incapable of discharging the duties of his position. He must be removed from that position and, in the interest of public safety, he should be taken into long-term in-patient psychiatric evaluation.
(1,887 posts)re-election
(15,114 posts)I can tell you he's full of shit
(15,891 posts)Walking to class about a block away from Sproul Plaza where they sprayed tear gas against the anti war protesters. Even from that distance, I can tell you it was awful.
(5,912 posts)I'd like to see him get a shot of spray in the face and then say it's not an irritant.
(87,148 posts)Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)Pepper spray is not a chemical irritant. Its not chemical.
So, he would not mind it done to his grandchildren.
(71,843 posts)Nearly everything we touch, breathe, eat, and see is a chemical.
So, that gas HAS TO BE a chemical.
(71,843 posts)Capsaicin is, you know, a chemical. It's commonly extracted from peppers, but can be easily synthesized in a chemical process. It's even cheaper to do that than to perform extraction & purification.
And, the irritation to mouth, nose, throat and eyes is a chemical attack on those tissues.
Is it as robust an attack as CN or CS? No, but it's still a chemical attack on human tissues.
I know your lane is very, very narrow little Billy, but stay in it.
(975 posts)War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
(63,575 posts)
With multiple payload options
and a proprietary chemical irritant thats proven more effective from even greater distances, PepperBall® projectiles offer the protection and versatility for any situation. Available in both round and VXR versions, PepperBall projectiles can be operated at virtually any temperature from as far away as 150 feet and with an area saturation of up to 50 meters. Each projectile is carefully designed to help protect you in real-world situations so you can be confident that you have the tools needed to effectively do your job and make it home safely.
(44,961 posts)Is guilty of false advertising.
(6,843 posts)Plant metabolites, I call bullshit.
They ARE DEFENSE compounds specifically produced to provide an adverse effect.
(292 posts)a criminal and a scoundrel without a soul
(23,367 posts)Then ask if its a chemical irritant. Hit him with a pepper ball or two. Then ask.
(138,713 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,993 posts)Edwcraig
(332 posts)these were citizens of the United States peacefully assembled in the people's property, attempting to re-dress grievances guaranteed under Constitution of the United States and you forced them to do anything. YOU WOULD BE WRONG AND YOU SHOULD BE PROSECUTED FOR THE VIOLATION OF THEIR CIVIL LIBERTIES TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. FULL STOP.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)healthy dose in your mucosa because, well, it's just the right thing to do. No pain, no gain.
Like Reagan's ketchup counts as a vegetable in school lunches. Seriously, Barr is one sick fuck that needs impeaching yesterday. And yes, William they were peaceful. Your use of Blackhawk helicopters, flash grenades, secret police and gas is illegal and impeachable.
(3,605 posts)Who cares? The point is peaceful protesters were forcefully removed to make way for Trump's photo op!
I'm so sick of these liars!
(4,591 posts)Part of his training required that he be pepper sprayed directly in his face with eyes wide open, while simultaneously tackling and cuffing the "perpetrator". He asked me to put the certificate that he passed this part of his training in my firesafe because he does not want to ever go through that again.
Wild Bill Barr needs to go.
(7,463 posts)alp227
(32,560 posts)Collimator
(1,878 posts)So is a frozen rack of lamb. But you can kill someone if you hit them over the head with it.
(I bring this up because I remember an old, Old, TV show where a woman killed her husband with some frozen meat product, then cooked it and served it to the police officers who were investigating his death.)
(71,843 posts)Hence, a CHEMICAL.
Also, PAVA is a substituted analog of capsaicin. It's synthesized in 100 to 1000 liter reactors.
It does the same thing. So, it's not just a chemical but chemically synthesized.
So is capsaicin, but the reaction happens over weeks in the seeds of pepper plants.
Still a chemical reaction.
I'd show Megyn the chemical mechanism, but her empty head would implode in the first 5 seconds.
(7,115 posts)As I said elsewhere, I guess he figures that they were throwing nachos
(1,511 posts)But this is the guy who thinks that US intel investigating who the Russian agents are trying to compromise is "spying". So maybe he just needs a thesaurus?
(5,788 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(119,917 posts)AntiFascist
(13,124 posts)one wonders how he would then feel about it being a "chemical irritant".
Response to Mrs. Overall (Original post)
Tbear This message was self-deleted by its author.
(37,488 posts)Can I spray him?