K-Pop Fans Sabotaged Trump's Under-Attended Tulsa Rally
Source: consequenceofsound.net
Coming into Saturdays campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Donald Trump proudly boasted that over one million people had signed up for tickets. But when the day actually came, there were plenty of empty seats to be found inside the arena, and literally not one person showed up for the outdoor events. Trumps campaign blamed the low attendance on protestors who blocked the entrance to the arena. However, as the New York Times reports, the inflated ticket requests may have been the direct result of a prank carried out by K-pop fans.
K-pop fans, along with their allies on TikTok, worked together to register potentially hundreds of thousands of fake ticket requests as a prank. One of the organizers behind the prank, a YouTube host named Elijah Daniel, told the Times that It spread mostly through Alt TikTok we kept it on the quiet side where people do pranks and a lot of activism. K-pop Twitter and Alt TikTok have a good alliance where they spread information amongst each other very quickly. They all know the algorithms and how they can boost videos to get where they want.
Several young activists created video encouraging other K-pop fans and TikTok users to request tickets using fake names and phone numbers, and even offered instructions on how to generate phone numbers using Google Voice and other internet-connected phone services.
We all know the Trump campaign feeds on data, they are constantly mining these rallies for data, Mary Jo Laupp, a former employee of Pete Buttigiegs campaign for president, told the Times. Feeding them false data was a bonus. The data they think they have, the data they are collecting from this rally, isnt accurate.
Read more: https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/06/k-pop-fans-may-have-sabotaged-trumps-under-attended-tulsa-rally/
I just love this! Well done!

(73,520 posts)We all know the Trump campaign feeds on data, they are constantly mining these rallies for data, Mary Jo Laupp, a former employee of Pete Buttigiegs campaign for president, told the Times. Feeding them false data was a bonus. The data they think they have, the data they are collecting from this rally, isnt accurate.
(9,238 posts)They will have a hard time determining what is legit and what is bogus.
(73,520 posts)Scarsdale
(9,426 posts)back home on AF1. I wonder how Gym Jordan enjoyed THAT? Little toady was strutting around, shaking hands, "spreading the joy". It would be a shame if he came down with the virus, wouldn't it?
(1,077 posts)But then he would be taking up valuable space and resources in the hospital which would be much better saved for others who actually add value to our society.
(24,155 posts)
(95,900 posts)Vinca
(51,720 posts)DonaldsRump
(7,715 posts)
Cirque du So-What
(27,870 posts)is that they managed to keep it on the down-low all the way to the shit show. Nobody suspected a thing.
(45,652 posts)then they've fallen for their own bullshit.
(9,426 posts)something, but were afraid of tRump's explosive temper when he found out. Poor baby has to be protected from reality. Maybe that is why Ivanka, Jared and Mrs. tRomp were not there?
(9,238 posts)Either they were very good or the Trump campaign is very stupid... or both!
(7,752 posts)I guess there was no cap to them, so maybe not.
(108,317 posts)Maybe some could register "throw-away" cell phones, but surely not all?
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,342 posts)on how to use Google phone to generate fake numbers. Saw that at a NYT article.
(3,747 posts)mtngirl47
(1,140 posts)I figure they got my info from NC voter registrations and are trying for everyone...even a registered Democrat who has voted Democratic in every election.
(18,434 posts)Lulu KC
(7,325 posts)After I skim the thread, next stop is Google for WTHeck is KPop?
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,342 posts)Super Trolls
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)It makes Trump look foolish, but I don't know how many might have stayed home because of the inflated ticket numbers.
(17,554 posts)Even for the racists in the Tulsa area that was a little over the top. They knew how racist Trump is and they did not want to be part of that cross burning.
George II
(67,782 posts)....that the event was going to be a huge success.
In reality, there were only going to be 6,200 there anyway.
On the other hand, it pissed away a LOT of money from the trump campaign in building the overflow area stage, the outdoor television screens, and the other things needed to handle 40,000-60,000 people rather than a mere 6,200.
And the embarrassment factor couldn't have been bought for $5 billion!!
(9,238 posts)
(4,288 posts)Assuming the Trump campaign pays its bills -- not a sound assumption, by any means -- their overflowing coffers just helped boost the local economy. The stage may not have been needed, but someone was paid to put it up and then take it down.
(1,706 posts)he will stiff them and deny it happened
what stage?
(8,422 posts)honest.abe
(9,238 posts)
(291 posts)Anything and everything that directly attacks chump's delicate ego, I'm all in, but I had NO idea the power of K-pop. I'm learning more and more about them lately. As a technology challenged, gen-Xer all that algorithms, Google Voice and internet phone services stuff is a foreign language to me.
These young people are brilliant and have my utmost respect and will make sure not to end up on their bad side!!
(1,262 posts)Its great. Probably could do a tiny "K-Pop for Novices". Lol. And I'm still no expert. But have been enamored for some time.
(4,401 posts)Seems most times I've tried mischief like that. An email was required,
and the system would look for that address?...
(9,238 posts)to the registration system. I supposed this flaw will be corrected in future registration systems.
(46,561 posts)Just not enough passion for trump to leave the sofa. What's left of the magats, that is.
K-Pops story is amusing but it didn't keep magats away... trump did that all on his own.
(9,238 posts)They were pranked by a hoard of kids. This will dig Trump more than anything.
(38 posts)...but for all the claims of one million people going to show up, that number turned out to be less than one percent of that figure. That imaginary figure was with little doubt pushed up by these actions, even if the one million total was inflated by Drumpf's own campaign team. Egos no doubt got bruised after last night.
As a popular supermarket chain in the UK uses as their slogan, "Every little helps".
(38 posts)That write up suggests that tactics that would come right out of the /pol/ book of tricks were essentially used by these K-pop fans and their associates. If even a good bit of this was true, this would arguably be a big single piece of trolling that not even the sh*tlords have come close to achieving in terms of campaign disruption. While it didn't mean that more than 6500 or so were going to show up anyway, the inflated numbers meant that money was wasted by the Trump campaign team on the expectation of hundreds of thousands turning up - or someone in their team was too scared to tell the Drumpfenfuher what was really happening!
The alt-right and those that deny they're alt-right have just had a warning shot fired at them - screw around like you did in 2016 and we'll screw you back harder.
Fair play to them.
(692 posts)Dick Tuck (yes, that's his real name) was a legendary political consultant that was famous for pranking another Dick (Nixon).
(5,001 posts)Those tickets are worthless and only used to gather data, there are an infinite amount of tickets.
It did, however, get their hopes up (1 million people, lol) and completely deflate their momentum.
(6,699 posts)May have had an affect, but I'm guessing nat as much as his old schtick is wearing out, and the virus scared the more intelligent idiots away.
(9,238 posts)It was about pranking the Trump campaign into thinking there were a million people coming.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Because apparently Parscale didnt limit the Total number of tickets Available, since hundreds of thousands of tickets were reserved. If they had limited the number of tickets to the venues capacity, and only 6000 couldnt get in because K-Pop fans reserved the rest, THEN we could give them credit for suppressing the turnout numbers. This would mean thousands of MAGAs who WANTED to see Trump, couldnt.
But this is not the case.
But since There apparently were essentially unlimited number of tickets available, we can only give the K-Pop fans credit for creating unreal expectations for attendance figures in the Trump campaign, who burned when they discovered only 6000 Trump voters were willing to risk their lives to see Trump.
So kudos to the K-Pop fans for pranking Trump, but the real story here is That Trumps support is so soft he couldnt fill an arena In a deep red state- thousands of his supporters stayed home, even though they could have attended the rally if they wanted to, because there was no limit on ticket reservations.
I think this shows us that most folks have enough sense to heed public health warnings about large indoor gatherings...
(9,238 posts)it was about inflating the numbers and making the Trump campaign look like fools.
We need to do more of this kind of stuff. It works!
(95,900 posts)trashing their data collection. That is more important than anything else related to the rally.
(9,238 posts)Their data is full of bogus information.
(35,357 posts)sobenji
(319 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)ForgoTheConsequence
(5,001 posts)That's how these "tickets" work.
(36,829 posts)When the Chump campaign bragged about how many people requested tickets (available FREE online) I knew a prank was in the offing.
It's hard to believe those fools made it so easy for people to prank them.
Let's not forget that the RWNJs did this several times to Hillary's campaign in 2016.
connecticut yankee
(1,730 posts)I love to see a plan come together!
(54,446 posts)denem
(11,045 posts)leighbythesea2
(1,262 posts)On my timeline was everything.
"Honestly jealous of the person who gets to explain to Donald Trump what a Kpop stan is".
(2,168 posts)Hooray for the cyber-savvy young folks! Nice to see you doing something good for our country!
(74,459 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)Imagining huge packed crowds, and like all cowards, for all their bravado, they secretly feared for their lives that they'd get the "Democratic hoax virus".
(12,256 posts)if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.
(4,078 posts)The RatF@&kers on the right along with their Russian and other allies will step up their game in many ways and the net effect will be bad for Democracy.
I am curious to see if Trump and the campaign will admit they got played big time and that may have been a significant reason or the reason so many people did not show up.
(5,001 posts)They didn't sabotage anything. "Tickets" are a way of getting voter information and a rough estimate of how many people to expect. It made Trump look like a fool.
(54,998 posts)The tickets were free, limitless and anyone could come. The MAGAts stayed away all on their own.
(33,643 posts)And claim that this prank was why so few people were there.
He won't be able to resist the allure of a face-saving storyline that has the added benefit (in his mind) of being an absolute lie. Esp. one he can blame on foreigners.
He knows his knuckle-dragging f***stain followers will lap his bullshit up like nectar.
By Tuesday the wingnutosphere will be ablaze with headlines like "Soros-Linked Korean Cyber-Terrorists Ruin Trump Rally" and "'We Hate America!' say K-Poppers"
(9,818 posts)And the Trump campaign is therefore screwed! Hopefully these crafty and savvy Millennials will actually show up to vote this time around. They're most certainly not all a bunch of high-schoolers short of voting age.