Michigan Plans to Charge Ex-Gov. Snyder in Flint Water Probe
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: Associated Press
FLINT, Mich. (AP) Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, his health director and other ex-officials have been told theyre being charged after a new investigation of the Flint water scandal, which devastated the majority Black city with lead-contaminated water and was blamed for a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires disease, The Associated Press has learned.
Two people with knowledge of the planned prosecution told the AP on Tuesday that the attorney generals office has informed defense lawyers about indictments in Flint and told them to expect initial court appearances soon. They spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
The AP could not determine the nature of the charges against Snyder, former health department director Nick Lyon and others who were in his administration, including Rich Baird, a friend who was the governors key troubleshooter while in office.
Courtney Covington Watkins, a spokeswoman for the attorney generals office, said only that investigators were working diligently and will share more as soon as were in a position to do so.
Read more: https://apnews.com/article/flint-lead-water-crisis-gov-rick-snyder-801ba227340f0ac2e10e37a06a82f08d
My only question is, What in the hell took so damned long?!?!
Its been 7 years now, and Flint still doesnt have clean tap water, AFAIK. Snyder should be forced to drink that tap water...
(16,331 posts)I'm sure Ricky has plenty of money to hire the best lawyers. He's going to need them.
(6,086 posts)Omaha Steve
(103,862 posts)Dupe of https://www.democraticunderground.com/10142668637
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