46/46% tie between Biden & Trump is not about age. Democrats better wake up to the real cause.
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: Daily Kos
The polls indicate a tie between Biden and Trump at 46%. Many Democrats attribute Bidens perceived performance issues to his age. However, that is a misguided perspective. Bidens age is not the primary concern.
Democratic advisors and consultants are disconnected from grassroots realities. They often stay in their ivory towers and fail to engage with various communities, particularly Republican strongholds, thereby missing out on understanding the true concerns and narratives being spread on the ground.
The MAGA base of the Republican party is highly active in engaging with people via the internet, alternative media, churches, and other institutions. They effectively communicate their narratives, even if not always truthful, thus successfully reaching out and influencing perceptions.
Read more: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/8/2192238/-46-46-tie-between-Biden-Trump-is-not-about-age-Democrats-better-wake-up-to-the-real-cause
We are doing a good job overall, but this column provides excellent actionable feedback that would help destroy the traitorous Republican party.
It's an excellent piece.
(155,858 posts)This poll was designed by CNN to be misleading and the explanation advanced as to the methodology of this poll makes no sense if you understand math/statistics. CNN spun the poll to only talk about President Biden's negatives and ignore parts of the polling that are positive such as support from groups such as younger voters.
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I will be amused if the OP tries to explain the actual methodology of this polling but time will tell
Silent Type
(7,428 posts)edhopper
(35,078 posts)thankfully those 3 States that undid the election by a small handfull of votes are now in Dem hands.
Silent Type
(7,428 posts)RocRizzo55
(980 posts)They want a horse race. It will make them more money, by getting them more viewers.
(5,790 posts)Us baby boomers have had our time in the sun. The power is now in the hands of the younger generations, if only they will seize it. All they have to do is show up at the polls like they done recently, and they'll shape their future however they want.
I can see them giving Joe another term to fully stabilize the country on a good footing, and four years after, sweeping someone like Gavin Newsome into the White House to take them to the promised land.
(84,712 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)DavidDvorkin
(19,966 posts)"Everything's fine!"
Coming soon to DU near you.
(3,051 posts)win in a landslide.
(13,538 posts)Blues Heron
(6,241 posts)major major wake up call.
(45,604 posts)The guy who was beating Obama in polling over a year before the election.
Nobody is thinking about the presidential election that is 14 months away other than junkies like us.
(155,858 posts)The Biden campaign will be glad to compare the physical condition of President Biden to TFG
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(24,097 posts)This could be its own OP!!!
(10,297 posts)and one does not.
(2,640 posts)MAGAts have been and will be destroying democracy, going to prison, profiting from fraud and corruption, but...
FUCK the "Daily Kos."
Oopsie Daisy
(4,576 posts)The Mouth
(3,310 posts)Yes, it's not President Biden's *fault*
Yes- it's getting a bit better
But nope- the poor and the middle class have been hurt *WAY* too badly the last three years. No one hears, cares or votes about it being TFG's fault; if you have the office, you own everything good or bad is on you. period. And inflation has hurt more people, and worse, than anything ANYTHING that has happened to this country in the last 50 years.
The economy is more important than every single other issue combined to not only myself, but all the other working class folks I know.
We need cheap gasoline and diesel, cheap natural gas and electricity, food prices to come down by 10-20 percent and stay down- by any means necessary.
It's the economy.
(13,538 posts)And I wonder when you'll be slammed for it. You're right; a lot of voters are simply going to vote their pockets & if we've got $5-6 gas nationally its going to be a very tough fight. And like it or not age IS a factor for some people. And thats as far as I dare go with that.
(45,604 posts)It isn't time to panic over polls this far out. As I have pointed out, Romney was beating Obama this far out in the cycle.
We need to get the word out about what Dems are doing, not panic.
The Mouth
(3,310 posts)But if we want to win in 2024 numbers one, two, three, and four are keeping prices down, food affordable, gas cheap enough that even the poorest schmuck with a car can fill the tank on an hour or two's minimum wage work, and getting rid of stupid laws that make food expensive.
Those that are trying to completely get rid of the internal combustion engine, strangling natural gas appliances, passing laws that raise the cost of pork and chicken, and doing anything else, for any reason, that raise the costs for anyone in the middle or lower classes are hurting us as much as the billionaires.
Cheap gas, cheap natural gas, cheap electricity, cheap food- everything else can come later. To be honest, I really don't give a good godamn about corporate profits if we can get gas and diesel back to $1-2 a gallon and natural gas and electricity to the prices they were 5-10 years ago. I hate the rich getting richer, but Gas at over three dollars a gallon just to appease people with agendas other than that of the working class is every bit as bad as a Musk or Bezos sucking down another half trillion going into space.
Sure there are other issues, but I grew up, and am middle class; we HAVE to drive trucks because we roof and plumb and we drive hundreds, even thousands of miles a week. We can't afford fancy new electric stoves and electricity has doubled in price in the last few years. Yeah, we'd like national healthcare and a cleaner environment and racial justice, but none of that is more important than a paycheck that goes as far as it did 10, 20, 50 years ago, period.
We need to be the party of the working man and woman, first and foremost; if it's not good for the working schmuck, it's not good, period. If someone doesn't work up a sweat, risk injury and get dirty at work I'm sure their opinion is just as valid as mine, but I'm fucking tired of not having the voices and concerns of MY class listened to and prioritized.
Steven Maurer
(496 posts)The vast majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents don't give a damn about inflation when a Republican is in power. Remember gas prices being $5.00 a gallon under "W" in 2006? FOX was running "Why low gas prices are a bad thing" bits on their news network then.
No, this all has to do with bigotry. White privilege, and women kept subjugated - easily pressured into sex they don't really want. That latter is what the Republican appeal to even some minorities.
And while Joe is neither black nor a woman, he's got a black woman VP, and clearly is trying to redress historical imbalances.
That's what's really going on.
(842 posts)for crying out loud, most of the population doesn't have a month's worth of money to pay an unexpected bill, and you say it's bigotry?!?
(38,913 posts)BlueIn_W_Pa
(842 posts)Answer a simple question....
EVERYTHING is more expensive to the average American. Who cares if inflation is down this year when over Biden's admin, everything is still 20% more expensive?
And despite all Biden's successes, we are STILL TIED with an insurrectionist?!?!
Something is fundamentally wrong
(53,527 posts)emulatorloo
(45,604 posts)Normal voters are not thinking seriously about any of this.
If you doubt this, Just ask President Romney.
(13,538 posts)GA, WI, PA, AZ, MI, NV
The battleground states that win or lose elections. For the 100th time, the electoral college totals are the ONLY totals that matter
Wild blueberry
(7,286 posts)Ben Wikler is doing great work, as is the whole team.
Our rural county Dems are on the ground, talking directly with voters, putting up billboards (like "Vote for Democrats,
Because Democrats Vote for You" , taking out radio ads, local paper letters to editor, and more. Little by little we are turning the tide.
Thank you.
(280 posts)Yes we can reach out differently and better than we have so far but I think that far to many Americans just dont give a damn about democracy and preserving the institutions that protect it.. All they care about are the symbols..
Its a sad fact that even 10 % would vote for a man like Trump..
Luckily not all are like this.. but there is a rotten core to America..bitter , angry, fearful, uncaring about truth and totally resistant to it .
They see threats everywhere and willing to follow a lying demagogue who promises everything ...if only we will trust him with total power...
We have seen this scenario before in other countries in other times..
I am so disgusted with about 40% of the people of this country!!
(84,712 posts)First, it's awfully early in the game. We're more than a year out.
Second, a lot can happen between now and then.
Third, I suspect Democrats will get louder and more forceful as we get closer. It certainly could start early, but whenever it does, repetition must NEVER be forgotten OR ruled out. You don't just hit a nail all the way in with one hammer strike. It takes repetitive strikes, over and over til it's in. Repeat. BECAUSE it's necessary.
(36,066 posts)It's a fake poll that was paid for by Chump.
(38,913 posts)They know if they point out ANY imperfection in a Democratic administration and yell it long enough, they will PERCEPTION MANAGE the electorate that their LIE is real!
(842 posts)..and the rest is history
(5,790 posts)By election day, it most likely will be President Biden vs Convicted Felon Trump.
Polls this far out are bogus and meaningless.
Fiendish Thingy
(18,882 posts)Faulty logic: using the faulty premise above, the author presumes the reason Trump and Biden are supposedly tied (and will be tied in November 2024) is because the Democratic establishment doesnt listen to voters in Republican strongholds, where Biden is unlikely to win in 2024.
Logical logic: rather than waste resources on trying to persuade a small number of economically anxious white boomers who hang out in swing state diners to abandon Trump and vote for Biden, instead Dems should focus on the largest untapped pool of reliable, predictable Democratic voters in the country: voters between 18-29. Young voters voters choose Dem candidates more than twice as often as they choose republican ones, something like 67% to 30%, IIRC. Their turnout numbers continue to increase, and without their votes in 2020, Biden would not have won his razor thin victories in GA, AZ, and WI.
It is my understand the DNC and the Biden campaign are launching a voter registration effort this month targeting young voters in certain critical regions.
Lets hope that kind of logical logic prevails.
Martin Eden
(13,596 posts)Always room to improve messaging, but invest resources where they're more likely to flip swing states.
(7 posts)This article says:
"Even with control over the House, Senate, and The Presidency"
I had to look at when this article was written.
So what is he talking about?
I do believe the Dems are ardently reaching out to their base and other voting blocks.
I don't know why Biden is unpopular, but this article is inaccurate.
May be a general malaise of the people or wearyness of politics.
Biden has fought for the poor, the lower middle class, and the students.
I think the only way he can lose is a viable third-party candidate, like Gore lost in 2000.
(30,979 posts)Biden's got this!
(4,502 posts)This poll... like so many others... are weighted to obtain the result the pollsters want. What we (Democrats and the DNC) need to realize is that the polls are always going to be against us because they're bought and paid for by our enemies, the oligarchy. Mergers and buy outs have consolidated our "news" channels to a very few oligarchs, and they pay for the polls. These things are worse than useless. They not only don't tell the truth, they tell "managed truth" which is much more demoralizing to those that care.
Also, IMNSHO, while pocketbook issues are always going to be important, you can see how worried R's are about the "abortion issue" when they're trying desperately to come up with another phrase to describe themselves besides "pro life." They want to come up with a whole new phrase for themselves, pawn it off on everyone, and lie their way into power. Democrats would be incredibly behind the times if they don't push women's rights... and name abortion as what it is. People are tired of catch phrases that can be heard in any multiple ways. They want blunt truth. "Pro-Choice" is a good descriptor. It doesn't say we're FOR abortion. It says we're for leaving it up to the woman, her doctor, and her family to make the decisions necessary for herself.
It'd also be good to zero in on the other ways R's are taking away women's civil rights... like trying to keep us from travelling out of state, etc. These are short jaunts to what they really want for us -- sequestered in the home and not engaged with society and economics at all. I've already lived through that in the 60's and 70's. I don't want to see my young grandniece have to live it in her near future. I want my daughter to have better retirement opportunities than I've had.
We who marched and fought for women's rights are in our old age now, but we're not willing to sit back and let it all fall away. It's not only hurting the younger women now; it's hurting us in our old age, as well. We may not have to worry about pregnancies any longer, but we DO have to worry about less retirement income because our earnings potential was always tamped down throughout our working life. More than that, we're pissed that all our efforts are being rolled back in the name of white patriarchy. Those of us who still have the physical wherewithal to walk, march, protest, are out there doing it again. The rest of us are spreading the word and voting like hell. It'd be stupid of Democrats not to take advantage of this sea change in attitudes towards what we've always been told was a "divisive issue." Look what we've discovered -- it's NOT divisive! The majority WANTS abortion to be kept free, fair, and legal; and they majority still agrees with fairness on the other "life" issues, as well... racism, homophobia, as well as misogyny.
Democratic candidates have a wide range of positive issues on which to build their campaigns. They also have a good foundation of economics to build on based on what Biden's accomplished despite the traitors in the "freedom caucus" trying to tear it all down at the same time.
And, if we want to campaign on comparatives -- the R's have given us a once in a generation chance to do it without having to go exceptionally dirty. The majority of Americans do not want what the R's are selling. We just have to point it out and do comparatives!
Magats, while they are many are not enough to outnumber the rest of democracy loving Americans. All we have to accomplish is getting everyone out to vote, and making sure each vote counts. The only way the R's win is if they cheat. And they WILL try to cheat, both "legally" and illegally. Herein lies our biggest problem -- keeping our elections free for all to engage with.
(8,043 posts)Im not buying it.
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