Trump Campaign Attempts Damage Control Over Fiasco At Black Journalists' Conference
Source: Huff Post
Jul 31, 2024, 06:28 PM EDT
Donald Trumps presidential campaign may not be happy with the former presidents appearance at a convention of Black journalists on Wednesday, based on how its spinning the event.
During the interview, which was scheduled to last an hour but was cut off early by Trump staffers, the former president drew gasps when he accused Vice President Kamala Harris, his likely Democratic rival for the White House, of hiding her Black identity and when he attacked a female reporter for being rude after she asked him why Black voters should trust him, among other low points.
Not surprisingly, trainwreck became a trending term on social media after the appearance. Since the Trump camp never likes to admit any mistake ever, its no surprise that it issued a statement after the NABJ disaster declaring victory over what it called Liberal Mainstream Media Malpractice.
The statement, credited to senior adviser Lynne Patton, said that members of the media need to make a decision, and answer if their goal is to unite the Country or further divide us. Although the journalists on stage asked tough questions about Trumps actual record, Patton accused them of unhinged and unprofessional commentary directed toward President Trump and claimed that many media elites clearly want to see us remain divided.
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(3,043 posts)and unlike the dems they already officially nominated the moron so i dont think they can dump him as easily. i think in some states the only way they can is if he dies or becomes incapacitated
Justice matters.
(7,821 posts)He is way too afraid of ending up in the slammer for his crimes and he is only in it for himself to again profit from the presidency (and keep golfing every day or two).
(65 posts)MyOwnPeace
(17,287 posts)He's ALREADY incapacitated!!!!
The question now is - what to do about it?
(11,976 posts)They could pick a new candidate at their convention
(11,099 posts)planned the incident hoping that it would take out of contention for the ticket.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)avebury
(11,099 posts)are the most rational people. If not to take him out it could have also been to try to make it look like the Democrats/Liberals tried to take him out.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)Codifer
(869 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)Codifer
(869 posts)But I am role playing the evil mind set of those who are hopelessly addicted to power. They are the epitomy of "chasing the dragon" as heroin addicts phrase it. If I were such an addict (and ex head of the CIA.... if being an ex is even possible) then I would try to convince a family acquaintance to "take one for the team". I could guarantee him that I have the legal system in my pocket and that he would do a bit of time at a club fed and would be taken care of. I would figure that if the plot failed, and it did, there would be a swelling of popular support (see recent events) and if it succeeded the sympathy and popular support would be outstanding (see LBJ).
As things stand now, the evil side is using putin"s playbook. NOTHING is off the table.
If I were putin I would have one of my operatives offer the same deal to some whacked 20 year old who fits the crazy loner gunman profile. Tell him that removing tsf is critical to the success of the movement. Tsf is, at best, a useful idiot. He has no role in putin's end game. I would want him to know that he will sit by my side after his historic deed. Then, regardless of the attempt's outcome, I would have him whacked. That must be done, dead men telling tales and all that. It would be simpler, in a way, to eliminate the (increasingly useless) useful idiot but a clean assassination without a culprit to blame would not serve my needs and would leave begging the causality. A culprit who fit the "loner, nut, incel misfit" would help to insure the increased popularity and favor of the right and, most importantly, be totally believable (hell, these types kill children and the population is used to it.... end of story). Either way I would have a martyred useful idiot/hero.
putin is playing for domination of the entire world. That is pretty big stakes.
Put NOTHING past him.
Edit to add: "Brass Cannon"
Edit to correct punctuation
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)birdographer
(2,664 posts)of his useful idiot now? Not all that useful?
(3,043 posts)Senate Minority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, who is running for GOP leader of the chamber, told CNN: I just heard about it and again, the campaign, the election needs to be about the differences on the issues.
Montana Sen. Steve Daines, who chairs the Senate Republicans campaign arm, agreed that policy should be the focus: Theres so much to talk about Kamala, regarding her far-left policies. Theres never been a more liberal, far-left nominee for president of the United States in our nations history.
Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the chambers No. 3 Republican, said Harris was the most liberal member of the United States Senate, adding, Im focused on her policies.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who was at one point in contention to be Trumps running mate, argued that Harris just wasnt qualified to be vice president when Biden chose her but said he wouldnt go so far as to say she was a DEI hire.
North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis said Republicans should steer clear of racial comments if they want to win in November: I think were well served to focus on what Ive been telling you guys for three months: failure on the economy, failure at the border, federal, national security. We focus on that, we win.
South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds agreed with Tillis: I think we win if we focus on policy, and I think thats the message weve got to continue to have.
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley also pivoted to Harris record, noting that he hadnt seen Trumps comments himself: I only know what youve told me, so Ill leave that to him. But listen, I just think that there is, there are a lot of problems with the vice president and her record. And I suspect were going to hear all of them in the next few months so that people will be able to make up their own minds.
Texas Sen. John Cornyn, another contender for GOP leader, refused to engage on Trumps comments. Im not going to comment on all the back-and-forth, he told CNN, adding that he wouldnt tell Trump what he should or shouldnt say: I dont think he needs my advice.
Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville mirrored Cornyns response. I aint getting involved in that, he told reporters.
North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer dismissed Trumps remarks as satire but also said it was not wise politically to raise the issue.
(338 posts)but Trump never talks about. That is why the RNC came up with the 2025 project and he still won't talk policy.
Trump can only insult the voters, press and Kamala. Bonkers, crazy.
(27,333 posts)avebury
(11,099 posts)out for the Republicans.
(69,032 posts)negatively to it now the way they did twenty years ago.
Hate to break it to you shit-scribbles, but the youth vote, which you need to win, either embraces the term liberal, or it least is not put off by it.
Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)corporate center. Progressive is a positive term to them.
Also, the Reagan-loving Silent Gen (yes, not all of them, blah blah), which was (again, in general) susceptible to anti-liberal bullshit and propaganda, is not much of a force in voting anymore. Boomers and Gen X are more of a mixed bag.
(15,160 posts)policies.
In talks with my son's Millennial friends at his wedding recently, they want gun control, legalized abortion, legalized cannabis and aggressive measures on climate control. They want affordable college, healthcare and childcare.
And affordable housing, let's not forget that.
Harris is more than just gaining traction with this giant Millennial and GenZ group of younger voters. They are organizing, registering and they will vote this time. If that happens we will smash the Republicans.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)Aviation Pro
(13,838 posts)I'm not that old, but I remember Gene. These fuckers must have been high at the time.
Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the chambers No. 3 Republican, said Harris was the most liberal member of the United States Senate, adding, Im focused on her policies.
WA-03 Democrat
(3,278 posts)Wake up and meet President Joe Biden! Keep up Daines!
(85,140 posts)just sounds like more reasons to vote FOR Harris, at least to me!
(197 posts)Isn't that funny! Problem is donOLD can't discuss policy (he's completely unaware of any policy positions he has or is supposed to have) and can only launch into his usual tirades and rants about the delusions that dance in that empty cranium.
(835 posts)how exactly trump was qualified to run for president?
(19,382 posts)And he is unqualified to this day, entirely.
(3,766 posts)Ask him about what he has said or done? Maybe ask him about mar a lago or his golf courses. As long as you dont ask him if he may have to sell any off to pay his fraud case.
(10,120 posts)Nor an apology of any kind.
This was a complete shit show by an overt racist and his campaign is incompetent and they are all complicit in his racism and bigotry and xenophobia.
Clouds Passing
(3,522 posts)Mysterian
(5,286 posts)Poor wittle crybabies!!!
(1,229 posts)ya know, all the 40%'ers who were already voting for him. NO moderates or indies were motivated to vote for the Orange Ahole after his meltdown today, quite the contrary. Onward and upward for Kamala and her campaign. Circling the drain for DonOLD.
(24,730 posts)going to be ever able to hide this. tRUMP is a walking disaster, and anyone that doesn't admit that after seeing this clip/interview is fooling themselves. Everyone that agrees that he's an ongoing disaster happening in real life as we speak is already well aware of his disturbing and psychotic personality.
(17,287 posts)THOSE that don't recognize or admit it!
(24,730 posts)he's just being tRUMP'. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing this refrain.
F**king cowards won't call him out, won't nail him to the wall for acts that in anybody else's world, would get them in trouble or hot water.
This is when those very same enablers should instead be nailed to the wall, and I think a lot of them have been, been sent to jail, chastised, dropped by the media because of their foul mouth, and yet nothing really happens to the orange moron.
(36,631 posts)Blue Owl
(55,210 posts)This was it.
(188,453 posts)SleeplessinSoCal
(9,854 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)I don't think he has resigned his Senate seat he keeps warm. Confident, hunh? So I think he could throw objections and so forth on Jan 6, 2025.
(9,854 posts)In this election Harris is president.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,387 posts)1. Vance stated he would have blocked on Jan 6, 2020 if he had been VP then. He said this to appeal to the noticeable percentage of magas who do not like Vance for multiple reasons. He said it despite that there is only a ceremonial role for the VP in the presentation of Electoral College results.
2. He also said it to prevent any of them from burning down his house in a fit of rage.
3. He would try to raise objections in 2025 as Cruz and Hawley tried to do in 2021.
(48,487 posts)and bags under his eyes, leaning forward. He's really losing it, orange cheeto Jesus.
(7,501 posts)
(17,287 posts)especially following the ones regarding the interview with the 'Black Journalists' - I'm thinking yours it the BEST response of the day - bar none!
(7,501 posts)
(9,794 posts)...they got two of the worst grifters like nobody has ever seen before. That's what people are saying.
(3,048 posts)He is feeding MAGA.
(38,890 posts)I think this will actually increase support for Kamala.
(3,048 posts)maxsolomon
(35,730 posts)You're correct, however. With *, any publicity is good publicity.
It's easy to do damage control on this appearance: just double down. Shamelessness is *'s brand.
(11,556 posts)One thing you cant hide is when youre crippled inside.
Trump is a failed human being.
(17,287 posts)The volumes of journal articles and books that will follow him in history - he should hope to have some claim to the 'cut' in sales!
This chapter in American history is gonna' be 'YUGE!!!!!!'
(85,140 posts)That line belongs on the donald's tombstone someday.
(89,392 posts)🅝🅐🅣🅗🅐🅝 SATX
I think Charlottesville and Access Hollywood just had a baby.

Thanks for the OP, BRDS. What I read in your OP is exactly what I saw during that interview. However it is very different from Joy Reed's opinion. She thinks he, TSF, owned them. She couldn't be more wrong and now his campaign is on red alert and doing damage control.
(3,468 posts)Today as I watched this garbage interview I noticed the clear photos of his ear. Its remarkable that the damage healed completely! What a miracle!
(24,906 posts)I'm wondering what they thought would happen. Trump's backers are all delusional. He is a demented, incoherent, piece of shit.
(3,043 posts)I mean literally the second the words 2025 were said the stated that trumps people were ending the q&a
(24,906 posts)PSPS
(14,290 posts)EllieBC
(3,417 posts)nominated him. How? How dumb are they? Hes completely lost it. Can they not see this?!
(85,140 posts)You know that old saying about denial being more than just a river in Egypt? There's what you might call a companion saying: that "ignorance is bliss". They both fit perfectly in describing every trumper.
diane in sf
(4,119 posts)email, etc.
(1,344 posts)You need to ask your flaming asshole candidate if his goal is to unite the country or divide us, you condescending tool.
The answer is clear. Every time he opens his upper sphincter he reveals his intent. He hates anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of Magats. Vance is just as divisive. It's as if everyone in the republican party is in competition to be the most vile, outrageous, hate-filled prick. It would be hard to pick a winner on most days.
(1,277 posts)It's not my place to criticize Harris if she says she's black. Or anyone else to list their heritage. I'm so mixed, it's crazy, but I look white, I was raised in the typical American white culture, and I won't lay claims to something I'm not. Not ashamed of any part of it, white, black (according to my sister's DNA test!), Native American or anything else that's in there.
I'm an American of mixed cultural heritage. Just like Kamala Harris, just like Trump, just like anyone here. And in the end, from the very beginning, we all come from Africa. Some of us will show Neanderthal DNA, or Denisovan, or some or part of several other human species through the many years since we split from apes.
So what? Modern man comes in many flavors. We should celebrate how far we've come, how far we could still go. Be different, but work for all.
Oh, and I passed "liberal" about forty years back, and even "progressive" is starting to seem too restrictive these days.
(38,712 posts)His usefulness to them is not over. Invoke Project 25, cancel the Constitution, cancel elections, and he's gone.
(12,612 posts)Ladythatvotesblue
(230 posts)will happen when he is in JAIL for his crimes.
(27,333 posts)tonekat
(2,110 posts)How stupid is the GOP, did they think he was going to deliver some eloquent and reasoned essay?