Rudy Giuliani's daughter says she 'lost her dad' to Trump and begs people to vote for Harris
Source: The Independent
2 hours ago
Rudy Giulianis daughter issued a stark warning about a second Trump presidency, using her fathers implosion as an example of what happens when someone is caught up in the former presidents destructive trail.
Giuliani has gone from a revered prosecutor and New York mayor that led the city through the devastation of the 9/11 attacks to a bankrupt and disbarred attorney since becoming one of Trumps staunchest allies.
This fall from grace exemplifies how Donald Trump destroys everything he touches, according to Caroline Giuliani.
Watching my dads life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America, the 35-year-old wrote inVanity Fair Monday.
Read more:
Link to Vanity Fair ARTICLE - Rudy Giulianis Daughter: Trump Took My Dad From Me. Please Dont Let Him Take Our Country Too

Dave Bowman
(4,490 posts)He never was a good person to start with.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,308 posts)A man desperately trying to cling to relevance....and Trump was his lifeline. LOL
OAITW r.2.0
(29,308 posts)mwb970
(11,737 posts)Last edited Mon Sep 30, 2024, 08:50 PM - Edit history (1)
It's sad to see what the despicable monster has done to American families.
Evolve Dammit
(19,821 posts)Wednesdays
(20,328 posts)This sounds like the tale of a man lost to addiction -- such as alcohol or drugs or gambling. That's what happens when someone is totally sucked into the MAGAt cult. ETTD.
Ghouliani is far from the only one, I'm sure. Just ask the throngs of J6'ers sitting in prison now.
(Ghouliani is no stranger to alcohol, either.)
(1,029 posts)It's Hunter Biden!
What a load of crap.
(11,144 posts)niyad
(122,015 posts)of the dangers of the orange TRAITOR**, Caroline, your father has been scum for at least as long as I have known anything about him, starting with his treatment of his second wife, and his sleazy relationship with bernie kerik.
(146,886 posts)for the most part.
(and yeah, having his "mistress" (eventually 3rd wife) living in Gracie Mansion while he was still married, was pretty vile, but then that 3rd one just about cleaned him out when they started going through an extended and very public divorce right when 45 was taking office)
And Kerik is loose and running amok (and needs to be back in the slammer where he belongs).
(8,827 posts)Get Maury on speed dial!!!!
(122,015 posts)BumRushDaShow
(146,886 posts)he is the benefactor/manager of all the assets that Ghoul was hiding and moving around to keep from paying Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss.
(3,297 posts)Said this of his then boss:
The most dangerous place in New York is between Rudy and a microphone.
Comey said he was warned to stay out of the spotlight, and that it always needed to be on Ghouliani. I can believe it.
(13,265 posts)from another Federal Agency. Ive written about this here several times. He would stand in the vestibule to his office suite, in front of the Great Seal of the United States posing and preening in front of mics and cameras. Always. He was rooted there. It was difficult to squeeze by the scrum that was always there to get into the office. I took an extreme dislike to him.
(146,886 posts)GB_RN
(3,297 posts)Am I not surprised?
(4,019 posts)So sorry she has such a repulsive father. Ugh
Here's the pic Google decided to use on his search page.
(17,965 posts)wolfie001
(4,019 posts)
(4,019 posts)Some people around here are so clueless
(19,319 posts)You deserve more. That picture is really..... special!
(4,019 posts)Squeaky wheel and all! Cheers
(54,532 posts)duhneece
(4,301 posts)Shes a retired RN but lives in Shreveport, where Mike Johnson lives.
(17,965 posts)for a traitor
(8,116 posts)
Old Crank
(5,210 posts)From his racist campaigns, to his philandering, to his hires.
Just a good PR machine.
(50,031 posts)is a RW radio talk show host. And hes an ass.
(23,142 posts)WEIRD CREEPO!!
Pacifist Patriot
(24,916 posts)and backside.
(47,455 posts)
(36,582 posts)Initech
(103,434 posts)It's rotted and warped as many, if not more minds than any amount of crack, coke, heroin, fentanyl, and LSD put together ever would or could do. Look what it did to Rudy Giuliani and Kimberly Guilfoyle for starters. Then look at what it did to Elon Musk. As the late, great George Carlin would say - "Turn that shit off, it's bad for ya!".
(19,319 posts)It's got to be hard watching someone you love destroy his entire life and legacy the way Rudy has, especially in such a horrendously public way, 😔
Evolve Dammit
(19,821 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Limbaugh hit the national airwaves. It's ironic that the party that climbed up on the cross while claiming sole ownership of family values has been so efficient at breaking up families.
I sympathize with Ms. Giuliani. I have 2 cousins, both male, who went down that rabbit hole. Once they donned that cloak of political and moral superiority, they had no more use for any of their siblings and after a while, the feeling was mutual.
That toxic orange blob has a lot to answer for, but the rot had set in before he got there.
(157,756 posts)Link to tweet

(23,119 posts)BumRushDaShow
(146,886 posts)when Ghouliani claimed he had "insurance" (i.e., something up his sleeve that would protect him).
In fact, I found the clip (from 5 years ago)!
(23,119 posts)If one of them exposed the other it would be mutually assured destruction of both of them