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(562 posts)Layzeebeaver
(1,909 posts)It's a rare bug - if it actually was that bug
Even fully qualified doctors could have missed it. It also may be that the media has totally missed the entire context.
Meanwhile... "Germ Theory" ???? Seriously??? What century are we in?
(1,276 posts)Two medical students from Germany were working at an African hospital and then returned to Germany. On their way home they developed some fever. Further examination showed that it was NOT Marburg but a common cold.
So, no Marburg outbreak in Germany.
Response to OldEurope (Reply #3)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(562 posts)hlthe2b
(108,142 posts)What to Know About the Marburg Virus Disease Outbreak
In Rwanda, 11 deaths have been reported from this rare but deadly disease. Two people tested negative in Germany this week.
Germany is rightly on alert because of travel patterns from Rwanda, but there are NO CONFIRMED CASES there from the earlier scare.
The disease has been found in multiple African countries over the last several decades but never before in Rwanda, in east-central Africa. It was first detected in the country in late September, and since then, 36 cases have been reported, according to the health ministry of Rwanda.
This week, the authorities in Germany closed part of Hamburgs central train station after a medical student and his companion reported feeling ill. The medical student had had contact with an infected patient while in Rwanda. Both people in Germany tested negative for Marburg, the authorities announced this week, emphasizing that there was no risk to the public.
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