Trump Says He'd Change Name of Fort Liberty Back to Fort Bragg if Elected
Source: Stars and Stripes
Former President Donald Trump said he would change the name of Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg if hes elected. Trump made the remarks on Friday night during a town hall in Fayetteville, NC, which is near the military installation.
I walked in the first question that I asked should we change the name from Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg? First question, he said as the crowd cheered. Right, so heres what we do we get elected, Im doing it. Im doing it.
The renaming of Fort Bragg was part of a controversial three-year process to strip the names of Confederate leaders who took up arms against the US in the Civil War from Army installations. It was part of an effort initiated by top Pentagon officials in 2020.
Congress mandated the Naming Commission in a 2021 annual Pentagon policy bill, giving it the task of identifying items in the Defense Department inventory associated with the Confederacy. Among the items that the commission studied were the names of nine Army installations honoring Confederate generals, including Fort Bragg.
Then-President Trump vetoed the bill, disapproving of the effort to remove Confederate names from the military. Congress overrode the veto, making the changes law. Fort Bragg was renamed Fort Liberty in 2023. Changing the name of Fort Liberty would require congressional approval.
Fort Liberty, NC is the home of the 82nd Airborne Division.
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Instead of providing his supporters with a plan or policy on how to deal with global climate change and the hurricanes and flooding that have damaged the Carolinas, the ex-President is concerned about re-naming a US Army base to honor a traitorous Confederate Army General.
You wonder if this brontosaurus knows the Civil War ended in 1865, the racist, slave-owning Confederacy lost, and that Americans have more pressing needs, like universal health care or flood re-insurance?

(59,146 posts)Bragg was treasonous confederate general who rebeled and fought in the Civil War against his own country.
trump of course staged an insurrection against his own country.
No federal installations should've ever been named for traitors. I took us more than a century to correct that.
(372 posts)COL Mustard
(7,254 posts)Of the Confederacy's worst generals, in addition to being a traitor. Go ahead, TFG, pick a battle worth fighting.
(8,868 posts)At least he didn't join the KKK (as far as we know).
This was from a time when there was a shameful rise in nostalgia for the Confederacy's lost cause. Trump is mistaken to think that nostalgia has popular support today (or maybe he doesn't care).
(15,870 posts)pwb
(12,236 posts)What a pathetic human being he is.
(11,236 posts)If he, by hook or crook, gets "installed" in the White House, he probably WILL be given the power to do what ever he wishes on his own.
That is what Tyrant Dictators do...........
(3,015 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,721 posts)to change the name back, at least if his forebears were in the South before 1860 and some of them in the Confederate Army. It doesnt mean I agree with them or that I agree that the mythos of The Lost Cause belongs anywhere else other than in a rubbish bin.
But this guy
Most of his ancestors arrived after 1865, most of them werent Southerners, and he never showed much interest in southern history.
Donnie was a civilian since graduating from military school. He never served in the US Armed forces and scorns the people who did.
To my knowledge, he never put any effort into preserving Southern landmarks. Hell, I dont think he ever put on a reenactors Confederate uniform. (OK, Im a 65+ white male sexist. I dont like Melania, but I think shed look good in a replica Southern belles dress)
Just say NO! to the fake reenactor of Palm Beach.
trump rejecting liberty and accepting bragg sounds more literal than ironic.
(701 posts)Can you imagine the hellscape he will create if elected. Not for me,an average,retired white baby boomer but women, minoritys, union workers, you name it.
(11,236 posts)THE GRAPES OF WRATH, since eighth grade. It amazed me that my "take" on it in the 8th grade was totally different than reading it at age 76, and with all the knowledge and information I have gained in those many decades.
Your Hellscape, should include all white people below the 1%ers.........Steinbeck's book talks about the day to day existence of the masses of U.S. citizens, that had been driven into poverty by the Uber Rich and Monopolistic Corporations, and living literally hand to mouth, trying to survive each day, during the Great Depression......If you think today's homeless camps are something to see, the camps during the depression, (called Hoovervilles) were made up of un-fathomable numbers of average citizens.......and truly "Hellscapes"......
The "Power's To Be" actually banned the book when it came out, for a short period of time.......small wonder.........
If it hadn't been for FDR, it would have stayed that way, and we would be just another Banana Republic, Third World country.
Ruled by the same class, that wants to obliterate every last thing FDR did, and take us back to their "Gilded Age" run by their "Robber Barrons"......Carnegie, Rockefeller, Mellon, etc etc
And sadly, by them slowly chipping away at it, these past 45+ years, they are a millimeter away of pulling it off, and plan on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING standing in their way, this time around, during this election........
(11,182 posts)Isn't that an accurate definition of DJ Trump?
(18,436 posts)agingdem
(8,541 posts)and so is Project 2025 and mass deportation and subjugating women and burning books and legitimizing hate for "the other" and white Christian dominance....
who says Republicans have no platform??
Jean Genie
(439 posts)Or maybe ... "Fort Trump"?
(7,708 posts)This comes on the heels of Trump charging black Haitian legal immigrants of killing and eating pet dogs and cats in Springfield, OH. It turns out that the woman that started the rumor because her cat went missing only to be found a couple of days later in her own basement. But Trump doubled down by saying the Haitians were now killing the geese in Springfield, OH. This time a white man was arrested for illegally hunting geese on a golf course. The key word in this paragraph is "black".
Trump keeps returning to racist issues to gin up his base and that is what is behind his more recent call to rename Fort Liberty back after the racist Confederated General Bragg. My Great Grandfather joined the Iowa National Guard on his 16th birthday - the first day he was eligible to enlist. This was after two of his older brothers had been killed by Confederate soldiers earlier in the war. He was later injured himself in the battle for Atlanta. I was stationed at then Fort Bragg in 1963. I had no idea that the fort was named after a treacherous Confederate General and I now find it insulting to be asked to serve at a place named after an enemy of America. Being stationed at Fort Liberty, on the hand, would be an honor. See the difference? There is now way we can go back.
(3,729 posts)Why do we keep paying attention to that buffoon? He needs to be ignored, that will drive him nuts, more nuts I mean.
(34,527 posts)45 says nothing but stupid, cruel, evil, and Un-American traitorous things.
When 45 behaves and speaks like a decent human being - THAT is what matters.
(34,527 posts)I never want to see 45 Litter news story, after post, after thread again.
I'm sick and tired of seeing this things name.
(18,436 posts)Initech
(104,038 posts)Like the day I don't have to hear it anymore, the better.
(32,560 posts)Why more people dont see through this blatantly dishonest pandering, I cant figure out.
Prairie Gates
(4,372 posts)LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,119 posts)Or more appropriately, the next blimp.
(24,151 posts)R Merm
(428 posts)KPN
(16,455 posts)and services that directly impact their lives in a tangible, meaningful and positive way. It's more important that they put the damned lib'ruls and commies in their place. All so they can feel better about their standing relative to POC, women, and LGBTQ. They would go back to the stone age if they could. They are e weak, insecure and fearful cohort ... so easily fooled and manipulated. They are all damaged people. Every frigging one of them -- including a few of my 8 siblings sadly.
(3,416 posts)And just think, tens of millions are still gonna vote for this deranged dude who sports a Cotton candy comb over, colors his face with orange stage makeup, and has a messiah complex.
(23,525 posts)To all non white service members.
Blue Owl
(55,546 posts)Aviation Pro
(14,057 posts)Did you give Ranger Regiment its black berets back during your time as the fucking resident?
So, fuck yourself, you five-fucking deferment poser, felon and rapist.
(51,979 posts)Darby Tan looks a hell of a lot sharper than black. Even if they pull the berets from the legs and REMFs the Rangers should keep the tan ones.
Wonder Why
(5,232 posts)Figarosmom
(4,723 posts)What is MOST important to his base
(159,576 posts)TFG's base are a bunch of racists who want to bring back the Confederacy
Link to tweet
Trump's promise to re-instate the name of Fort Bragg stripped from the base after the violent death of George Floyd, a Black man, under a police officer's knee was met with cries of celebration, video of the event shows.
"Should we change the name from Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg?" Trump asked the crowd. "I'm doing it. And we're leading in all the polls, we should get elected. Remember this, they cheat like hell. Too big to rig. We need too big to rig."
Gram Slattery, a reporter for Reuters, explained the fort was named after Braxton Bragg, who was "widely considered among the Confederacy's worst generals and a very stern slaveowner."....
"Hes really going after the racist, un-enlightened, clinging to the lost cause of the confederacy vote," wrote McGrath. "Thats actually a minority of the military/veteran community in 2024. There are old guys who care about base names. Post 911 vets either dont care or welcome the change."
(1,824 posts)GreenWave
(10,540 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,929 posts)Glaisne
(560 posts)You wonder if this brontosaurus knows the Civil War ended in 1865, the racist, slave-owning Confederacy lost, and that Americans have more pressing needs, like universal health care or flood re-insurance?
Not MAGA conservatives.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)Martin Eden
(13,949 posts)At least those who knew him.
(11,756 posts)Is there ANY enemy of America, past or present, that MAGA does not love?
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)The Mexicans had abolished slavery before we did.
(52,071 posts)
(5,895 posts)Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)other than the fact that Trump would never be caught dead in uniform for anybody