Trump Secretly Stayed in Touch With Putin After Leaving Office, Book Says
Source: New York Times
Former President Donald J. Trump has secretly spoken with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia as many as seven times since leaving office, even as he was pressuring Republicans to block military aid to Ukraine to fight Russian invaders, according to a new book by the journalist Bob Woodward.
The book, titled War and scheduled to be published next week, describes a scene in early 2024 at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trumps estate in Florida, when the former president ordered an aide out of his office so he could conduct a phone call with Mr. Putin. The unidentified aide said the two may have spoken a half-dozen other times as well since Mr. Trump left the White House.
The book also reports that Mr. Trump, while still in office early during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, secretly sent Mr. Putin what were then rare tests for the virus for the Russians personal use. Mr. Putin, who has been described as particularly concerned about being infected at the time, urged Mr. Trump to not publicly reveal the gesture because it could damage the American president politically. I dont want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me, Mr. Putin reportedly told him.
The disclosures raise new questions about Mr. Trumps relationship with Mr. Putin just weeks before an election that will determine whether the former president will reclaim the White House. A copy of the book was obtained by The New York Times. The Washington Post, where Mr. Woodward has worked for more than half a century, and CNN, where he often appears as a commentator, also reported on the book on Tuesday.
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(4,393 posts)
(17,220 posts)Maybe I am naive - but I was always under the belief that there is only one President at a time and that former Presidents, unless they are attending some official event and a world leader is there they happen to know, should not be having any communications in private, in person or by telephone etc post-Presidency. Maybe an exception for a retired world leader - ie Angela Merkel - but NOT a current world leader of another country. And absolutely not with an enemy state leader.
Trump is a national security risk and an enemy of the state. When he hosted Netanyahu and Urban at Mar A Lago recently I was disgusted and its not ok.
I hope the FBI was listening in
(95,914 posts)More times than that.
(36,594 posts)erronis
(18,146 posts)Of course the national security team in the US likely used trump to send ivan lots of fake shit
Old Okie
(220 posts)Incorrect; he has been offered briefings but has declined. Don't think he is interested in reading them if he cannot keep them.
Response to Old Okie (Reply #11)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Justice matters.
(8,100 posts)the words on the pages mean, so it's no wonder the traitor doesn't care about them if he can't keep them to sell them to his dictators in exchange for $$$$$$$ for himself or his rotten offspring.
(39,210 posts)Just like his interview where Trump said he knew the virus was deadly. How long after Trump said that did it take Woodward to get the interview out? I would have thought that was breaking news. ??? And this too. ???
Ramsey Barner
(669 posts)wolfie001
(4,239 posts)She's planning for access I'm sure, and her editors at the NYTs know this as well. Billionaires have their reasons and resources to keep this sewage pipeline open at all costs. They have zero concern for freedom from christo-fascism.
I posted this at Reddit's political humor a while back. I'm on a 1 month ban for posting an anti-trump piece. This is an example of a compromised and once revered news source:
(48,013 posts)Supporting America's enemy while thinking of themselves as patriots.
(17,563 posts)Last edited Tue Oct 8, 2024, 01:40 PM - Edit history (1)
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,461 posts)
And what did Putin give Trump in return?
now talk about Jared.............He was obviously gathering intel for he and Trump's spawn's own personal income trail.........
The Damage goes far far beyond just OUR intel. They also shared other nation's intel.......Now, those nations won't be as good about sharing intel in the future with the U.S.
Of course, the epitome of being an asshole, and sharing critical intel was Dick Cheney. He intentionally outed a CIA operative, Valerie Plame in retaliation for her husband daring to defy his lies about IRAQ having Yellow Cake Uranium...I have to believe that within the first 24 hours, there were bodies dropping all over the world........Any person, who had done business or had contact with her cover, (which was an import/export business), would have been suspected......and probably would have been "disappeared".....
The Republicans are above caring about treasonous acts, or fear of ever being punished.
Another example was when Trump, with members of Team Six on his plane, was taking pictures, THAT SHOWED THEIR FACES, and forwarding the pictures to news agencies across America. Those Seal's careers were ended.....forever.......
(153 posts)...leaked Plame's name. Also, Karl Rove is suspected of talking to news services four days before the leak was published. I believe that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney knew about what was going down and may have even engineered it, but there is no proof of that.
(11,256 posts)Cheney/Rumsfeld were the ones that Plame's husband had blown out of the water by contradicting that their "Yellowcake being ready" was pure BS.....
So I can only imagine that at least those two instigated the retaliation, regardless of who did the actual deed.....But thx for your clarification of who actually disclosed the Top Secret Info......
(7,794 posts)Trump's fondest wish is to be accepted in that club.
(2,798 posts)Harker
(15,731 posts)Mawspam2
(906 posts)Do your gd job. No book sales for you - ever!
(1,665 posts)cheating on "little Kim" with voo va va voom Vladimir?
(2,707 posts)It reminds me of that funny picture of a guy walking with his girlfriend while checking out another girl walking by... someone substituted the faces with *rump, Putin, and that sheik guy.
It was so funny!
(36,835 posts)Just sayin'
When are we going to lock that TRAITOR up and throw away the key?
(19,003 posts)44 months and counting
Response to republianmushroom (Reply #18)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(19,003 posts)We shall see if it is to political for the next DOJ, or if it will be sweep under the rug, claiming, for the best interest of the nation, we forgive and forget. Time will tell.
Response to republianmushroom (Reply #33)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,707 posts)
(644 posts)doesn't the covid test thing seem to be the biggest thing here?
(10,147 posts)You are welcome to cite an excerpt yself.
(644 posts)

(6,706 posts)all along. Is there truly great doubt about where some of the documents form those empty classified folders went?
(15,177 posts)Wild blueberry
(7,475 posts)Money from book sales override very relevant information he's been sitting on, again.
(18,002 posts)TBF
(35,055 posts)Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)For his treachery, Trump deserves the worst punishment possible.
(17,220 posts)I would rather see her contacts
(23,563 posts)The sun rose in the East.
Evolve Dammit
(20,267 posts)Layzeebeaver
(1,911 posts)Just saying.
(4,123 posts)chouchou
(1,665 posts)Step right up, folks and see Little Donnie.
Do his famous dance of the Russians!
He walks, he talks, he crawls on his belly like a reptile
Just one thin dime, one tenth of a dollar! He'll do all that for you!
(11,692 posts)Before he took care of Americans during COVID.
Trump even tried to stop the testing of Americans for COVID because it showed how he allowed the disease to spread throughout the US. Republicans and their grandparents were dropping like flies, spreading COVID far and wide, denying COVID even existed while Trump and his pals were selling fake cures (drink bleach?????). All the while, Trump was sending Putin supplies for COVID.
Pure Evil
(15,470 posts)why this does not surprise me.
(597 posts)to be charged with Treason
Response to Drum (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(162,406 posts)
Blue Owl
(55,559 posts)dweller
(25,961 posts)Its all fake
So, theres that
(11,848 posts)TFA...I like it. It could also stand for "traitorous fucking asshole".
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)If any of them have been since Trump was nominated and about Ukraine, then Trump is in VIOLATION OF THE LOGAN ACT!