'Just stop talking about that': Trump snaps at reporter at polling place press conference
Source: raw story
Tom Boggioni November 5, 2024 12:37PM ET
During an impromptu press conference at his West Palm Beach polling location..............
At issue is Florida's Amendment 4,..............
The former president has lately avoided saying how he would vote on the initiative, after saying in late August that he would vote against it, in an apparent attempt to avoid antagonizing or energizing either side of the highly contentious issue of women's health care rights with his re-election on the line.
He maintained that posture on election day, as the visibly exhausted and hoarse former president fielded questions about his re-election prospects.
With a multitude of reporters yelling questions at him, ABC's Lalee Abissa reported on X that the former president was, once again, in no mood to show his hand with abortion being a major issue in the 2024 presidential election.
On X, she reported that Trump was "asked for a second time how he voted on Florida's abortion rights amendment, and he snapped at the unidentified reporter: "Just stop talking about that."
Read more: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-abortion-election-day/?cx_testId=4&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=1&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I&cx_experienceActionId=showRecommendationsJ2A0SJUMQX4T24#cxrecs_s
Trumps eyes look empty---just plain EMPTY!!
You can watch the exchange below or at the link.
Link to tweet
Donald Trump on election day (CNN screenshot)

(1,771 posts)PedroXimenez
(644 posts)tonekat
(2,173 posts)"I'm an American taxpayer, and you're my employee. Now answer the damn question!"