Pelosi blames Biden for election loss as finger pointing intensifies
Source: BBC News
Former US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said Democrats might have fared better in Tuesday's election if President Joe Biden had exited the race sooner.
Pelosi - one of the most powerful politicians in Washington - told the New York Times that "had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race".
Her remarks are the latest finger pointing from Democrats after the party lost hold of the White House and potentially both chambers of Congress on Tuesday.
Pelosi is widely reported to have led the Democrats push to oust Biden, who ended up leaving the race at the end of July after weeks of pressure following a poor debate performance against Donald Trump.
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Love ya Nancy, but this isn't helpful.

(72,521 posts)I cant blame anyone but the voters who just put a gun to the contrarys head.
(138,724 posts)I will, however, blame media; I listened to some of the NYT interview today (while in the car.) Interviewer, while civil, seemed to be looking hard for 'a story,' and Nancy was 'stuck' in the middle, wrestling with the myriad forces at play.
(8,593 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,487 posts)DemonGoddess
(5,126 posts)It was the voters who believed the bullshit and voted for the orange shitstain. I am NOT blaming President Biden or VP Harris for this.
Response to Polybius (Original post)
Island Blue This message was self-deleted by its author.
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Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Dennis Donovan
(29,635 posts)...because it's a bit heartbreaking at a time my heart is busted to pieces.
There's going to be a LOT of time for post-mortems. Can we hold off of them for a few more days?
I'm not saying you shouldn't post the story. I just didn't have the heart to.
(18,395 posts)William Seger
(11,459 posts)HereForTheParty
(697 posts)It just wasn't that long a time. If it was so essential he withdraw quickly why was Nancy so mealy mouthed when he was being pushed out?
Blue for the win
(81 posts)Also Bidens poor choice in the attorney general
(11,003 posts)crimycarny
(1,712 posts)Look in the mirror lady. Biden is NOT the person at fault. You couldn't shut up about wanting him out when the party should have been banding together. Biden had a bad debate and the Democratic party fell apart. Trump could have walked on stage with no pants on and the GOP party would have banded behind him. No matter what Trump did, the GOP machine stayed behind him.
JHC, how much more does Biden have to do? He bowed out gracefully in 2016 when Obama pushed Hillary to be the candidate, he came back into the race in 2020 when he felt in his soul that it was his duty to help save America. He stayed in the race even when he lost the first initial primaries and went on to WIN. (Thank god!). He accomplished more in his Presidency than any other President.
Then, when he has a bad debate, the Democratic machine does their old and tired circular firing squad routine (remember Al Franken?). Biden puts country first AGAIN, his hand forced by Pelosi, et. al. and now that same circular firing squad wants to point their guns at Joe? Oh hell no. This is the part of the Democratic party that I just can't stand. The lack of spine. Joe Biden is a glowing exception to that.
(29,032 posts)His son had just died.
(1,712 posts)I had thought the same, that it was Bidens choice not to run due to Beaus death. However, Ive since read (from multiple sources, including Joe Bidens own book), that Obama felt it was Hillarys turn to run. Biden was still weighing on whether to run or not after Beaus death, and it was made obvious to him that Obama felt Hillary would have a better chance. The head winds of lukewarm support combined with grief ultimately made the prospect of Joe Biden running too much to overcome.
Ill see if I can find the article I read about this, it was fairly recent. Biden was hurt by Obamas lack of support, which is one reason he was so quick to give his full endorsement to Kamala after he made the decision to step down.
(1,712 posts)I found this article very interesting. Obama had a deep respect for a Biden but was often annoyed at what he saw as Bidens tendency to get off topic and tell stories during meetings. Obama and Hillarys styles were much more alike. What Obama didnt realize was Bidens old fashioned way of politics, such as telling those stories and not sticking strictly to the agenda is what helped Biden become one of the absolute best at bipartisan politics.
Really good article. Doesnt bash Obama, Hillary, or Biden. Just gives interesting insight. A very interesting section in the article mentions how Republicans often went to Biden versus Obama because they felt Obama mansplained whereas Biden came from the standpoint of tell me what you need in order to be able to sell this to your constituents. Sort of a contrast between someone extremely intelligent (Obama) and Biden just as intelligent but more from a street smart sense.
Response to LisaM (Reply #11)
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(1,240 posts)Instead of standing with Biden, a cabal of dem elites (mostly white men) decided to carry out the dem version of the anti-democracy Rehnquist 5's 2000 disenfranchisement of our entire country by disenfranchising 14 million 2024 dem party primary voters. After this blatant disenfranchisement the dem party is supposed to be the party defending democracy? Too many voters watched in horror in 2000 as their votes were taken away and have now given up on democracy. An additional portion of the dem base saw the hypocrisy of the Biden ouster and decided not to vote this year. Here we now are.
(35,363 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)That is true isn't it? If Kamala had had to fight for the nomination against other prominent Democrats, I think she would have won that contest and that process would have made her a stronger general election candidate. And I think she would have beaten Trump.
(1,712 posts)Does Nancy have a crystal ball? Look at who WON. A 34-x convicted felon, convicted rapist, first President to not concede AND to incite an insurrection that we all saw on TV for chrissake. A candidate who repeated conspiracy theories about Haitian residents eating the cats and the dogs during a debate, a debate he failed so miserably at that he refused to debate again. A candidate who swayed to AvifrigginMaria followed by the YMCA for over 30 minutes in what was supposed to be a town hall. Who held a hate filled event at Madison Square Gardens.
The Democratic candidate wasnt the problem.
Regardless of what Nancy thinks, perhaps she could keep those thoughts to herself right now, as I see zero benefit to the Democratic Party, voters, or anyone for that matter.
(15,801 posts)never know now, will we.
(36,024 posts)Maybe not Obama.
(12,613 posts)And Adam Schiff, Stephen Colbert (who I still won't watch), Sherrod Brown--so many cowards only interested in their re-elections. (How'd that work out for you Sherrod?)
Who had President Biden's back? The Black Caucus, those with a hell of a lot more to lose. They showed far more courage.
(40,320 posts)So shit is hitting the fan.
(44 posts)how is helping the vote I made?
don't need Putin propaganda with help like this..........
at my age this could be my last pres vote I made.
where's the FDR's any more?
(10,565 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)I always blocked the number but that did no good because they would use a different number every time. As far as from the Democrats goes, I got a couple of texts from President Obama and a couple from Jackie Rosen but that's it.
(6,823 posts)The NYT is blameworthy. It abdicated its role as the Free Press a long time ago.
I recommend The Guardian
(11,057 posts)They weren't the ones spreading the endless (and increasingly louder) propaganda. Thank Fox and their friends in the RW media for that. And more distrust in our media is what Trump lives for. Blaming the Times is doing his job. It needs to stop.
(5,195 posts)since 2016. Don't tell me the NY Times wasn't part of the problem.
Alice B.
(443 posts)So glad we have adults in the room.
(906 posts)Maybe, but when you look at the big picture, Latino men were never going to vote for a black woman. In most areas of the country, that was your difference as well as too many Dems/ Inds staying home or leaving the top line blank.
(518 posts)Is this just a red herring being wielded while the reality of the 4th Reich moving back into the White House settles into the nation's hive mind? What is the simple explanation? Am not an anthropologist nor a sociologist. Anybody have a simple answer to this question?
(939 posts)Even before the debate, he seemed substantially aged compared to 2020.
Whereas I will call him the best president in my lifetime (born in the LBJ era), upon seeing his diminishment, I didn't want him to run again.
Response to Intractable (Reply #17)
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Bleacher Creature
(11,493 posts)If Harris had the opportunity to build a platform and refine it during a primary she would have been able to hit the ground running in the general. What she was able to pull off was remarkable, but at the end of the day a 100 day campaign wasn't realistic. I love and respect Biden, but that's 100% on him.
(15,801 posts)remember him saying that at all, but then I dont watch news 24/7.
(8,622 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 9, 2024, 09:54 PM - Edit history (1)
while the fascists are patting themselves on the back in congratulation for a fraud well played.
(15,874 posts)Response to Polybius (Original post)
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(35,363 posts)Of Schiff and others. Quit it!
(5,264 posts)Blue Owl
(55,559 posts)Sure, things could have been managed differently but Bidens 4 years have been a success by any measure.
(1,712 posts)And Nancy running to the Press to complain about Biden versus a full court press on all of Joe Bidens accomplishments makes her complicit. Its that back stabbing crap that fuels voter apathy. If your own party wont back you then why would anyone else. How does that help the future Democratic Party??
The election is over so Monday morning quarterbacking by a leader of the Democratic Party is not helpful at all. She should be REMINDING voters about all of Bidens, and the Democratic Party by proxy, accomplishments so that voters dont forget when things start going to hell under Trump.
Attacking your own team is why the Dems fail at messaging time and time again.
(12,587 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 10, 2024, 11:25 AM - Edit history (1)
Republicans cheated. This is where everyones attention needs to be focused
(5,195 posts)It is not at all helpful.
(37,602 posts)By far the largest factor in the election results is how normalized RW spin is. That's because Republicans have spent the last several decades establishing their own independent media apparatus that can take reality, reprocess it, and spew it in any number of ways to reflect negatively on Democrats.
You, Nancy Pelosi, as a person very influential in where Democratic donors put their money, did absolutely nothing about this. Whatever your calculations were, it blinded you to realities that were to the detriment of the Democratic Party.
There is nothing you can blame Joe for that cannot be laid more squarely at your own feet.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)but she said it was "off the table"
she lost me at "off the table"
(104,070 posts)
(15,539 posts)You know better than that!
(203 posts)If these guys felt so strongly about Biden not running they shouldve confronted him about it back when he first said he was running for reelection. But they didnt and why would they? Biden was an incumbent President with an economy going in a positive direction and this was also before the Gaza thing.
While I do agree that ideally there shouldve been a full primary for finding a Democratic nominee if Biden wasnt it, but theres no guarantee that wouldve flipped the election in our favor especially with no incumbent advantage. Biden had every right to run again. He quit the race when he did because his party forced him out! They cant pin this on him and wash their hands of the role they played in all of this.
(2,802 posts)a dude that is clearly falling apart on top of being horrible. If the AMERICAN PEOPLE are that fucking stupid then what can I tell you. There is no amount of how Biden came off, or when he left the race, that was at play in any of these peoples decisions and that's the problem. They decided they were going to vote for the absolute worst candidate ever, or not vote, long before this election season began. Biden being old and half dead was instantly exchange for I don't know enough about her policies. Meanwhile Trump is old and more than half dead with no policies and he told them as much. This is on the head of the American populace and they are going to 100% pay for this shit.
The funny part is when is the surprise face when the leopards come for dinner and we can all stare and them and just say Fuck You. As for Pelosi, she needs to get the fuck on with this. no statements, no whining, no crying in or around the media. This goes for any of the politicians on our side. Do not go out there trying to position yourself for the media. We don't have time for any of that. Sit the fuck down and get to work on how we resist falling all the way into chaos. Start figuring out how to make these dumb motherfuckers in the American populace understand the pot boiling and the water is still high enough that we could reach the edge with a good jump.
My apologies for language. I curse, but try to keep the language situation appropriate. However, whenever I have process what is happening now. This is how I feel when I think about this mess and the people associated with it. I'm tired, I'm sad, I'm discouraged, I'm enraged.
(1,904 posts)... eating our own, because certain parties on the Mountain Top (the oligarchs haven't limited their malign influence only to Republicans) don't want anyone pointing fingers at the obvious source of all this discord, and that obliudki I can't type in Cyrillic has mentally gone over the high side and into the rhubarb. He's conscripting 80-year-old babushkas to fight in Ukraine now! The red flags here glow in the dark, for crissake! Anyone with the observational capabilities of a potted plant knows that Russia has for decades amassed mountains of kompromat on everyone of political significance, and especially here in The Land of Dumb and Dumber. The onslaught was laser-focused on critical Electoral College states, and that strategy was the dike that stopped the Blue Wave dead. Combine that with the constant cascade of mis- and disinformation flooding every news source (thanks, M$M, you treacherous fucks, for not countering ANY of it with the truth!), and all of social media from Putin's troll farms, and you have a perfect storm of lies. Kamala never had a chance. And for the record, even if there had been a primary at such a late date, Kamala was, hands down and going way, the best candidate, and she damned well proved it.
And to the "undecided" dipshits, the economy is the best it's been in 50 years, and NO president has the wherewithal to directly influence inflation. That is the exclusive domain of the despicable corporatists, and their oligarch overlords, that deliberately jack up prices to enrich themselves at the expense of consumers. So slither back into your mothers' basements, do your homework, and STFU.
I've always admired you, Nancy, but this is beneath you. Or, at least, I thought it was.
(201 posts)Trying to appeal to the undecided idiots when they should focus on getting the people who actuall say they support them to actually get out and vote for them.
(37,549 posts)the election season even started that no president had ever been re-elected with those numbers. Biden
was always a moderate but as president he let the most liberal faction of the party have too much influence.
One thing was the appointments he made, it was like he had a check list to please every group rather than
pick the most qualified person. The government pushing EVs before we have any infrastructure for them was
highly unpopular. To work your butt off to pay off your student loan then have the government come in and
forgive loans others made wasn't so popular. The complaints I heard most was about the inflation from
Democrats and Republicans and why was illegal immigration ignored until a few months before the election?
I am not agreeing totally with all that but those are the things I heard both Rs and Ds talk about.
(1,238 posts)petty and small in pointing it out. Poor Form for sure.
(25,124 posts)not playing the blame game. Whether she's right or not, there's no advantage to blaming Biden now.
(105 posts)Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,928 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 10, 2024, 09:31 PM - Edit history (3)
and the rest of the authoritarian's playbook, which has been used for many decades in many many many different places to take control and maintain it. I think there was a pbs series of the same name. This really is a bigger thing than just what Joe Biden did, or didn't do.