FBI uncovers hidden JFK assassination files after Trump orders full evidence release
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: DalyMail
The White House was alerted on Friday that the FBI discovered about 14,000 pages of documents as the agency set about reviewing the secret files in response to the order.
'This is huge. It shows the FBI is taking this seriously,' Jefferson Morley, an expert on the Kennedy murder told Axios.
'The FBI is finally saying, "Let's respond to the president's order," instead of keeping the secrecy going.'
While experts claimed the discovery could let to a new era of transparency regarding the shooting - Trump insiders worried the development was a stall tactic.
Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14382629/fbi-uncovers-jfk-assassination-files-trump-evidence-release.html

(3,813 posts)And it is also a distraction. Give the public duplicate 14,000 pages of previously released, or irrelevant, material for it to sift through while Musk uses the recently installed backdoors to the Treasure IT systems to steal data and manipulate operations.
(97,981 posts)Phoenix61
(18,141 posts)Silent Type
(8,631 posts)SunSeeker
(55,025 posts)
speak easy
(11,267 posts)You make believe that Kennedy is still alive
And we're shooting for the moon
And smiling Jackie's driving by
And they say, "Good try"
Tomorrow, Wendy is going to die
- Andy Prieboy
(19,003 posts)How many times were we assured that all was shown that could be to the public ? Nothing was being held back. Trust your DOJ.
Now a hidden file. Our DOJ at work. (chuckle chuckle) And they wonder why they are not believed.
(8,283 posts)before anything gets released that you can't see in a couple of JFK documentaries.
(11,848 posts)He's just trying to destroy another Democrat.
Omaha Steve
(104,729 posts)LOCKING for Source: DalyMail
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