News influencers favored Trump over Harris during campaign, study finds
Source: AP
Updated 4:37 PM EST, February 10, 2025
NEW YORK (AP) Americans who followed news influencers during the presidential campaign were more likely to hear positive reports about Donald Trump than they were about Kamala Harris, a study has revealed.
Influencers reviewed by the Pew Research Center talked about Trump and Harris on social media about equally, but there were more posts about Trump and they tended to be more favorable.
Pew said roughly 20% of Americans regularly get news from influencers podcasters, commentators and the like and about two-thirds said it helps them better understand things. Pew analyzed more than 150,000 posts from about 500 influencers, defined as those who regularly comment on current events and have at least 100,000 followers on some combination of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X or YouTube.
Trump courted this youth-oriented sector more actively than Harris did during the campaign. He was interviewed by the popular podcaster Joe Rogan, for example, while Harris did not get an appearance there. The study found an equal amount of influencers 42% were critical of either the Republican or Democratic candidate for president.
Read more:
Link to Pew Research Center STUDY - How news influencers talked about Trump and Harris during the 2024 election

(138,720 posts)youth-oriented sector?
(710 posts)mdbl
(5,906 posts)Thanks
(29,692 posts)More positive reports on trump, rather than Harris? Yeah, so we noticed. Thanks for nothing, news influencers.
(148,645 posts)It's one thing just spouting what we "see" and "perceive" and another that actually PROVES it.
(50,575 posts)And both of them were WTRUMP and still are. All hosts and all news about Trump.
It had to be worse in the Red States.
(7,503 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,727 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,503 posts)LisaM
(29,031 posts)Even two summers ago, we were driving up to the ferry and were listening to NPR and even then "Fresh Air" (substitute host) and the show that came after it were blathering on and on about him, even though the coverage couldn't be construed as positive. I finally asked to change to another station.
He's like the two-year old at a daycare that the providers have to chase around the room constantly shouting his name so he won't hurt other kids. Anyone dropping by would just hear the troublemaker's name being shouted over and over.
Musk is the same and J.D. Vance is the mean little kid who does sneaky things behind everyone's back and then lies about it.
(97,981 posts)cities in the country.
(24,478 posts)the station had high ratings and used to have events with the progressive broadcasters. Thom Hartman, Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Miller, and Ed Schulz I saw in person in panel discussions formats and the rooms were full of attendees. I pay now to listen to Sirius xm and the progress channel.
(97,981 posts)it.
(148,645 posts)Am guessing that you don't listen to black talk radio?
WWRL 1600 NYC (now also dubbed the Black Information Network). In the past, WLIB in NYC hosted black talk programming, but eventually went through multiple format changes as the station went through a series of sales. Used to listen to both (mostly at night when I could pick them up) here in Philly. Of course nowadays, this programming is being streamed too. One of the biggest hosts over the years was Bob Law (who has now pretty much retired).
And probably one of the most well-known NYC hosts is Al Sharpton, who we obviously see on air on MSNBC but who for years before getting involved in TV, had and still has a radio program - Keepin' It Real which does run on WLIB in NY in a designated (non-live) slot, but is syndicated nationwide on a myriad of stations.
The RW loon takeover of talk radio has been going on for the past 40 years to the point where about the only place you could find "liberal/progressive" talk WAS (and still is) black talk radio.
(50,575 posts)talk, e.g., with callers. When 1600 was WWRL, they had callers.
(148,645 posts)and whenever I was driving up in the area, I would switch to it. FM usually has a range of about 50 miles so can't pick it up here in Philly, which is about 90 miles away. Obviously it is also streamed now. I have one of those old "lifetime" subs from the TuneIn App (that they are still honoring for a particular tier nowadays after something like 25 years), and I think they are on that plus obviously streaming from their website.
(16,361 posts)I was stationed in the Central Valley in California in 2000. One time, I decided to do the drive down to Coronado to embark on my Navy Aircraft Carriers 2 week shakedown cruise.
On I-5, there were spots where you could get multiple AM Radio Stations signals. I hit the "scan" button on the radio, and one after another, as my radio auto-tuned to available stations, there was nothing but "Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Cookie-Cutter Rush Wanabee, Rush, and Rush"...(the racist moron, not the Canadian Rock Band). Think I realized then we were fucked as a country.
Thankfully, I had just gotten the remastered Quadrophenia CD.
(97,981 posts)Bettie
(17,921 posts)OH yeah, No shit Sherlock! What a shocking story, no one knew that except, um, EVERYONE!
(16,361 posts)The message is that Dems need to find somewhat attractive people (in a 3AM at White Castle sort of way), have them hike up their skirts, or put on a "wife-beater" T-shirt, and talk about their handjob/blowjob preferences on Tik-Tok, but do so from a more progressive/liberal viewpoint?
Humanity has had a nice 6 billion year, or 6 thousand year (depending on which "influencer" you get your news from) run.
Here I was just thinking that my dad was the most sarcastic man I ever runs in the family.
lonely bird
(2,143 posts)Btw, sarcastic, Ohioan and a Who fan. I knew there was a reason I liked you.
(14,415 posts)

lonely bird
(2,143 posts)Using Trumps rationale the Democratic Party should sue every one of the influencers.
(1,754 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Essentially, the rightwing owns the "infosphere" and the few leftwing "news influencers" out there are plagued by scandals and extremist views. For every left-wing video there's fifty right-wing videos or more, and the only way to balance that is to do the work ourselves.
(148,645 posts)and the GOP does the opposite. And that means we devote less money on "flooding the zone" with our own messaging because we feel it is a waste of money when it could go to helping the unhoused or those in food deserts, etc.
Harris/Walz even attempted to close that gap and the RW and LW response was to ridicule the campaign about how "a billion was spent" on doing just that type of thing (while ignoring that Muskrat ALONE spent 1/4 $billion on outreach and "messaging" and one can then tack on all the OTHER billion or so the GOP had in dark money spending).
Over the years here on DU, we have had a large number of people loudly dismiss "AM radio", where the RW noise machine first got started via syndicated programming on hundreds and hundreds of small AM radio stations. That is still there but has now been supplemented with the internet through streaming services, and has evolved into "podcasts" and other political-messaging infotainment that takes place within apps like TikTok.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Harris outspent Trump by almost 300% but still lost and was STILL in debt, while Trump ended with a budget surplus. Why?
FREE ADVERTISING. People like you and me going out there, establishing, and producing content that supports Democrats. Look at Rogan for instance. Trump got three free hours of exposure on the most viewed social media news influencer in the world; 50 million free eyes. No money spent. Everything gained for no loss. In the meantime, we... What was that one thing Harris did, "Call Her Daddy"? That netted less than 200k views in over four months? I know indie singers who still work at McDonalds who have more views on a four month old video. And the campaign spent half a mil on that alone.
Hell, around half of the campaign budget went to the campaign staffers.
It's not about money, because clearly, no matter how much money we spend, we simply don't have the Influencer presence needed to solidify Democratic messaging. The second any Dem opens their mouth... Take for instance the recent "USAID" protest in front of the building... There's ten dozen videos mocking them. Uncut, unedited footage, and it looks BAD for us I.E. Schumer's "We Will Win" chant. And those videos reach hundreds of millions, and spawn their own reaction videos that reach tens of thousands more.
We've lost the primary newscasting demographic for the young and middle aged and until we recognize that, and counter it, we're going to be in for a long, bad time.
(148,645 posts)Oh we have "outrage" but we don't wallow in it like the RW loons. That is why we are better at governing because we have learned how to cope. I think what we all saw during the pandemic - and notably, the BLM protests, establishes that.
We just don't wallow in our "outrage" and we prefer to move on and try to live "mentally healthy" lives.
Actually, I don't believe we outspent them. If you think all of those "RW influencers" did what they did for free... well there's that bridge I have a brochure for, that is for sale.
Don't believe their financial filings because as you can see happening before your eyes, they lie, cheat, and steal. It's comes naturally to them. And that would naturally bubble over in their spending reports, which are probably fraudulent. You see signs of that with the continual offering of crap that they are selling to their base to raise money. It's an endless cycle of enrichment.
As I noted, I doubt that "exposure" was "for free". Very few RWers do anything "gratis" or "pro bono". If anything, we are the ones who do that.
Ground game always is needed and should necessarily be funded.
I think people are out there but they are NOT "into politics". Again, I firmly believe these RW "influencers" are very much PAID to do what they are doing. The GOP's mindset is that even if something looks like it will not turn a profit right away and is becoming a money pit generating a "loss" of revenue, etc, they will continue to do it anyway and consider it "a donation for the cause" in order to keep their "messaging" out there over the long term - years and years. They certainly did that with the "Washington Times" as an example (which was losing money big time for years before finally turning a profit).
Alternately, we won't keep our attempts going long enough to make a difference (see Air America). And then when we do have outlets, what do you hear (including here on DU)? "You can't live in a 'bubble'" and other finger-wagging.
Well they have done nothing but manufacture a "fictional bubble", to the point where their repetitive description of what was supposedly going on in that bubble, has been believed to be actual "reality" to them.
They were told "the economy is 'bad and failing'" despite record job hiring reports, GDP, etc., and they unequivocally "see" (hallucinate that) the U.S. in the middle of an "economic collapse".
Meanwhile we keep saying "but 'kitchen table issues'" and THEY are saying - "get the women back in the kitchen, the n*****s back doing menial work (their definition of a "black job" ), and get the non-Europeans the hell out of this country".
I know the below has been posted frequently on DU (and I posted it recently in fact), but I think this short describes how THEY operate (and even includes a depiction of the types of "hallucination" that happen with their repetitive exhortations and eventual "belief about what this world looks like" (this came out almost 15 years ago) -
I don't think they are "lost". They are still young enough and not "set in their ways" like older folk (including myself). As I noted, they were out there at the BLM protests and have been out there with the gun violence protests. But they are also hearing "mixed messages" coming from our side in terms of generational "get off my lawn" and "wait your turn" type exhortations - and I see it here on DU.
The rejection of the newest slang (like "drop" ) is rampant and OMG, you can do a search here to see what was originally said about the term "woke" a couple years ago (despite many DUers trying to explain it to other DUers), before the RW loons took it, and ran with it as an anti-minority strategy, and then more DUers finally "got it". But during that confusion period, we lost time.
I think we'll figure it out but it's difficult for many to see clearly right now due to some raw emotions, not just about the election, but the aftermath that we are experiencing right now, and the lashing out is to be expected.
Kid Berwyn
(19,461 posts)Thank you, John Roberts, you son of a bitch!!