Canada Announces Bombshell Break With U.S. Over Trump
Source: The New Republic
The new Canadian prime minister announced the two countries’ relationship is “over.”
Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney gestures while speaking at a podium
David Kawai/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney officially broke things off with the United States Thursday, marking a seismic shift in relations between the longtime allies.
“The old relationship we had with the United States based on deepening integration of our economies and tight security and military cooperation is over,” Carney said during a press conference, following a meeting in Ottawa with his ministers to “discuss trade options” in response to Donald Trump’s “permanent” 25 percent tariffs on all imported vehicles and auto parts.
“What exactly the United States does next is unclear, but what is clear, what is clear is that we as Canadians have agency. We have power. We are masters in our own home,” Carney said.
“We will need to dramatically reduce our reliance on the United States. We will need to pivot our trade relationships elsewhere. And we will need to do things previously thought impossible at speeds we haven’t seen in generations,” Carney said.
The White House has pretended that the steep tariffs on Canada are a bargaining chip to help curb illegal drug trafficking—a threat so minor that it warranted no mention in the Trump administration’s first Annual Threat Assessment—but Trump openly admitted that he hoped to use tariffs to bully Canada into becoming a U.S. state. His bullying has since escalated into an all-out trade war, which could potentially devastate states along America’s northern border.
Read more:
Usually "bombshell" is hyperbole. But this is serious and the adjective is properly applicable.
Here is a 77 second clip of the key part. Watch it to see a true example of calm, articulate, determined, competent leadership:
Link to tweet

(38,659 posts)Pachamama
(17,225 posts)Currently you even clear customs inside of Canada in the import when you enter Canada from outside Canada. An unusual arrangement and effectively a diplomatic zone on Canadian soil.
(3,736 posts)
(24,607 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,748 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)... as the 51st state. "No tariffs!" And then he says it will be "cherished". I think that would be like he "cherishes" Puerto Rico.
Carney and Canadians have made clear that our way of life is as important as our sovereignty and connected directly with it.
In my opinion, Canada is the free-est country in the world right now. Further, Canada is the only country that has free trade treaties with all G7 countries. Or did until tRump ripped up the biggest one.
(76 posts)Fifty plus years ago, after being in the U.S. for less than a year, I realized that we had more freedom in Canada than
Americans did in the U.S., despite all the fuss the U.S. made about freedom. At the time, it made sense to me because of the difference in our population. The bigger the population, the more laws you had to have to maintain order. At least that's the way it seemed to me at the time. Now, I would say it's a lot more about big monied interests wanting to hold on to money and power.
(9 posts)My son spent his junior year of high school in Germany. One of the first things he told me when he came home was that the rest of the world does not think as highly of the United States as we think they do. It was a profoundly life changing experience for him and one I wish all students could experience.
(41,762 posts)It's just that many Republicans have never seen the value in it. Because they're mean and stingy, the world has to see it that way.
(96,237 posts)
Think. Again.
(22,330 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,650 posts)leftyladyfrommo
(19,641 posts)BoRaGard
(4,657 posts)And so now our entire USA must suffer being regarded and treated as A-hole greedy hate-driven bullies. For that is what the GOP has become -- and as a result the USA is tragically weakened.
Bon chance, Canada!
(1,442 posts)The US is no longer an ally or friend of Canada.
(4,657 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,650 posts)He is essentially giving a Churchillian "We Will Never Surrender" speech about trade and economic relationships. He's asking Canadians to sacrifice in order to disentangle themselves from the US.
Compared to Trump's usual nonsense, this is sober and serious stuff. If he wins the election, they wil go through with this, and our relationship with Canada will be transformed for the foreseeable future and likely forever. This is a watershed day in Canadian history and maybe in American history. If Americans think they won't experience any consequences from Canada essentially divorcing us, they should think again. Massive, world historical moment right here.
(8,612 posts)I’m actually rooting for Canada because I’m completely against these trumpism activities.
Tariffs, sheesh, I learned that in grade school. Tariffs bad. I guess republicans are just lying to themselves to support this b.s. if the Congress people are afraid to get “ primaried” then they should resign now and save their dignity before that’s gone.
This is nuts.
(20,006 posts)Last edited Thu Mar 27, 2025, 08:45 PM - Edit history (3)
Who could possibly blame them? Who could possibly not have seen this coming? I certainly did. I was not at all surprised when I read the title on this post.
The Trump butthurt will be epic of course, but this is. All. His. Fault. (No, he won't see it that way, but we know better.)
Go, Canada!
(12,278 posts)Relationship will not be repaired, it will take a generation or more. We might get a deal on the tariffs for now but there is no trust for anymore long term deals.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,650 posts)from the campaign.
It would be easy enough given contemporary text analysis methods and certainly the NY Times has done this kind of work before and has the corpus of all Trump's campaign speeches and rally speeches.
So, what all did Trump say about Canada during the campaign?
(1,242 posts)“We don’t need them to make our cars, and they make a lot of them. We don’t need their lumber because we have our own forests. We don’t need their oil and gas. We have more than anybody.”
What's this WE shit?
speak easy
(11,303 posts)Jerry2144
(2,742 posts)Our Canadian friends have been invaluable through the years in helping with our fires. And we have helped them with theirs.
It will take generations to undo his damage, if we ever can
(12,278 posts)As they are often state to province agreements in times of need.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Jerry2144
(2,742 posts)Bad the relationship damage is. We flip the house and senate in 26. Then in 28 take back the White House. How do we get other countries to fully trust us without sending the Cancer of the Confederacy (AKA MAGA) into deep remission? And how do we cure that cancer? No body will trust us for a very long time
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)ClarencesBrother
(16 posts)The Canada/US relationship goes beyond, dare I say this, the bonds of a marriage deep as that marriage can seem. So often each of us has worn our hearts on our sleeve, pledged deep and unparalleled allegiance to defend one another to the bone, shared science, arts, our best people from both sides of the border, industry, agriculture and yes even literal marriage between our 2 countries, the same language, sort of 😊and while we are the same, we are both unique.
Recent events have created something I never thought I’d see, yes America always tried to play older brother to us and we Canadians smiled inward knowing that younger brothers often shine brighter. Younger brothers have been known to stand up to the older dominant brother, I think what we’re seeing now is younger brother is no longer acquiescing to older brother. Enough is enough.
My wife and I have travelled in the US countless times and while met with the occasional indifference our take on the average American citizen has left us with many fond memories. Our current beef isn’t with the regular citizen, trust me when I say this. But I will also say with absolute affirmation that the trust between us has been broken to the extent that I think even my young grandsons will be wary of you. This is not to bash “you the people” this is to bash the leaders “you the people” chose to elect. Now Canadians, Americans and the rest of the world have to live with it, and not just the remainder of 4 years but far beyond it.
(9,244 posts)I guess we no longer need NORAD, nuclear umbrella, etc. Putin should enjoy this.
(125,315 posts)
(19,309 posts)our RETHUGLICON House, Senate courts. I've never hated our government more than today.
(12,278 posts)More in the near future. It is the ONLY thing they do well.
(19,309 posts)Hell, every American will pay the price when they go over seas. (ALL because of a SCUMBAG president)
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Other places (not all) make the same distinction.
(402 posts)as long as they don't try to pull any of that Johnny Somali crap or similar nonsense
(24,607 posts)I hope they don't think we're as completely insane as this Musk/Putin-installed president. If the missiles start flying, I hope they aim only for trump golf courses. I hope another good Dem president can win them back, along with the rest of the world.
Things can't continue like they have the past few months, on the international, or the home front. Somethings gotta give.
(1,911 posts)won't give us another chance.
(85,598 posts)I’m horrified at how much wanton casual damage we’ve done. And in the first two MONTHS of this new regime. TWO MONTHS!!!!!?!?!?!
And ALREADY the talk is about how some of this damage may NEVER be fully undone. NEVER. Not EVER!!!
(6,856 posts)Carney is one of two powerful and ethical leaders in North America who respect people and the rule of law. The other is President Sheinbaum of Mexico.
Solly Mack
(94,566 posts)llmart
(16,349 posts)I'm only 20 minutes from the border. I've been there many times and I can honestly say that it is so true that Canadians are about the nicest people I've ever met.
Solly Mack
(94,566 posts)Happily.
(187 posts)This is something that CAN’T be blamed on…Biden’s age, Hillary’s emails, Obama’s tan suit, etc…
(9,597 posts)Paladin
(29,914 posts)blue-wave
(4,539 posts)Maybe Witkoff can bring the party favors. What a sad day for both the U.S. and Canada.
(1,537 posts)orangecrush
(23,908 posts)If caviar and vodka in Moscow.
(20,520 posts)I've always liked Canada, and they have the absolute right to protect themselves!
Dunderhead Donnie throws
yet something else good onto the trashheap!!!
(12,278 posts)and unfortunately that is what they are expecting Canadians to do. We value ourselves more than that.
(20,196 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)paleotn
(20,196 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)paleotn
(20,196 posts)I was thinking of the close relationship we've had for ages with Canada. It's now dead.
In my mind, unless something drastic changes soon, the US as we once new it is dead. We've got a sitting Dem Senator from Mass, during photos at the end of a Framingham MA town hall reportedly making an offhand comment that secession might warrant further discussion. Never thought I'd live to see the day.
(10,188 posts)Five Eyes any longer.
Ocelot II
(123,873 posts)n/t
(37 posts)I would like for Canada to annex us.
New Mexico
(8,253 posts)roamer65
(37,509 posts)🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
(2,883 posts)rid us of trump already???????? ENOUGH!!!!!!
(10,188 posts)paleotn
(20,196 posts)Amaryllis
(10,188 posts)he will not have Vance in the room with them and not have press there at least for the first encounter. He is a very strategic thinker. Carney will know how to set up so Trump does not have the advantage like he did with Zelensky.
(24,114 posts)Sadly, Carney will have to come here. Orange fuckstick felon isn't allowed in Canada.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)rubbersole
(9,597 posts)Take Lil' Marco, Pistol Pete and Mikey Waltz with you. And stay.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)It will be a while before tRump and Carney meet. Nothing along those lines is remotely possible right now.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Deminpenn
(16,672 posts)wing of the GOP will figure out a way to dump Trump.
(20,352 posts)I'd like that.
I know this is serious. It's the only thing sane countries can do.
(2,144 posts)It is a bombshell.
(402 posts)Because most of the rest of the world is going to do the same. - and that's something to really worry about.
(63,476 posts)The Canadians just ran out of fucks to give
(8,247 posts)
(162,920 posts)how fucking bad do you have to be, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
(17,681 posts)Response to Bernardo de La Paz (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(8,999 posts)EarnestPutz
(2,843 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(30,056 posts)Sideways with knobs!
(309,087 posts)
(309,087 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Mysterian
(5,484 posts)Weird, huh?
liberal N proud
(61,101 posts)usonian
(16,776 posts)Nous nous battrons sur les Grands Lacs, nous nous battrons dans les érablières à sucre, nous nous battrons dans les stades de hockey et sur le monorail, nous nous battrons dans les sables bitumineux de l’Athabasca; nous ne nous rendrons jamais.
Oh wait (attendez)
We shall fight on the Great Lakes, we shall fight in the Sugar Maple Groves, we shall fight in the hockey stadiums and on the monorail, we shall fight in the Athabasca oil sands; we shall never surrender.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)ffr
(23,157 posts)You and the uneducated white voters did this. So wear it proudly! You screwed the rest of the country and the world over.
(12,261 posts)Canada was the best neighbor in the world. There is no justification for attacking a good neighbor.
Everything Trump touches dies.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)TomSlick
(12,261 posts)The loss is completely to the US. The US is quickly becoming an international pariah.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,433 posts)every thing ,,, touches , it dies at the cost of one of our best friends
(138 posts)Canada should make the Alcan Highway a very, expensive toll road for foreigners like the US and for both their trucks and cars.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Dr. Shepper
(3,141 posts)I love Canada.
COL Mustard
(7,309 posts)I was tired of those nasty Canadians anyway. Let them eat moose, I always say.
Obviously I'm kidding........
(50,899 posts)Or is declaring war a formality so they can use their version of Alien Enemies Act?
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)We distinguish between people and their government.
Yes there may be some poor experiences here and there and I can't control that or speak for all Canadians.
Right now we are starting to hurt and are steeling ourselves for the hard times ahead. We will get through, but support is always appreciated.
Mme. Defarge
(8,666 posts)désolée!
Oopsie Daisy
(5,554 posts)GardenGnome
(76 posts)I do believe you will retake control of your country, but by then, Canada/U.S. relations will have permanently changed. We will have rearranged things inside our country, between provinces, and we will have developed markets in other areas of the world because we have no choice. And having made these changes, we won't/can't abandon them when the U.S. returns to normal. That wouldn't be fair to those countries with whom we establish those markets. Plus, our entangled relationship with the U.S., what used to be a combined strength for both countries, has been shown to be a vulnerability that Canada can never allow to exist again.
Trump is doing damage to the U.S. that will never be undone, and I feel so sorry for Americans who despise him even more deeply than we do ourselves.
(6,912 posts)We need all the help we can get in dealing with this schoolyard bully on steroids.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)(not a gender thing, but in tRump 1.0 women expressed resistance as "persistence" and rightly so)
Ursus Rex
(352 posts)This has been a master stroke. What a bunch of dumbasses we have doing this in our name. God help us and I’m not religious.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,400 posts)What is it going to take to wake the GOP the f up.
(85,598 posts)And we’ve still face almost four full years of this. (Minus two months, that is.)
Oopsie Daisy
(5,554 posts)SamKnause
(14,128 posts)Boycott the hell out of this fucking place.
It seems we have no power to stop these evil theocratic fascists.
The entire government and military is infested with these sick fucks.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)roamer65
(37,509 posts)Folks, time to take a machete to your discretionary spending. Cut monthly expenses where u can.
We have to make this fucker the reincarnation of Herbert Hoover.
(104,373 posts)But nope, we had to give the fucking asshole another term he absolutely did nothing to deserve. Fuck.
(42 posts)Why should any country trust or rely on America? We have no coherent policy. Every 4 to 8 years everything can change now. This country is now dysfunctional, thanks to the Republican Party. We look more like the 4th Reich every day now.
(4,146 posts)Sure, the US is the 800 pound gorilla, but if all 30 100# gorillas in the G30 cave to Trump, it is game over and everyone loses.
(16,437 posts)AmericaUnderSiege
(777 posts)Once we do, there will be a tremendous desire to find an even stronger basis to restore what was lost. Or that's what I hear from Canadians.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)AmericaUnderSiege
(777 posts)One that one guy, getting a minority of the vote, imposed by a foreign power, can't ruin.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)There need to be clear delineations of emolluments and their outlawing, greater separation between the machinery of the Department of Justice (prosecutors) and the Presidency, make clear the Executive branch can't do end runs around Congressional spending mandates, and so much more. It's a large list of reforms needed to strengthen American democracy.
(777 posts)Adding more words to the Constitution won't matter much if the words that are there can just be thrown away.
This is not a legal government. The 14th Amendment is explicit. These are insurrectionists, and they have no right to be in power.
Which means they are literally just a gang of criminals with no authority putting guns in people's faces, and doing it largely on behalf of a foreign power which has been fucking with us for generations.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)... and that the prohibitions and punishments are clearer.
(12,278 posts)It has been revealed that the so called "democracy" is not so much. An entire party has rolled over to an Oligarch and so far nobody had done anything to stop it. The republicans could have prevented this asshole from even running again and they chose not to. Their choices and the voters that support them have brought down the American experiment. Until that is changed and roadblocks put in place for it not to happen again, then there will be no trust. The world has now experienced what can happen and nobody wants to go through this again. Get a proper democracy that reflects the will of the people meaning change the system instead of allowing a minority rule which is what you have right now.
(777 posts)I believe we'll get things back and running without too huge a hassle eventually, regardless of all this shit, but it's obscene that it happened at all.
I'm skeptical that the Presidency is an office worth preserving, giving how much damage it has done in the last 60 years. It's also pretty clear we need a larger legislative and judicial base. One person representing hundreds of thousands is not democracy.
(16 posts)this is not the first of American pain, a vast majority of you know of nothing outside of your country let alone your own state. You view yourselves and have been taught to see yourselves as ‘exceptional”, superior to others. Many have zero understanding of civics or the constitution whereas most other countries know exactly where they stand on these issues. I say many as I was in Montana a few years ago during your 4th of July celebrations. I asked quite a few of your countrymen in a tavern about the meaning of the Stars and Stripes on your flag, calculating for the amount of inebriation etc. I was staggered that only two in ten could answer correctly. Most Canadians could answer this. America, WAKE THE FUCK UP, you’re hiding behind something that doesn’t exist.
(2,126 posts)Jarqui
(10,611 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)Canada Kid
(60 posts)Trump is supposed to call Carney Friday morning....conversation goes like this...
Trump: Hey Marko! How's it going?
Carney: Not so good, Mr. President
Trump: I'm talking to you from the presidential bathroom...on the throne!
Carney: Guess you'll be there awhile, know you're fulla shit!
Trump: Ha-Ha-Ha! Mark. That's a good one! What's funnier is my tariffs that I'm dropping on you!
Carney: Ya want funny? How's about I shut the power off? You'll be wiping your ass in the dark! How's about I block the bridges, nothing gets across. How's about I block shipments of potash, your farmers will have a real problem. How's about I block the southbound flow of oil and gas, you can all freeze in the dark. How's about your population rises up in anger and starts demonstrating in the streets? How's about the world turns it's back on the US as it can no longer have any trust or faith in the face of your nefarious actions over the past two months?
Trump: Ahhh, now now Mark, don't get so worked up. I was just joking about tariffs. Maybe we can work something out?
Carney: Nothing to "work out", Mr. President. Just shove them up your ass...just as soon as you finish emptying you bowels. Good day Mr. President!
(10,611 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,683 posts)SpankMe
(3,417 posts)They'll draw off our talent and sanity (since conservatives won't migrate) and they'll become an economic powerhouse. We're a willing and ready resource for them.
I want to US to remain the eminent global economic Powerhouse. But it's looking more like our "leadership" is pissing that away by alienating and pushing away our allies. If you read the texts from the Atlantic article about the Signal chat group fiasco, they bash Europe a few times in that chat. All these white supremacists have such glee identifying as "European" instead of "white". Yet, they denigrate Europe constantly. I don't understand the mindset.
(37,509 posts)All MAGAts need to be rejected.
Evolve Dammit
(20,419 posts)
And NATO. We will apparently to be the world bully due to the orange guy and his sycophants' world domination aspirations soaked in a religious backdrop.
Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. We are here Sinclair.
Blue Owl
(55,745 posts)Go fuck yourselves and the orange fat fuck you rode in on.
(37,509 posts)Yes, use food production as a weapon for political change.
Lulu KC
(7,628 posts)This is a case of "It's not me, it's YOU!"
(282,255 posts)Rec
red dog 1
(30,529 posts)Is he dead yet?