Justice Department seeks to merge DEA and ATF as part of massive shakeup in its operation
Source: The Independent
Thursday 27 March 2025 14:37 EDT
The Justice Department is reportedly proposing the Drug Enforcement Administration merge with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as part of a massive reorganization plan. In a memo sent from the office of Deputy Attorney General Todd Blanche, obtained by Reuters, DOJ officials propose merging the two agencies as part of the Trump administration’s greater effort to consolidate departments and agencies.
The memo does not detail how the changes would be implemented but asks for feedback on the proposals by Wednesday. While both agencies are responsible for enforcing federal laws, they are responsible for different areas of law and have distinctly separate leadership roles. The DEA, established in 1973, combats illicit drug trafficking and distribution in the U.S. The agency coordinates and pursues drug investigations both domestically and internationally. There are about 10,000 DEA employees.
The ATF, established in 1972, falls under the DOJ and is responsible for preventing and investigating federal firearm and explosive offenses, acts of arson and bombings, as well as federal offenses of alcohol and tobacco products. The agency, which has faced criticism of overregulation from conservatives, also regulates the sale, possession and transportation of firearms, ammunition and explosives. The ATF has about 5,000 employees.
While the memo is just a proposal of merging the two agencies, it is unclear how simply that could occur. The merge may require congressional approval.
Read more: https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/dea-atf-proposed-merge-department-of-justice-b2722860.html
More illegal talk of rearranging agencies that CONGRESS created.

(1,799 posts)Drugs
Firearms and
(2,843 posts)EarnestPutz
(2,843 posts)……savings and will likely require addition funding, at least in the short term”
(7,089 posts)You need DEA certification to prescribe controlled medications and DEA recertification is every 3 years . What should be a routine process like renewing your DL every few years will probably end up being a fucking nightmare.
Or probably get denied for whatever dumb reasons they come up with - treating trans folks or being an abortion provider.
(55,293 posts)Kinda like how they claimed USAID was merged with the State Department.
(52,049 posts)I would take the FDA, the DEA and BATF and split them up as follows:
1. Turn the food-regulation part of FDA into a Department of Food Security under USDA.
2. Combine the drug-regulation part of the FDA, the DEA in its entirely, and the alcohol and tobacco divisions of BATF into a Department of Drug Security under the Department of Health and Human Services.
3. Turn the firearms and explosives offices at BATFE into a Department of Ordnance Security.
(149,756 posts)1. Turn the food-regulation part of FDA into a Department of Food Security under USDA.
FDA STARTED under USDA in 1906 with the advocacy of Dr. Harvey Wiley, and was originally called the Bureau of Chemistry and the scope expanded with the -
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
after the nightmare described in Upton Sinclair' famous 1905 book - "The Jungle".
It was updated multiple times since including -
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
with the proliferation of schlock medicines.
More "Amendments" were passed to include cosmetics and medical devices as well as veterinary medicine and later tobacco.
There is an overlap of responsibility between over a dozen agencies that is described very clearly here -

(missing from the above is that FDA DOES test milk, some "meat" - i.e., what is dubbed "veal on the hoof" (basically young calves) and some alcohol - i.e., anything less that 5%, e.g., wines and beer, where ATF does higher proofs, some tobacco, and the creation of the Consumer Product Safety Commission that had some of the workload spun off from FDA (et. al) -
S.3419 - Consumer Product Safety Act
For example, FDA used to test items like toys and pajamas for flammability. However FDA does still test microwave ovens (for radiation leaks).
The latest major legislation came about 15 years ago with FSMA -
H.R.2751 - FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
FDA was moved to a new "HEW" (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) in 1953 with PHS (Public Health Service).
As a note, the appropriations for FDA do NOT fall under HHS but under Agriculture (which includes USDA, et al).
A good way to separate out the functions is that FDA generally does "processed foods" and USDA's FSIS does "raw/unprocessed" foods.
As another note - FDA is a "regulatory" agency, NOT an "enforcement" agency. As a result, Congress created ENFORCEMENT agencies like DEA and ATF to do mostly LEO functions related to drugs (illicit) & alcohol. ATF was mostly a "taxing" authority under Treasury, something that got spun off from what were the remnants of the old "pro-hee' days (the precursor to the current FBI) during Prohibition with -
H.R.17735 - Gun Control Act of 1968
Recently, FDA took on (after fits and starts) the regulation of Tobacco products (although not the unprocessed form) -
H.R.1256 - To protect the public health by providing the Food and Drug Administration with certain authority to regulate tobacco products, to amend title 5, United States Code, to make certain modifications in the Thrift Savings Plan, the Civil Service Retirement System, and the Federal Employees' Retirement System, and for other purposes.
IMHO, one needs to know the history of all of these agencies and how they got here (and why) before wholesale scuttling them. It's just reinventing a wheel that has been cobbled together for well over a century.