Trump demands control of Ukraine's minerals and oil
Source: The Times
President Trump has demanded Ukraine forfeit control of its minerals, oil and gas as the price for continued US support.
A draft deal suggests the US president has hardened his demands as he seeks to extract a greater share of Ukraine’s mineral wealth in exchange for American weapons.
Ukrainian officials baulked at the revised deal, with one saying it amounted to “robbery”.
The deal, first reported by the Financial Times, proposes transferring all of Ukraine’s mineral resources, including oil and gas, as well as major Ukrainian energy infrastructure into a joint investment fund. The income would be split between the US and Ukraine. The US would appoint three of the five board members, giving the White House overall control of the fund.
Read more:
Much more at the link.
What Trump is proposing is outrageous.

(66,927 posts)What kind of future do they have?
(55,087 posts)Irish_Dem
(66,927 posts)Bluetus
(831 posts)A world with three power centers.
Putin controls all of Russia and Europe
Xi controls Southern Asia and Africa
Trump controls the Americas (which of course includes Greenland.)
Not clear what they do with the Middle East because MBS, Netanyahu, and Iran won't easily agree to anything.
But make no mistake. That is what this is all about. Literally a new world order.
(66,927 posts)I have beeb saying this for over a year.
People gave me a hard time and didn't believe it.
But here we are.
While Americans obsess about the price of eggs, the entire world power center shifted.
(831 posts)"People gave me a hard time and didn't believe it. "
Even today, after everything we have seen, these pages (and basically everywhere else) still talk about Trump as if he is stupid and his stupidity will catch up with him.
His is not stupid. He is narcissistic, even sociopathic, amoral, vulgar, selfish, criminal, deceitful, just plain evil. But he is not stupid. We (collectively) are the stupid ones for not facing up to him at the hundreds of opportunities when he might have been stopped.
(1,331 posts)Under the table. If it actually happened. Which it won't because it's even worse than the first deal that Ukraine rejected.
(69,489 posts)Eurasia (Russia), and Eastasia (China).
We’re fucked if we don’t do anything about it.
(831 posts)Greenland is a large land mass in the hemisphere that Trump believes should belong to the Trump gang.
And when the Trump gang controls all of the Americas, Panama is a very important "toll bridge".
This is how Trump thinks. He isn't stupid, but he is a simple thinker, never encumbered with complexities of the real world. And that strategic ignorance usually gets him what he wants because everybody underestimates his audacity until it is too late.
We can see 100 posts a day here doing exactly that. I would name some of them, but then I'd get targeted by the flag squad.
(4,090 posts)mpcamb
(3,044 posts)C_U_L8R
(46,820 posts)Our system has been infested with private equity schnooks who only take and take. I'm ashamed of our country.
(41,762 posts)enigmania
(281 posts)transactional society.
(22,811 posts)Remember how his only problem with the invasion of Iraq was that we didn't steal all their oil...
Donald Trump has long been obsessed with the idea of seizing Iraq’s oil as some kind of reimbursement for the money the U.S. has spent waging war in the Middle East. “I still can’t believe we left Iraq without the oil,” he tweeted in 2013. “It used to be, ‘To the victor belong the spoils,’” he told Matt Lauer during a campaign forum in 2016. “Now, there was no victor there, believe me. There was no victor. But I always said: take the oil.” The notion of looting Iraq’s natural resources—or as Trump explained the process to Lauer, “we would leave a certain group behind and you would take various sections where they have the oil”—was always certifiably crazy. But as with many of the ideas espoused by Trump while he was running for president, few believed he would actually try to make good on the talking point once he moved into the Oval Office.
(55,087 posts)to rebuild.
Trump is a rapacious monster.
(20,521 posts)

(19,309 posts)AWAY!
(4,146 posts)Trump will prioritize "the Deal" over any long term analysis of how good that leaves anyone and certainly Ukraine and the EU are not in the ranking of priorities so I hope (and suspect) they realize this. If, and I doubt this is true, the EU could give Ukraine the same or better military, intelligence and economic assistance than the US, clearly it would be in the better interests of both to make a similar deal around resources and reciprocity. Certainly Trump, and now by reality, the US is not the best long term partner here.
(35,447 posts)the EU the UK, Japan, Australia and other countries have already increased military spending and aid to Ukraine. American intelligence and aid is quickly becoming unnecessary
(50,899 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,763 posts)RazorbackExpat
(402 posts)he's a mafia don.
Department of
Grifters and
(4,539 posts)the U.S. to be isolated. If these demands on our allies continue we won't have a friend left in the world. In this instance though, his demands are especially egregious with Ukraine fighting a war of national survival.
(66,927 posts)Figarosmom
(4,944 posts)Extorting in full view. He knows no one will stop him.
We can't take 4 years of this much less 1. I'm sorry to say this won't be over in 4 years.
(12,608 posts)n/t
(23,383 posts)After hearing JD Vance et al. calling Europeans freeloaders and balking at bailing them out again they see that this administration is anti-europe. I hope they collectively tell trump to go to hell.
He wants greenlands natural resources too.
Is he going after Africa for their minerals too? Yet?
(35,447 posts)And guess who’s stepped up and said we’d be happy to help…China
(21,107 posts)have your back:
(508 posts)Trump wants to take their revenue sources as payment for Biden helping them protect democracy.
The Art of the Steal.
(3,789 posts)Get control of the monster you created. This is all on you!!!!
(11,113 posts)Ray Bruns
(5,086 posts)
(1,331 posts)Especially as Europe is starting to step up with more support and with no extortion attached.
(3,609 posts)Trump needs to be indicted by the Hague as an international terrorist!!
(35,447 posts)President Zelensky will never go for that. Just like the nonsense in the last deal, he essentially told the orange buffoon “I will not bind the next ten generations of Ukrainians to such a debt.”
(69,489 posts)Is anyone truly supposed to believe that he would straighten up and fly right if we didn’t send him to prison?
(1,911 posts)convict him at impeachment.
(24,607 posts)I don't even know what else to say anymore. It gets worse everyday.
(64,125 posts)C Moon
(12,766 posts)moniss
(6,845 posts)demand anything at all from Israel or South Korea etc. for our continued supply of weapons etc. The revenge of Crumb The 1st all because they wouldn't phony up dirt on Joe Biden. What a pathetic and tiny, tiny man.
(6,845 posts)Crumb The 1st would nominate would all be Russians.
(7 posts)Trump makes me ashamed to be an American. One thing is certain, Trump and his cabal of minions have destroyed the benevolence of our people. For all of our country's bad behavior, we used to care about others, especially allies. Ukraine should have kept their nukes. Sad to say.