Putin suggests temporary administration for Ukraine to end war
Source: Reuters
Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested Ukraine be placed under a form of temporary administration to allow for new elections and the signature of key accords to reach a settlement in the war, Russian news agencies reported early on Friday.
Putin's suggestion of a temporary administration appeared to address his long-held complaint that Ukraine's authorities are not a legitimate negotiating partner as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has stayed in power beyond the May 2024 end of his mandate.
Zelenskiy has rejected any notion questioning his legitimacy, saying Ukraine is barred by law from holding elections under martial law and holding a poll in wartime conditions would in any case prove impossible.
Russia, Putin said, was in favour of "peaceful solutions to any conflict, including this one, through peaceful means, but not at our expense".
Read more: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-suggests-temporary-administration-ukraine-end-war-2025-03-28/
The leaders who need to be removed are Putin and Trump.

(30,728 posts)Polybius
(19,599 posts)Ukraine did exceptionaly well at fighting off an enemy that's 10 times larger, but they have lost serious ground to Russia. They are not winning.
(30,728 posts)Ukraine lost ground in the initial surge by Russia.
Since then, they have learned to fight the Russians with help from the west to a virtual standstill. They have destroyed enough armor material from the Russians that the Russians are now resorting to using both foreign fighters ( N. Korea ), foreign material ( Iranian drones ) and donkeys used to transport materials to the front lines. In addition the drone campaign to cripple Russian oil refineries and pipelines has ( along with western sanctions ) has really hurt the Russian economy.
This ends the way the Russian occupation of Afghanistan ends... with Russia deciding that empire is not worth the cost and withdrawing completely. The Russian people were only a little bit behind the war when it started, they are fed up with the whole thing at this point and wish it had never happened.
(19,599 posts)They have lost territory to the Russians and are likely to relinquish more land in a future agreement. Their primary concern is securing guaranteed safety in any potential deal. It raises the question: why would they consider ceding land if they were achieving victory?
(21,548 posts)And make demands on how they will respond to his demands. He and TSF need to butt out and let an independent committee negotiate with no strings attached to the spoils of war
(65,611 posts)Wouldn't that frost pootin's ass?
(65,611 posts)
(777 posts)It's obvious that letting the city of Moscow dictate terms to a huge swath of a continent is no longer working, either for those people or the world. Russia must end.
(104,372 posts)The sooner these evil fucking scumbags rid the world of their presence, the better.
(54,763 posts)PortTack
(35,447 posts)Amazing he and tsf talk about Ukraine like it is theirs to split up and decide Ukraine’s fate.
Hello Donnie and pootie, you’re up against a real leader with the support of the entire free world behind him…bugger off!
(55,293 posts)
C Moon
(12,766 posts)Fictional writers in our future, will have a huge amount of material with putin's character.
(96,237 posts){{((( GONG!! )))}}
(90,856 posts)Kiss ma grits MF!
(1,242 posts)Vietnam, Panama, Phillipines, .... et.al. ?
Yeah, how did that turn out?
(73,680 posts)Nyet.
BTW Russia has been getting its ass beat all
the time in Ukraine now.
(390 posts)Get the fuck out of Ukraine.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,679 posts)bluestarone
(19,308 posts)Just remove pooty and TSF from the earth. Go from there!
(64,125 posts)Speaking to reporters during a visit to a Russian nuclear submarine in Murmansk, the largest city north of the Arctic Circle, Putin reiterated his claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's mandate is illegitimate.
With the United Nations, the United States and European nations, "we could discuss the possibility of introduction of temporary governance in Ukraine,” Putin said, while Ukraine holds “democratic elections, to bring to power a capable government that enjoys the trust of the people.”
But a White House national security spokesperson dismissed Putin’s proposal, saying that Ukraine’s government was determined by its constitution and citizens, Reuters reported.