Donald Trump Seems Healthier Than President Joe Biden: He's Not.
1st Debate, Photo Caption: 'Trump Is Not Strong, Just Loud.' Daily Kos, July 3, 2024. Ed.
President Joe Bidens physical decline is now so apparent that it has put his reelection chances in serious jeopardy. During the debate with Donald Trump, his voice was soft, he sometimes lacked focus, and he seemed feeble. There is no doubt that his age is catching up to him. This is not to say that I think he cant do the job as President. To the contrary, he still possesses great wisdom and skill and is an outstanding Commander-in-Chief.
I have no doubt, health permitting, he could do a great job during his second term. I also have no doubt that the perceptions of his physical and mental condition (fair or unfair) could cost him the election. Having said that, I believe that Donald Trump is IN MUCH WORSE SHAPE than Biden, something that most of the media has largely ignored. He has received a pass despite numerous instances of his saying bizarre things (sharks or electrocution), getting simple facts wrong (mistaking Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi) and his frequently slurring words.
Dr. John Gartner says in an interview in Salon: Not enough people are sounding the alarm that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented. In fact, we are seeing the opposite among too many in the news media, the political leaders and among the public. There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trumps brain is dementing.
What evidence do you have for that conclusion?
"Phonemic paraphasias" the substitution of non-words for words that sound similarare not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimers. Some examples of Trumps non-words: Beneficiaries becomes benefishes. Renovations become renoversh. Pivotal became pivobal." Obama became obamna. Missiles became mishiz. Christmas became Crissus. Bipartisan became bipars.This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language.
If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this, you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way...
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(38,531 posts)Last edited Thu Jul 4, 2024, 05:58 PM - Edit history (1) quickly we forget these individual offenses, however outrageous, as the flood of bullshit washes them down the memory hole. Remember, "flooding the zone with bullshit" is an EXPLICITLY STATED stratagem of tsf's minions.
(43,474 posts)Flying on emotion, lotsa hate and drama.
(15,268 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)Qutzupalotl
(15,268 posts)Sorry, I thought it was well-known. It was one of his first publicized manglings that led to suspicions Trump was in serious decline.
(43,474 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)Link to tweet
Link to tweet
Its time for everyone, the media especially, to face up to the actual choice: Between constitutional democracy and authoritarianism. Between a normal human being and a self-involved, spiteful madman. Between a government that has performed well and a regime that would gyrate from one personal obsession to another.....
But the fact that they are not equally bad was brought home on the night of the New Hampshire primary, when Trump went on an unhinged tirade against Haley. He was petty (I watched her in the fancy dress that probably wasnt so fancy), threatening (I dont get too angry, he said angrily, I get even) and vindictive (Shes not going to win, but if she did, she would be under investigation). Haley knows its absurd to pretend that Biden is capable of such an indecent display.
And on that age issue, its another sign of media skittishness that the 77-year-old Trumps frequent miscues and flights from reality did not get much coverage until Republican Haley called out the speech in which he kept confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Yes, strong women seem to drive him batty, but it should not have taken Haley to force a reckoning with Trumps disassociation problems.
Theres no question Biden has a lot of work to do, particularly to motivate younger voters whose support he needs and who would prefer someone new and dynamic. But the fact that no Democrat of consequence chose to challenge Biden suggests he just might have the qualities required in this dangerous year: his character, his desire to hold the country together and his ability to keep the peace in his party. There could not be a sharper contrast with Trump.
(43,474 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)Skittles
(162,406 posts)Trump is a fucking demented piece of SHIT
(16,928 posts)Never had any cognition to begin with, so how can it decline?
But yes, he has never seemed particularly well.
(91,504 posts)but he was already older to begin with. The aging comes from the work he has been doing as President .