Founders put wall between church and state for reason
By Ron Friesen / Herald Forum
I grew up going to churches that had two flags at the front: a Christian flag and an American flag.
The significance of those two flags in the front of church strikes me the same then as it does now regarding Christian nationalism: We need to pay attention this election year.
My church said the United States was a Christian nation. OK. But as I grew up, I studied and questioned. My public school education raised questions. I learned our country was founded by men (not women, who were not allowed leadership in the church) and they adamantly opposed an official religion in America. Thomas Jefferson even edited his own bible, cutting out all the parts he did not like or disagreed with. The Jefferson Bible is an excellent example of how to cherry-pick the Bible. This example remains today, just with different cherry pickers who claim to know Gods will for everyone. No need to ask; they will tell you. And send money!
Our Constitution says nothing about a Christian nation. Even the word God is missing! And only creator was used in the Declaration of Independence, which is the term Native Americans use for God, as do many religions.

(63,935 posts)

(18,091 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)The Bible has all the answers... IF:
you cherry-pick the parts you like.
you resinterpret the parts that are inconvenient.
you ignore the parts you don't like.
(159,470 posts)Link to tweet
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The founders signed a treaty affirming that the US was NOT founded as a christian nation
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(96,539 posts)Have always loved the James Madison quote: Religion & government will both exist in greater purity
the less they are mixed together.
Thank you for this many will benefit.
(6,284 posts)It's the courts that seem to be blurring the lines.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
And I'll add that while a lot of Christians are complaining that government is being hostile toward Christians, from their own perspective, there is not a segment of the American population that enjoys the kind of privileges and favors that white, conservative Christians enjoy, or that have so much freedom, including having their property and assets free from taxation, and from most government regulation, including discrimination regulations. The public square is open to them and their speech is free and protected. It is not possible to name one case in which someone in this country has been prosecuted or convicted because of their Christian faith.