Can anyone post the David Brooks opinion piece in NYT - Voters to Elites: Do You See Me Now?
I can't get past the paywall and a search of The Wayback Machine yielded no results. Thank you in advance.
Note: I don't like David Brooks, even though he might be right about this. Just want to discuss the article with a friend.

Lulu KC
(7,251 posts)Autumn
(47,396 posts)NoSheep
(8,284 posts)Like I said, I don't even like David Brooks. I do think he may have become more sensible and not just a shill for centrism
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Brooks is the Chuck Todd of print media- always wrong, always asks the wrong questions.
(47,396 posts)That article hit on almost all points with me.
(1,662 posts)If our aim is to have uneducated have more say, we are screwed.
(230 posts)And that every Republican knows this. Why do you think those carpetbaggers do everything they can not to live in the districts they represent? They just have mastered the art of feeding red meat to the base. And blatantly lie to them using code words and scare tactics to vilify the party that would actually help them.
Democrats always take the high road and try to be inclusive. I am sick of the elite blame. Maybe we need better education so that someone can understand more than a three word sentence. I also think we underestimate the power of the evangelical churches and the staunch Catholics. Aren't most of the current supreme court Catholics?
I have no answer, because I think Kamala tried it all in heels and dancing backwards. Perhaps these people need to drink the poison and actually suffer the consequences. It isn't until we reach bottom that we put up our hand for someone to pull us up.
(1,662 posts)What do they want? They will not train,will not fund training, but want the same old high paying jobs and live in the past? Then, they blame the educated?
(12,353 posts)Musk, Thiel, Trump, etc. Those are the true elites who are ruining the country.
(47,396 posts)the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society:
the country's educated elite
a member of the elite
disapproving A powerful and corrupt elite has bled this country dry.
*the political elite
*the intellectual elite
*the educated ruling elite
(1,776 posts)while finding ways to screw over everybody else.
THAT is "elitism."
(36,594 posts)Who is this god damn stupid?
(162,229 posts)mass psychosis
(2,340 posts)Trump is not the president of the common man, but the president of the super-rich, and also the president of the resentful. Sometimes I wonder if David Brooks ever acknowledges People of Color and who they vote for.
(6,886 posts)They use it as code for everything they don't like about democrats.
It's about push back on their racist bullshit. On their religious bullshit. Their bullshit of trying to control women and anyone that does not think like them, or look like them.
I remember Chris Matthews, before he was kicked off MSNBC droning on about the same shit night after night. They are mad because Elites are looking down on them. He would go on and on about how we should respect their stance on abortion even if we disagree.
As if complete strangers wanting to control my body is something I should fucking respect.
They feel their way of life being taken away from them by elites - Which usually means they don't like pushback on trying to control everyone else.
Their resentment is not just about " education".
(1,776 posts)So the "elite" claim is just nonsense.
This election was about white males and their fearful female companions rejecting the idea women can lead. This despite the literally tens of thousands of cases to the contrary.
(39,862 posts)pro-Republican media promote the trumpian flip: "Elites, elites, we're not the elites YOU"RE the elites!"
(1,776 posts)No sane Democratic politician wants to cater to the sexist, racist vote, and that is what this election was about, especially the sexism.
(8,284 posts)Hes gaslighting liberals and progressives. He wants us to feel this is on us. I thought what he wrote was interesting because I fucking do NOT understand people who might vote for that maniac but I am certain this is not my fault. It is the first time I have ever thought anything the man had to say was at least interesting but right wing owned media and the psychotic voices it gives a platform to has nothing to do with my ideals and ethics. The lies it spouts are not mine. I had to get that off my chest. I read political analysis all day Saturday and today I read anger and sarcasm. It jerked me around and I realized conservatives are all to quick to blame liberals and progressives for something weve busted our asses to stand up to. Small rant over.
(39,862 posts)Brooks, deep down, probably sincerely believes his own authentic crap, and equates the two with honesty.
In the bigger picture, whatever content corporate media can profit from to get over on the public is what they'll print. Always take the NYT news fact, analysis and context with a grain of salt. They'll flay our psyches whether we're in the White House or not.