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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsWhen Thinking About Water Safety, Consider Your Kid's Swimsuit Color
Alive Solutions, a company specializing in water safety, conducted an informal study in 2020 to test how visible different colored swimsuits would be in light-bottomed pools, dark-bottomed pools and lakes. For the pools, they tested what the suits looked like underwater (top row) and then again with some surface agitation (bottom row) from the perspective of a person standing on the pool deck.
Light-Bottom Pool
Dark-Bottom Pool
For the lake, the company tested the different swimsuit colors on the surface of the water (top row), from a shore view (middle row) and from an elevated view (bottom row) to simulate what it would look if the parent were standing on a boat or a dock. The water was only 18 inches deep.
Huffpo Article:
Wow! This is really something. It's amazing what water color, depth, and background do to affect visibility.

(64,074 posts)
(29,941 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,358 posts)applegrove
(124,918 posts)the same swimsuit material/pattern as their kids. Then they could keep an eye on them and each other. I didn't have an industrial sewing machine and I only made swimsuits for one manager and summer pants for a friend made out of lycra. Then I figured out on my other swimsuits that the elastic stitch I was using was more of a 'tear here' here situation than a stitch. And that was the end of my swimsuits idea. But I had fun being creative and thinking of ideas. Safety first.
(25,481 posts)trump would be easy to spot.
(25,190 posts)pool or lake after he displaced all the water by getting into it.
(7,080 posts)the most recognizable color to the human eye.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)What people don't understand is drowning victims are generally motionless and do not scream out.
70% have been drinking.
(162,380 posts)over 100,000 a year......and yes I have zero doubt alcohol is involved in a huge percentage!
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)I was young and skinny and looked good in a speedo. Those days are over.
I did save one child. He was swimming for the first time of the season and went off the diving board. He forget how to swim and panicked.
We also had one child who died at a local pool. He stuck his hand down a drain and got stuck.
What bugs me the most is how relaxed people are with their kids around their own pools. Things like they don't have a locked gate from the pool to the house. Or at parties no one is paying attention to the kids in the pool.
(2,537 posts)We're already waterproof. Silly invention for an uptight world.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)Do you really want to see my fat old body? I started wearing under armour shirts.
(2,537 posts)I don't go to the beach or the pool to look at other people. I'm sure you look great, though.
(85,357 posts)But I immediately started wondering what effect bright colored suits would have if you're in ocean water. And whether you'd attract sharks if you're wearing a brightly-colored suit.
Am I just being a weird old worrywart?
(3,747 posts)Skittles
(162,380 posts)is that predators as in critters, or conservatives?
(3,747 posts)...but now that I think about it, the Heart song on that subject still leaves your question open.