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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsWhen was the lsat time you bought *salt* (idodized of course)
Reminder: In ancient times salt was a high value commodity just saying
*** Am out of routine use

(44 posts)msongs
(70,772 posts)quite a while back
(44 posts)I was just curious about why it was highlighted as the type of salt.
(96,611 posts)
it actually can be very bad for a person. Iodide is a preventative. (See link)
In any case, the addition of iodide to table salt in the early 20th century just about wiped it out in the US.
As with the addition of Vitamin D to milk that wiped out the deformed and weakened bones caused by rickets, this was a very successful public health measure.
(15,894 posts)Regular mostly for baking, and kosher salt for cooking.
(70,772 posts)RockRaven
(17,014 posts)We do a lot of cooking and baking at home, but boxes of iodized table salt still last a long time (and we buy whatever the largest size is at the supermarket whenever we have need of it), and longer still since we also buy/use kosher salt instead for various things.
(73,517 posts)ret5hd
(21,320 posts)can we start spreading the dems are going to take your iodized salt away!!!
the gullible start stockpiling salt
then we spread paper towels!!!
they start stockpiling paper towels.
then ceramic floor tiles. then plastic shower curtains. then dawn dish soap.
oh, the possibilities are endless.
(73,517 posts)LeftInTX
(32,723 posts)Skittles
(162,429 posts)I do not use salt.