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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsTell me that you have never REALLY read the Bible. . .
. . . While simultaneously starting an argument about what's in the Bible.
You can begin by talking about Adam and Eve and the apple and finish with Revelations.

(3,767 posts)Got thrown out of Eden then the kids immediately found spouses from who knows where since there wasnt anyone else in the world.
The end.
Okay, I talked about the Bible from Genesis to Revelations skipping the middle. But think I have a pretty good grasp of it.
(1,875 posts)It's not plural.
Cain and Able were born after the expulsion from Eden, and no, there is no specific mention of the birth of any daughters. Abel was replaced very directly, though, after Cain did his thing.
The mention of the apple was not happenstance. The Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is never identified botanically. Some scholars theorize that it was actually a fig, since the First Couple grabbed fig leaves immediately upon eating the fruit and realizing that they were naked.
There are also all sorts of other symbolism and possible meanings around the fig as well as the apple's association with different feminine religious traditions. But I didn't sleep last night and I'm losing my edge.
Thank goodness for spellcheck.
(1,684 posts)Quibbling over a text that has been bastardized for millennia.
(322 posts)Back in the 70's and early 80's I read it within in each year.
It is a great compilation of mythical stories.
Anthrapologists have found many land sites depicted.
It leaves out many older stories from early "Christianity".
Jesus teachings and acts of faith are not acknowedged truly
by many churches today. Love and hope minimized. Hate against others a focus
We are given at birth a seed of Jesus mind to live or ignore.
Live as a blessing for yourself and others.
(34,998 posts)Did you know there are more mistakes in the Bible than there are words in it?
(34,998 posts)Had a price tag of 50 cents on it. Told the guy Id been looking for one. He said in that case you can have it for free. All the words of Jesus are in red.
See I do respect those folks. The only Christians I really respect.
(34,998 posts)Google Bible verse about Test For An Unfaithful Wife. Promotes the first abortion pill. Right there in the Bible.
Also, according to scripture, life begins with the first breath, not conception.
(1,684 posts)begins at first breath. It was only after the woman-haters club decided to beat on women that it changed.
Those who never read the bibles they bang believe otherwise.
(25,448 posts)I got some really dumb answers.... I quit reading it after that. If you can't trust it on the value of pi, what can you trust it on?
(2,080 posts)and Adam and Eve and their kids genealogy is odd...
- and revelations is just plain crazy!
p.s. I think revelation was written by some crazy guy banished to an island with nothing else to do while he fretted about whether the Roman Emperor was going to finally let him come back or just execute him...
p.p.s. but I followed the orders wrong here - whoops again I thought I was supposed to tell you that I have read the bible not that I never read the bible but I read numerous bibles numerous times i've got tons of versions...
p.p.p.s. I know that as an atheist I'm a bit odd...
p.p.p.p.s. wait damn it I messed up reading the rules again! I forgot to start an argument...
Ummm uhhh bad thread bad thread bad bad bad thread go away bad thread! Go to hell bad thread! I am vicariously punching this bad thread...
- There!!!
Clouds Passing
(3,884 posts)Ysabel
(2,080 posts)some of them seem to have become over the years a little bit mixed up...