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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsWhat is the funniest, or strangest or odd thing your pet does? Litter box is in the basement. . Tinker does her business
and zooms up two flights of stairs. none stop.

Ocelot II
(123,361 posts)debm55
(43,364 posts)
(6,652 posts)He's over the bridge now, but when I found him, he had a broken leg, was emaciated, and had no hair. He had both the best and worst temperaments of both breeds. I nursed him back to health, thinking I would try to find a home for him, but failed at fostering...
He was a food snatcher from the start - would grab a loaf of bread from the counter, a stick of butter, or whatever was left out, and head out the doggy door in a flash.
Over time, he settled down. He loved tortillas, which I often eat for breakfast, so I always gave him a bite. One day, I was cooking breakfast, and out of tortillas. He was waiting so politely and patiently for his tortilla. I told him, "sorry, tortillas all gone".
In a dejected manner, he went out the doggy door. Moments later, he came back in with a muddy old pack of moldy tortillas that he had snatched and buried sometime before. I knew that he was my forever dog at that moment.
(43,364 posts)
(25,439 posts)She would get on the nightstand under the window and paw at it until she made enough noise that i would wake up and open it to let her out. When she wanted back in later, she would jump up to the window and make enough racket that I would open it again to let her in. Eventually, I had to put a little table outside under the window for her to stand on to get to the window easier. She was a character! I miss her.
(43,364 posts)years.
(2,933 posts)and using her magical powers stopped then deleted the home movie we were watching at the time....
( I found it safe and sound in the recycle bin )
(43,364 posts)
(11,770 posts)my mom's Siamese was a goofball. If you left a skillet on the stove, he'd jump up there and curl up in it.
Also, if you left a door open, he'd jump all the way up to the top of it and sit up there like a leopard in a tree on the savanna.
(43,364 posts)
(12,046 posts)If she can see the bottom of her food bowl, she knocks it to the floor.
I can't put her bowl on the floor because my bunny gets into it and that's just gross.
(43,364 posts)her bowl.
(44,108 posts)I am not kidding.
(43,364 posts)
(15,656 posts)Lily the Jack Russell Terrier humps her plush gnome "Carrot Top", and her plush log full o' squirrels.
Just the right size, evidently.
(32,802 posts)sniff his food bowl and then scratch the floor.with.his paw acting like he is burying his poop.
(26,264 posts)...where to find them in my husband's workshop, and will help himself to one, which he will carry thru the house for a while, playing with it off and on. He often will conclude by dropping it in his water bowl.
(18,622 posts)I often tell her, "Your breath could knock a buzzard off an outhouse."