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I was a kid in the 70s, young adult in the 80s. I really miss the 70s. I miss my dead relatives. I miss watching the Orange bowl parade on tv in the 70s in Miami. We would always look for this guy from our block in Queens, ny in a marching band. I miss not being stressed out all the time. And happy memories. Feeling extremely empty at my life now.

(21,261 posts)And did not know the goings on behind the scenes. Watched the Orange, Cotton, Sugar, Rose Bowls and all the parades and events. Then in my junior year of high school, Viet Nam was introduced to my vocabulary but never really hit me until I was graduating at 18 and how the draft was a reality. Changed my life and the end of the innocence as the song goes. Now, Im much older and have seen the landing on the moon, the Twin Towers destroyed and everything in between. I think we all, at times, go back to our sweet memories for some kind of relief from what is going on now. But..we made it this far..our experiences have lessons we gotta use now in these very scary times. We gotta hold on and together, well keep each other close. Stay strong 🌺

I was mostly fortunate growing up. Lost my Mom way too early. I believe I could live my life late 1960s, early 1970s forever. Ive had it good my whole life. Im a Vietnam Era Vet, did not serve in country. I have a Wonderful wife, relatively good health. But when I think of 1968 through 1972 I get real warm and fuzzy and nostalgic. It happens every time.
(15,567 posts)
(20,232 posts)I woke from one the other day, sort of lingered in the haze between sleeping and waking, had a fleeting thought of a memory, from way back when I was young. I got a flash of nostalgia, but it was cocooned with years, so even though I felt like I missed that time, the sadness was too faint to bring tears. I spent a little bit of waking time wondering if I've lived so long that the memories are too distant to take to heart.
We unpack more than ornaments at the holidays and this is the time of year that memories glitter with the same brightness as the tinsel. It is easy to think of good times when someone always made sure we were safe, fed, rested, loved. Now we have to be nice to ourselves, take care of ourselves. It might be harder to do right now, but withthe holidays over for another year, we can get back to taking one step at a time, one day at a time.
(15,567 posts)Thank you.
(21,261 posts)Have us thinking of our own memories. Then comes after the festive decorations are put away n life has got to get on. Kinda hits ya
(15,567 posts)And suddenly i remember the oldest memories of things I'd long forgotten. Or so I thought.
(20,232 posts)I have a set of memories that come from way back, and they are pleasant. My brother-in-law swears he has memories from when he was 9 months old, but his Mom and siblings doubted him. I have early memories and it is interesting to see if I can figure out how old I was from the memories. I think my earliest memories are from when I was maybe a year old. My younger brother was born 11 months after me, and I remember us in cribs side by side.
(20,232 posts)I have a booth in a vintage mall. In-between visits and holidays, I let things pile up as I go through boxes, get things ready to add to the booth and have every project I start or mean to start laying out somewhere. Then one of the kids comes for a visit, or there's a holiday and I have to put it all the clutter away. When the holidays are over, I try to get back to a state of total disorder! I told my kids I was repopulating my clutter. I'm on my own and it is comforting to unpack things and enjoy memories not related to Christmas, but to so many warm sunny days where we went out and hit the sales, and came home with treasures. I think we all come up with ways to filling the space around us and making sure our memories don't get overwhelming.
(237 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)and I will give that my highest priority as we move forward.
(16,873 posts)They go to schools that are all locked up, under surveillance in their teen years, no room for escaping to be yourself without all the pressure.
The stress is constant for them, and they missed out on so much of the freedom that we experienced.
(15,567 posts)I grew up when I did.
(21,261 posts)We wanted to change the way we treat Mother Earth, we wanted equality and its still our mission, we wanted to make sure our elders were cared for, we wanted the justice system to be honorable.we wanted children safe and cared for, we wanted our resources for the betterment of society, not the few. Damn. We gotta a lot of unfinished business 😤

(39,939 posts)We have to constantly remember them in our party politics -- our party lost them in this last election and we need to regain their trust. In every local and national arena we must fight hard for candidates who intend to trump-proof their futures.
(3,163 posts)And the rockers were in their prime.
Life seemed limitless and endless.
It was a sweet time.
(3,961 posts)Someone here posted about Dan Fogelbergs' Leader of The Band, and the line that stuck in my head was "Papa I don't think I said I love you near enough." My Mom was always a worrier and I inherited that from her. She once told me he always helped calm her down and made her feel safe. He did that for me too. I could really use that these days.
With the exception of my sister and a few extended family members and close friends, the people I loved, admired, and counted on the most are all gone now. My parents, my two aunts, who I was extremely close too, as well as their husband's. My history professor who was like a second Dad to me.
If I could go back in time it would be from 1980 to 1984. I really haven't been very happy before or since. Although the end of 1983 sucked because that's when we lost my Aunt Kay, my Mom's eldest sister, who most of us considered the rock of our family. Other than that I felt loved and smart(my college years), had a lot of friends, and like I had a purpose. Really don't feel very much of any of those things now. All though my cousin did tell me, I am his favorite person in the world, so that made me feel a bit better.
(15,567 posts)So many gone I miss. 75 was a good year
(21,261 posts)We gotta make our own memories after the examples given to us to build on showed us the way 🌺
(35,363 posts)Even thou life is so different and feels oddly strange, I know have to stay strong and stalwart for my daughter and grand girls.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)or gophers with a bucket of water.
Listening to the deafening sound of St Johns cicadas.
Catching bullfrogs in ponds.
Watching my father command a drilling crew in the deserts of northern Mexico
I miss my childhood too.
(9,993 posts)this Christmas I found myself thinking about my first family at Christmas back then and now they are all gone, and Im with an entirely different second family. Its interesting how that comes about over the course of a lifetime.