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This message was self-deleted by its author (CountAllVotes) on Tue Jan 14, 2025, 03:36 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(3,484 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,178 posts)I probably qualify as an old fogey too!
I cannot believe that someone would do something like this!
Very sad indeed.
(19,449 posts)If your friend or you have the energy to pursue it, then I would do that.
Sounds like your friend is pissed off, so I would let them go after the person if they wish.
Personally, for $20, I'd probably figure if the person needs $20 that bad, they can have it...because I don't have the energy to pursue $20. But in my younger days, I would have been all over that person.
I wouldn't sweat it too much. In spite of how things are appearing lately, there's still plenty of good, normal, non-criminal people left in the world.
(21,178 posts)She said no way!
She's into finding this person and getting them.
I'm too wiped out to do anything at the moment.
Still missing my Silver cat.
And a bunch of other real disgusting problems.
(19,449 posts)I'm so sorry about the loss of your cat.
Don't worry...things will get better.
Take care of yourself and try not to stress. Let your friend do the heavy lifting right now.
(21,178 posts)The death of my big kitty has me wiped out.
I buried him in my backyard and fell twice in the mud while doing it.
What a huge mess I made,
Luckily, the young fellow that cuts the lawn came by and was able to finish off the grave as I was too weak and wrecked to do anything more. How I managed to dig that big hole is beyond me! He was a big cat, weighed about 18 lbs. or so and he was not fat, just big!
Then this thing yesterday.
And more about an ongoing legal problem as well.
Giant UGH!
What can I do to just turn it all OFF? I cannot seem to catch a break!
(19,449 posts)The loss of a pet is devastating. No way around it, it's one of the most terrible things you can go through.
So...feel your grief. Don't try to suppress it.
As far as the other issues...when I get overwhelmed, I think of the people in Ukraine, I think of the people in LA with the fires...and I tell myself "At least I'm not going through that".
Take solace in the fact that you gave your cat a good life. Concentrate on the life that you gave your cat, not your cat's passing.
(13,269 posts)you don't 'pay for your gas' before having your car at the pump. (inviting someone else to pull up in the meantime) chances are attendant assumed you were the person at that # pump - flipping up the handle, and proceeding to pump allotted amount. and why would they not? that actually would be the normal order of things. they don't know that your car is somewhere else on the lot ... waiting for your turn ...
hope you get your money back ... but you need to be a little proactive in your dealings.
(19,449 posts)It sounds like a theft of gasoline by someone who knew that someone else paid for their gas.
(13,269 posts)knew they were receiving a 'funny' metering of gas. (In fact, the way the pumps work on presale amounts - they would have only been able to get that exact amount, on that particular trigger or transaction. No other way it works. And, in order to get 'their' order plus the 'victim's allotment - they would have had to necessarily reset and retrigger another transaction. No mention of this ... ) On the other hand - how did that motorist end up at that pump 'stealing' that prescribed amount of fuel? Did they overhear 'cash transaction' and rush to their vehicle to intercept at corresponding pump? Also seems a stretch. In any event still speaks to a lack of preparedness and attention. And almost suredly not the fault of the attendant. The cashier is really neither in a position nor responsible ... For monitoring who is metering at which pump - what driver, what vehicle - and for what amount. And the motorist should have their vehicle at the prescribed pump ... Usually before going in to pay.
(21,178 posts)I'm not taking any responsibility for the actions of a thief!
I'm blaming this on the thief and no one else.
It is a small rural community and everyone knows one another.
Once they ID this woman I (driving a new car btw), she's screwed around here, believe me!
(13,269 posts)You pulled up to the pump - found that it wasn't giving you your 5 (or whatever amount) gallons - then just waved to your friend in the store and drove off? Without discussion or notice? Why? That's kind of negligent (and a little inexplicable).
Still at least some portion your fault.
(19,449 posts)a further hard time?
(2,036 posts)Why would you not? If you didn't pay for the gas you don't drive off. You took $20 worth of gas go in and give them $20.
(13,269 posts)You have to 'pre-pay' before you get any fuel out of the pump. If the pump is allowing you fuel - it means you've already paid for it inside the store (and will only receive that prescribed amount) - or you are using a card to ring up an open ended sale/amount.
(2,036 posts)and if I haven't handed a cashier money or used a card at the pump I know that I haven't paid. I personally would realize that someone else had paid at that pump and it wasn't my gas.
(13,269 posts)I know that I am not entitled to gas. (and it is also unlikely that I would pulling my car up to the pump. thinking that fuel is somehow 'magically' going to appear.)
(6,283 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,855 posts)Are you sure you meant pump 7? Theres someone there already.
Give me a different pump, please.