The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support Forumsi didn't know where to put this, so I came to the lounge, GUESS who i met today?? Baywatch's PAM ANDERSON
I have been going to the 3D Chat site for 17 years now and can only remember one time being blown away meeting a celebrity, and it was Atsu Sakurai, lead singer of BuckTick, but right under my nose was a real celebrity who is really very famous. I mean for the years I have known of Pam Andersons room I had been told once that no, she wasn't the real Pam Anderson, that it was probably a guy who was a fan, and had this desire to be admired by many people. Yeah so she had photos but most of those were published and on the internet until today.....
While in her room, Pam showed us a photo shoot she had been involved in and laid out a number of links to photos which I figured she probably grabbed off the internet, but no,. She said the photos were planning on being released next week in this magazine and they haven't been published yet. I checked around and suddenly it dawned on me... How could this person access personal photos of herself, and before she had shown us photo of Malibu including where her house was in Malibu before it burned down in the Pacific Palisades fire!
My friend Emily told me, yes she was the real thing , and confirmed that her gf had actually met Pam in person and confirmed that Pam had an imvu account. I told her before I was a fan of her movie BARBED WIRE and she went on to say how fun it was to be in that movie as the main star.
So today my jaw is dragging on the floor, all this time I have been chatting with the real PAM ANDERSON and couldn't believe it I just as I said she was someone playing the roll, but its hard to do that when they offer you actual proof that yes they are the actual celebrity.
Years ago when I met Atsu no one believed he was the lead singer of BuckTICK but when they got on SKYPE and confirmed it we were blown away, Imagine finding out your friend was a real rock star>??? How is it even possible he was there? He said it was simple, he had a girl friend in Germany and it was cheaper to date on IMVU than make long distance phone calls from JAPAN TO GERMANY even if you are a rich Rock star....
SO now i will have to spend more time in her chat room, especially since she came to my birthday party in my own chat room. I am blown away and yes I am a bit star struck. I have met famous people before, like Michael Douglas when he visited the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and I was working there. I grabbed his autograph but i have long since lost it..... it was on a scrap of paper..
I TALKED to Michael Jackson when I worked in Santa Barbara at an answering service and he called in to get his messages. One of those who called him often was Elizabeth Taylor so you would think i would be used to meeting and chatting to Celebrities but to suddenly realize the person you been talking to all these years was really Pamela Anderson... the real one.. has me blown away... Some people would say its no big deal, and maybe they come into contact with more celebrities than I do, but California is full of them.... and I even met GAVIN NEWSOM and his wife when they were married, Yes that one!
(23,802 posts)wowZZers . 1989, i had just barely moved up to northern ca when that show came on.
(7,020 posts)And think it's very cool that she came to your b-day party!!
ms liberty
(9,935 posts)That is such a power move as a woman in today's world.