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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsWell, here goes nothing lol
On my way to a day full of pre op appointments to get ready for my triple bypass.
Thanks for all your kind words over the last week. I'll update tonight with any news.

(64,041 posts)
(1,311 posts)I'm gladly still receiving them
I'm filled with love and gratitude.
(64,041 posts)
(1,311 posts)Days after surgery depending on my recovery.
The said second or third day I should be in regular ICU after first two in CICU.
At that point they'll start removing some of the hoses and other things protruding from my chest, throat, stomach or leg.
Once I get on my feet a little, they'll accelerate and either throw me out in 6-10 days or rehab me in a separate facility. I will try to send a Frankenstein type message out as early as I can. That's a promise.
So look for the all capps
IT'S ALIVE message lol
(26,319 posts)Wishing you an uneventful and speedy recovery.
(798 posts)

(43,438 posts)
(1,311 posts)You have been there with me from day one of this "adventure".
Dear friends are rare and precious, you are honored daily in my thoughts.
Thank you
(36,204 posts)Hope everything goes as smoothly as can be.
(1,311 posts)Your words are very kind and for extra credit lol. I love Future Legend on that album.
(15,532 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)That you offer your warmth and kindness and love amid all of your difficulties touches me more than you can possibly know.
As I send positive vibes and prayers your way daily, let's make a pact to "Heal together"
Your words and deeds reach the core of me and for that, I'm incredibly grateful Mary.
(11,336 posts)
(1,311 posts)I'm very appreciative of your warm wishes.
(230 posts)have a stronger heart and after recovery you will feel great with energy to spare! Sending all kinds of positive and supportive thoughts to you. Yes, please keep us updated. We care!
(1,311 posts)Thank you for the symbolism, the warmth and kindness that your thoughts so willingly convey.
Please know my hope is that your kindness comes back to you tenfold.
(175 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)boonecreek
(692 posts)Hoping for the best.
(1,311 posts)Your words are a balm to anxiety.
(31,741 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I'm really grateful for your prayers and kind wishes
(30,561 posts)This isn't a piece of cake, but in the end, you will be much healthier. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

(1,311 posts)I am grateful for the dose of reality with a healthy sprinkle of optimism to enhance the flavor
(30,561 posts)and due to a shit cardiologist, he didn't receive the pacemaker he needed on time, and it was truly another version of hell. But today, he is doing very well and life is getting much better.
If the surgeon or electrical cardiologist says you need a pacemaker, demand it!
(1,311 posts)I'm glad you posted now as I can ask the NP here about that.
(30,561 posts)the whole time you are in hospital? It will make everything easier. Nurses are overworked and have about 6-10 minutes per patient and you need care around the clock. I truly believe that is why my beloved is still alive because I was there to fill in the gaps.
If all goes well, you will be out of the hospital in a few days. You should also ask what they think the length of your stay should be. You will be fine.
(1,311 posts)That never occurred to me. I don't think I do but I'll ask.
I appreciate the heads up.
(30,561 posts)at least for the first night. If nothing else, it's comfort.
(122,572 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I don't know if you know this but your name also represents some pretty cool heart helping stuff too.
Niyad may also refer to a lyophilized form of nafamostat, a serine protease inhibitor that has anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and potential antiviral properties. Nafamostat has been used in Japan and South Korea as an anticoagulant for dialysis circuits, acute pancreatitis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
I found that to be pretty awesome.
Thank you for your energy, and your healing nature Niyad
(126 posts)Fortunately medicals are really good at heart surgery. You'll come through it. Keep us posted on your recovery; that's what takes the longest. 💥💛
(1,311 posts)I love the positive reinforcement you offer and it is those very reassurances that will send me into the darkness with a shining light
For that, I'm extremely grateful.
(126 posts)💕
(1,311 posts)3auld6phart
(1,449 posts)All the the best.. 14 years for mine. Still here.just take it easy for awhile. Take care.
(1,311 posts)Congrats and thanks for the positive self reference.
(3,392 posts)My dad had emergency open heart surgery about 12 years ago and was completely, fully recovered in 4 or so months. He's on anti-coagulants, but is totally uncompromised in any other way. These things are pretty successful. I'd bet real money you'll be running marathons in 3 months.
(1,311 posts)I really do love the positive reinforcement.
(128 posts)My husband had his triple bypass in 2014. He is doing fine.
(1,311 posts)I look forward to just the same success.
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)Hope all goes well!
(1,311 posts)CaptainTruth
(7,462 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,649 posts)

(1,311 posts)DUers are a very powerful group and I've felt your power again and again. Honestly, I'm not sure what I could've done without you.
(229,649 posts)May those vibes surround you and see you safely through...
(8,285 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I'll do that lol.
(1,080 posts)Bluethroughu
(7,003 posts)
(759 posts)In time you will be feeling great.
(442 posts)MLAA
(18,998 posts)czarjak
(12,675 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I really appreciate your kind thoughts.
(1,638 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I really appreciate your kind words.
(9,605 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)That's a pretty nice wish being that I'm winging it as it is.
Sorry for the bad pun, I'm really grateful and please know humor is the only sound medicine that I know how to practice.
(9,605 posts)mwmisses4289
(650 posts)
(1,311 posts)I really appreciate your healing vibes.
(4,723 posts)Just keep thinking of good things
(1,311 posts)I'm so grateful for your kind words.
(43,438 posts)
(1,311 posts)That's thank you in german. Liebe is everything!
(12,378 posts)CrispyQ
(39,189 posts)Here's hoping all goes well & you have a speedy recovery!
(1,311 posts)Would love to know the story behind your name.
Clouds Passing
(3,988 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I always look for symbolic meaning from your messages. Your warm, generous and kind heart has a clear path to mine, so please stay in touch
Clouds Passing
(3,988 posts)
Liberal In Texas
(14,988 posts)Had a quintuple in 2018. Still around and in better shape than before.
Make sure you do the rehab that they'll set up for you, it'll help get back to normal faster.
Welcome to the Zipper Club.
Here's a heart for your heart!
(1,311 posts)That heart means a lot as I've treated each one gifted as from your heart to mine and same from me.
I appreciate the hopeful words and now I know about the Zipper club. Forgive a guy for confusion as to its meaning until now lol
S/V Loner
(9,266 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I plan on it!
(11,236 posts)but after that, you won't have felt better in years...
Hang in there and keep the "hug" pillow close at hand.....
(1,311 posts)I appreciate the reality base with a cherry on top.
(11,236 posts)been there done that.......I wished someone had leveled with me.....much better if you feel you know how things are gonna go afterwards........
Take care of yourself....OK
(24,464 posts)Good luck !
(1,311 posts)I really appreciate the warm wishes.
(73 posts)You will be warned about coughing and how it hurts. I'm here to tell you that sneezing does the same. Welcome to the Zipper Club (even if they don't cut through your sternum). Good luck. It's a second chance at life itself. A blessing. From this CABGx4 veteran.
(1,311 posts)I really really appreciate the words of you that have experienced what I'm about to go through. Remind me to stay out of the sun for a few weeks lol as I sneeze at every ray of sunshine lol
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)
(1,311 posts)And hey, on the bright side, there may be hope for that too lol.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)usonian
(16,333 posts)
of wishes for success and excellent health!
(1,311 posts)I loved your post. Instantly lifted my mood even higher.
You're spirit is a gift in and of itself. Thank you!
Dorothy V
(192 posts)You will feel stronger after your surgery has your blood flowing properly. You'll cope with pain better as well. As you progress post-op, think of all the things you'll be able to do again, and more, once you've healed!
Enter stage left
(3,963 posts)I had a quadruple just 13 months ago, and I feel great.
Hope it works for you like it did for me.
Marie Marie
(10,098 posts)blm
(114,019 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,494 posts)Prayers for a smooth procedure and rapid recovery too. 🙏
(20,171 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,311 posts)I'm really grateful for your kind wishes. It means alot.
(6,348 posts)I had the surgery twice. Once at 38, another at 68.
Recovery time was way shorter at 68!
(1,311 posts)I'm thrilled you got through this twice, it gives me more hope. Thank you!
(52,266 posts)
(10,724 posts)Send you flowers as you recover!
Here are some virtual flowers, at least.
(16,037 posts)WhiteTara
(30,561 posts)The earlier in the day for surgery, the better the outcome. I like to be either number 1 or 2. The number 2 slot is my favorite because they are warmed up and not tired.
I've had 7 surgeries in the past 8 years and that's my take on that.
You are going to be fine and feel so much better soon. Best of luck. When is the actual date? I will chant healing mantras for you.
(1,311 posts)Thank you so much for the healing energy and please know that I am honored beyond words that you find me worthy of it.
(30,561 posts)You are totally beyond worthy and I'm glad you are first. You get the most attention from the pre-op nurses because it's quiet and they aren't overwhelmed with the surgery schedule.
When Mr. WT experienced an NDE from his surgery, I somehow chose to become an advocate for all people in hospitals. Best wishes and I have you in my calendar and I will see you healing and growing stronger with each moment. Because you are scheduled for a Friday, try to have someone with you for the duration, usually 3 or 4 days.