My brilliant son stated what should be obvious this morning
That "Liberals" need to stop grumbling so much about how Republicans are ruining the economy and then go shopping at places like Walmart. He said since money is deemed to be speech--"every time we spend money at places that don't treat people well we are voting Republican."
(113,131 posts)because Walmart drove everybody else out of business and because the race to the bottom facilitated by Walmart has left them with wages so bad they can't afford anything else but the thrift shops.
(68,644 posts)K/R
Kelvin Mace
(17,469 posts)And in that case it was an emergency and they were the only thing open.
(51,666 posts)less than $20, and on major loss leaders, lol. They've made no profits off me.
(484 posts)Do your research. Find out what companies are under the Koch umbrella and boycott their products. Pass it along to whomever will listen. Have them pass it on. We can make a difference.
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)our Part D drugs because of cost but don't have to buy anything else there.