Propaganda Debunking
Related: About this forumantifa?
in the rwnj propaganda antifa is a powerful army of soros funded militants ready to stop peacful conservatives from speaking and peaceably exercising their "natural right" to open carry and protect their precious confederate statues. .
on the other hand, in the same rwnj propaganda, antifa is a rabble of pajama clad "soi bois" barely strong enough to swing a bicycle lock (antifa's favorite weapon?)
i suppose antifa actually exists, but how organized is it?
have you ever joined a black bloc?
do you think that actions bordering on violence or vandalism are helpful to the peaceful nonviolent goals of most protests?
how much of the trouble blamed on peaceful protests are caused by agents provacateurs, within a black bloc or among less strident protesters?

(23,738 posts)The trouble at peaceful protests is usually caused by the police or right wing.
Haven't seen many on the left getting destructive since the late 1990's, provacateurs or not.
'Antifa' as a 'thing' is mostly a myth on Faux News.
(5,835 posts)a faux news myth is the very essence of rwnj propaganda.
(2 posts)I mean wtf? At the top of my page I am invited to sign my name agreeing with rump...I don't even remember why.
(15,359 posts)to chase and film anyone being destructive to identify them. Kids that can run.
That would accomplish two things. Discourage anyone on our side from any violence, and possibly identify any agent provocateurs, or make it too risky to pull that crap.
(5,835 posts)i take it that you agree violence and vandalism are less than productive?
(15,359 posts)we'd have some interesting chases, once they knew they were being followed. They have to try and get to a car or something to get out of there. Our guys couldn't probably tackle and unmask them, or at least I wouldn't suggest they do that. They might easily get a chance to point them out to police and get them arrested. If they made it to their car and took off, then we have video or pics of the car and plates to turn into the cops.
(5,835 posts)that is not always possible, but these guys share our values and goals. maybe many just need to understand tactics?
i like the idea of active youngsters with mobile cameras (i guess they use smart phones.) the more the better, as long as they stay safe.
(10,223 posts)Multitasking video recording teams, downloading to a streaming/archiving hub.
Use the teams to take oral history stories from those attending. DOCUMENT COUNTER PROTESTORS. Document law enforcement, particularly SWAT and goon squads. Drone footage can be very useful, even if ya gotta do sharsies with the ( sane, intelligent?) cops.
Need a light or lights, because trouble lurks in the dark and attacks from cover.