An interesting yard sale story.
This morning while out making the rounds I encountered a man holding a yard sale who was from Liverpool, England. Since he was about my age (think dinosaur), I mentioned that he must have seen the Beatles live way back when. He said no, he hadn't, but added this sorry tale. The Beatles had just formed and were playing a gig in a space that held about 150 people. His aunt suggested to him that she get tickets and they could go. He says he told her no, he'd catch them another time. Can you imagine?? A chance to see the Beatles in a small venue like that and never having a chance to see them again? He told me he's taken his wife back to Liverpool and given her the unofficial Beatles tour. I guess as close as they got to the Beatles was Paul's former neighbor asking them in for tea. Oh, well. Got some nice Beatles ale glasses from him.

(11,101 posts)girlfriend. The girl's dad grew up in Liverpool down the street from Paul McCartney and got to know him quit well.
(23,347 posts)In 1980, I was interning for Leonard Bernstein who lived in the Dakota Apartments where John Lennon and Yoko Ono also lived. After Lennon’s assassination, Maestro Bernstein held a wake at his place and I was invited to attend. It was an amazing experience but deeply saddening at the same time
I can’t imagine.
What an honor to be in attendance. I can’t imagine the sadness.
(8,067 posts)And piled into the bar to watch.