Related: About this forumI've been taking a painting class and did this still life.
It was a direct painting seminar, we had to finish the painting over four sessions. An interesting challenge.

(21,000 posts)...thanks for sharing.
(8,240 posts)samir.g
(836 posts)Croney
(4,937 posts)That is beyond good. Please do more and let us buy some.
(36,218 posts)Very well done!
(8,491 posts)Congratulations! I've been painting too, after having not painted for several decades. Your work is inspiring.
(3,996 posts)A+++
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)soldierant
(8,251 posts)and I can't even see it, except for a little edge at the top.
(4,341 posts)If so then Rembrandt must be possessing your body while you paint. There is very advanced technique used, so I have to think you have been painting for some time.
The reason I bring Rembrandt up is because of the dark colors, the dark backgrounds. I am an artist myself and I read a lot of art every day, it is my passion, so I can see the results are not that of a beginner. I do mostly portraits, and once in a while, when I can't sleep I will get my acrylics out and do some contemporary stuff, quite the opposite from the realism of my portraits.
Keep it up, you definitely have the technique and the talent. Oh, and the patience to do still life.
If you don't mind telling, where was the class taught?
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)This was the product of a short seminar in which we were taught how to prepare the canvas, do the preliminary drawing, given some paint to mix our own colors and then complete the painting, all in four days, without the paint ever drying. Everything I'd done before was in a once-a-week class where the paint would dry so I'd paint in layers and use glazes (traditional techniques, including verdaccio). I've been afraid to do portaits because it's so hard to get the eyes to point in the same direction.
The classes are at a small art school called The Art Academy in St. Paul, MN. If there's anybody in the area who wants to learn to draw and paint in a structured, traditional way that emphasizes learning basic techniques first, I can't recommend them highly enough.
(70,772 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)He handed out the paint and had us mix the colors we wanted. It was a great exercise.
(18,998 posts)I came out of retirement so I could live there and enjoy all the art. My favorite section was the Dutch masters. What they did with the tables of glass ware and silver servicing dishes (with the obligatory fruit) kept me spellbound. I started lessons a few years ago when I first retired and got hooked on painting my friends cats and dogs 😬
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)Maybe I'll do all three of them. Fur is challenging.
(18,998 posts)WePurrsevere
(24,259 posts)how to paint in the style of the old masters. The paintings her students create using this technique, often from a photograph, are just amazing in how realistic they are.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)The orange wasn't done that way - that was direct painting done over only a few days - but he teaches an entire course on Renaissance painting techniques. It takes a long time to do one because they have many layers, but you can get really good results if you do it the old-fashioned way. Those old guys knew what they were doing.
(24,259 posts)I'll be able to take her up on her offer for me to visit and her to teach me next year.
(90,335 posts)Was it with oil or acrylic?
Thank you for sharing.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)Harker
(15,735 posts)Harker
(15,735 posts)Something orange... coming undone and being revealed...
I have to confess that it took me a while to get it...excellent...
At 1st I thought "this person is thinking too much about the painting", then I got it and started laughing hard...
(15,735 posts)
(23,316 posts)flor-de-jasmim
(2,186 posts)cornball 24
(1,530 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)CaptainTruth
(7,466 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,534 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)You met the challenge very well! It just draws you right in to the distinct elements from your use of colors to create a distinct contrast, to your depiction of hard surfaces with straight lines in combined with the soft glowing and fluid lines of the fruit. Your composition is noteworthy too. The fruit is just off center which to me gives the painting just a touch of visual tension to hold the viewer.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,161 posts)Fake a Ver Meer and sell it for $10 million to a Trumper. Then you'll know you've made it.
(18,998 posts)It is gorgeous. You have real talent! I mean true professional artist talent! Keep going!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)I'm keeping at it. Some paintings are turning out better than others, of course.
(6,330 posts)sandensea
(22,850 posts)Great Chiaroscuro! You must've been a Dutch master in a past life, I dare say.
Thank you for sharing this - and Kudos!
(12,714 posts)Apparently you are talented. Good thing you discovered it!
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)The only time I tried oils was in middle school and all I could think to do was outline and fill in my subjects. I did some drawings that weren't so bad, some reasonably not horrible watercolors, a sculpture I liked, and have done some not bad graphics work. But I never tried oils again!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)You just let the paint dry and paint over whatever didn't work. You can't fix mistakes in a water color. Take another shot at oils. They are a little messy but very versatile.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)However, as bad as mine was, if would've taken a hell of a lot of painting over! Yours is in a professional looking style. Mine was like a coloring book, and not in the nice Japanese style way.
(29,941 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)Seriously, well done!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)
He was a lot better at being Caravaggio, though.
Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)GreenPartyVoter
(73,253 posts)SeattleVet
(5,653 posts)The orange with its thin veneer of protection unraveling can also be seen as a subliminal message related to current impeachment activities.
Well done!!!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)Thanks, though!
(24,961 posts)were into photography, I thought it was an actual photo of a peeled orange. Wow...amazing!
(13,813 posts)WOW
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)braddy
(3,585 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)hwmnbn
(4,286 posts)That is gorgeous. Congrats on your talent!
(34,776 posts)Duppers
(28,291 posts)SleeplessinSoCal
(9,957 posts)
(8,086 posts)2naSalit
(95,927 posts)Is that oil, water or acrylic?
marble falls
(63,661 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)marble falls
(63,661 posts)Beakybird
(3,396 posts)Martin Eden
(13,966 posts)You peeled off a good one.
(26,332 posts)...peeling it, and enjoy the succulent segments.
Outstanding -
(576 posts)Have a craving for a screwdriver.
(2,419 posts)Just wow!!!!! This is right up there with the old masters! Good for you, we cant focus on Trump and republicans all the time, it will make us sick.
(28,291 posts)And light/shadow contrasting is brilliant.
You are seriously talented!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)Sometimes you need an extra pair of educated eyes to show you what you're missing.
(32,345 posts)I have been moving and just finished hanging a painting a friend did for me several years ago ( on commission). She took up painting in her retirement, too. You may have a second career opportunity available!
(148,682 posts)
My mom used to do oil painting as a hobby when we were little. The last technique she was learning was painting with a pallet knife before she eventually put it all aside to raise us. But I grew up with a huge easel, a bunch of blank canvases, and tubes of "Grumbacher" around the house (and that was a name that still swirls in my brain even today).

(5,460 posts)lisa58
(5,783 posts)Fing Amazing!!!
You dont just see - you feel
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)
(5,783 posts)Beautiful
(1,878 posts)It's beautiful. Yes, it's realistic almost like a photograph. But somehow it is more. . . . enchanting than a photograph.
Yes, that's it. It is a transcendent orange. And you have painter's magic.
(14,666 posts)Of course, this is only partial nudity........
Great job TVO and no better diversion and emotional relief in retirement during these tumultuous times.
I love the way you use shadowing, just like your Clarence Darrow......
(683 posts)You are talented.
(9,605 posts)going on there!
(49,445 posts)
(4,112 posts)PatSeg
(49,931 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)That, itself, is an art, and it's more complicated than I expected.
(124,931 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)So that we'd be able to keep painting the subject with consistent lighting and from the same aspect, the instructor had us use a photograph as a model instead of "live" objects. Having also tried to paint "live" still lifes in another seminar I don't think one way of doing it is easier or harder than the other, but for the purposes of this class it made more sense to use a photo. So that's really to the photographer's credit, not mine.
(124,931 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,921 posts)
Bernie/Elizabeth or Elizabeth/Bernie 2020!!
Either way, they're stronger together!!
Welcome to the revolution!!!
(23,211 posts)I am envious of talent such as yours
(10,036 posts)The object takes it's rightful place (and my eye) but you really nailed the light and shadow.
(2,666 posts)That is absolutely amazing! What a talent you have!!! I love it.
(22,020 posts)but then i discovered prussian blue. so much better than ultramarine.
Crabby Appleton
(5,231 posts)H2O Man
(76,298 posts)Beautiful!
(10,414 posts)Docreed2003
(18,104 posts)IcyPeas
(23,296 posts)so when you say you were given colors to mix your own....
so were you given.... red and yellow to make your own oranges for example?
also how big is it?
great painting!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)The instructor said that if you're not sure what color something is, it's probably orange. I found I had to add more red than I expected to get a proper orange orange.
(1,668 posts)looks like a detail from an old dutch Master---maybe Rembrandt.
(1,585 posts)Ive always wished I had some artistic talent. I can write but thats it! That is gorgeous and I love the second portrait you posted, as well.
(19,537 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)I am a pretty tough art critic too. I got my BFA (Bach Fine Arts) degree and that is better than what I have seen from when I was in art school, and even after art school. Well done!!!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)painting but it is obvious to me that you have a lot of real talent, instructor standing behind you or not.
(7,880 posts)Thanks for adding some more beauty to the world!
(3,414 posts)astounding
(18,435 posts)flying rabbit
(4,819 posts)
Lulu KC
(7,347 posts)LiberalLoner
(10,740 posts)Anyone would be delighted to have this hanging on their walls!
(17,517 posts)Looks like a fine arts painting.
(98,038 posts)YOHABLO
(7,358 posts)JDC
(10,633 posts)That painting kinda can't be taught. You have solid talent.
(25,124 posts)hay rick
(8,550 posts)dflprincess
(28,713 posts)I love the color contrasts and the "lighting" on it.
(20,705 posts)calimary
(85,376 posts)Youre really gifted, my friend.
Looks good enough to eat!
(9,426 posts)Great work, very talented.
(54,678 posts)GreenPartyVoter
(73,253 posts)PWPippinesq
(195 posts)What a lovely painting! You captured the texture and light so well. I, too, painted, in a series of classes, a still life of clementines. I live in Maine and, of course, have enjoyed painting land and seascapes. However, since I like painting from life rather than photographs, still lifes in our long dark winters became my focus with citrus and pears being my favored subjects. Enjoy the exploration.
(131 posts)That is simply beautiful. Keep painting!
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,354 posts)Beautiful.!
(2,299 posts)You have talent.
(39,213 posts)
While not my favorite color, I love orange. It adds fabulous pop to everything! I've been dabbling in watercolor & haven't painted anything half that nice. Keep it up!
(1,178 posts)KPN
(16,463 posts)don't feel inadequate.
Does it have a title yet? A suggestion "tRump Early Winter 2019".
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)I did a fair amount of drawing and painting when I was very young, didn't do much for years, went back to it as a retiree but in a guided course. I learned that you can't just sit down and paint, but that you have to learn about basic drawing, how to prepare a canvas, color theory, brush technique, etc., so I've been taking a basic drawing and painting class for the last few years, just learning those things. I still feel inadequate compared to a lot of other students in the class. We start learning about oil painting by copying one of the old masters and starting from scratch with an underpainting and adding layers, light over dark. The main point the instructor makes is that anyone can draw and paint well but you need to learn a lot of basic stuff first. I'd highly recommend a structured class.
(20,219 posts)bif
(24,821 posts)And you're only going to get better!
(9,866 posts)Demovictory9
(34,618 posts)colorado_ufo
(6,013 posts)Orange you glad your subject didn't move!
(25,771 posts)
what medium is this?