Related: About this forumMy Painting of New Mexico stormy skies
The topography in New Mexico is such that in some places the rise of the land allows you to see a 100 miles or more so when storms travel through you can see the thunderclouds that are very far away. So you can see rain falling far away, bright sunshine on the tops of cumulonimbus clouds as well as the very dark undersides, the color of the sky, the lowering of the dark clouds overhead, and lightning strikes in the far distance.
Acrylic on canvas - 24 x 36

(4,477 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)RestoreAmerica2020
(3,459 posts)Paz.
(53,410 posts)Iliyah
(25,111 posts)
(53,410 posts)diva77
(7,880 posts)
(53,410 posts)Ohiogal
(36,218 posts)LiberalLoner
(10,740 posts)

(53,410 posts)alittlelark
(18,963 posts)
(29,361 posts).
Just kidding. That's really nice. I wish I had artistic abilities like that.
(53,410 posts)and thank you!
Newest Reality
(12,712 posts)I get the impression!
(53,410 posts)Very different than my drawings which are realistic. Its like I have an artistic split personality.
Newest Reality
(12,712 posts)Noted.
The painting conveys the emotion and movement of your experience well while transcending the strictures of the paint and canvas with the spirit of creativity. The stirring undercurrent of your style there is both stunning and moody and I can see the influences.
Thanks for sharing and revealing that!
(53,410 posts)Thanks!
Newest Reality
(12,712 posts)I love great art! It's been a lifelong thing and includes many modes.
Keep dabbing away!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)There is usually more color in them than we might notice at first. You captured those colors very well.
(53,410 posts)The storms in NM can get really wild and scary. If youre driving on a highway its a really good idea to stop on the side of the road until it passes. It will rain so hard that your windshield wipers cant keep up. You see solid water! Usually the storms pass very quickly and youre in the sunshine. Its very dramatic.
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)We spend a lot of time in New Mexico. In fact were in Rio Rancho right now. Youve captured the storms of New Mexico. ❤️
(53,410 posts)mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)Was a doozy, but not the typical NM thunderstorms I love.
(53,410 posts)It scared the crap out of me!
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)But it was over so quick. I love New Mexico.
(3,132 posts)Thanks for sharing.
(53,410 posts)yaesu
(8,622 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)I love it here!
(15,632 posts)It actually reminds me of parts of Kansas that I describe as beautiful in their desolation, where you can just see for miles across fields.
Do you make prints of your work, or is this more a private hobby?
(53,410 posts)I just retired recently and am getting back into painting again. Ive been posting some here every week or so. That way it gets seen at least.
(9,688 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,166 posts)

(8,086 posts)secondwind
(16,903 posts)ALBliberal
(2,967 posts)I live in the Albuquerque foothills and am enthralled with the loveliness of our skies mountains and sunset.
(53,410 posts)I love traveling down to Albuquerque and being able to see forever when storms are following each other across the horizon. It takes my breath away.
(7,694 posts)I live in New Mexico and I agree with everything you said in your post about our state and have often seen the clouds in your painting. Thank so much for your post and beautiful painting!
(53,410 posts)I have more skyscapes of NM. I plan to paint more too. The subject matter is ever changing in its splendor. Sky watching has been a lifelong passion of mine.
(28,291 posts)Stunning.
Name your price!
(21,058 posts)I've lost track of how many times I've explained to people that "those paintings of New Mexico scenery or skies that look fantasized or romanticized? THEY'RE PRACTICALLY PHOTOREALISTIC."
Just like that.
(53,410 posts)NM skies are a thing all on their own. I will be painting them again and again.
(10,303 posts)You are very talented.
(471 posts)when I worked for the state of new mexico I spent a lot of hours driving all over. you're right about seeing massive storms miles away. part of my territory was down through Alamogordo and TorC. others areas were out through Grants and Gallup. got caught in a few of those storms.
(53,410 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 6, 2019, 08:52 PM - Edit history (1)
caught in a giant sand storm we were able to see coming from miles away. It must have been 100 miles across from what we could see. We just pulled over on the highway. When we were in it visibility was zero. All we could see was red.
(10,633 posts)I really like your wheat. I know it's a pic of storm clouds, but I love when stuff out of focus is done well. Nice work!
(53,410 posts)I couldnt get it in the clouds themselves and I didnt want to show the ground so the wind blown wheat was my choice.
(68 posts)Is the reason New Mexico is my favorite state, among others!
(53,410 posts)I came from California which has gorgeous places but the skies are almost always blue with no clouds. One of the reasons I came was for the skies.
(24,821 posts)Nicely done! I like the composition.