Related: About this forumThe mystery of my 95 les Paul standard Im rambling
Im almost 52 and according to my wife am becoming more neurotic. So anyway years ago I got a call about this les from a music shop owner I knew. He said you need to come and check this out the price is Wright consignment sale. He knew I was strictly made in Japan tokai les Paul reborn or navigator les Paul fan. Our Asian neighbors ate Gibson lunch over Nashvilles lack of quality and prices. So this standard caught my eye one reason it had long neck tenon and tone wise it was a beast. The deep neck joint to some its apples and oranges I prefer a single cut with it. Like my tokai and navigator and I was under the impression that Gibby only built them in custom shop like 59 reissues. But hey every standard is basically a clone from their grandparents So over the years I would ask people about the 95 and I even wrote Gibson a letter once. Never heard back from them.
So other day just strolling on line I find this guy out of North Carolina very knowledgeable on les Pauls. I email him and this morning I had reply he told me. That the 95 may have been built as custom shop but maybe slight flaw it was put out as standard flaw meaning a slight anamoly in wood covers up with the burst. And he mentioned it is probably hide glued Im like wow ok that would explain the tone. Hide settles differently so Im like huh ok. Anyway a ramble from a 52 year old gear head my wife says older you get the more guitarted you become.

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