Related: About this forumGuitar Players - Nifty Lick I Found
I've been into arpeggios for a while now, and in working up a solo for a song I'm recording, I came up with a really neat way to play a 3 octave arpeggio.
Let's say we're in A Major.
Hammer 5th fret, low E then the 9th fret with the middle finger of the right hand. (Index finger if not holding a pick.)
Now hammer 7th fret, A string with the left ring finger, then the 12th fret with the right hand.
Middle finger left hand hammers 6th fret G string, & right hits the 9th fret.
Right hand taps at 10th fret, 2nd string, and the left hand hammers the 9th & 12th fret on the 1st string.
Fingering is the same on the way down. If you're doing it in triplets, you only get one octave back down and finish on the highest A. If you're doing 16th notes, you can resolve on the E at the 7th fret A string.
It sounds super cool when you need to keep the mood major.
It's easy, but takes practice to do it at speed.

(48,730 posts)Last edited Sat Oct 30, 2021, 10:50 PM - Edit history (1)
1st edit: The Gilmour disciple in me keeps trying to slide down from the 9th to the 6th fret on the G string on the way back down. Old habits. Fun lick, though.
2nd edit: Man! That sucker is hard. I'm still not sure what the move is on the 9th fret G string to the 10th fret B string on the way up. Are those both right hand while the left hand flies up to hammer the 9-12 on the high E? (I'm using left hand for both the 9 and 12 and adding the octave at the 17th with my right index. Or did I go too far there? Let me read it This is fun!)
I wrote it wrong. No wonder you found it hard!
After you hit 3rd string 6th fret, the 9th fret is supposed to be the little finger of the left hand.
Now, your right hand is free to hit the A at the 10th fret. The move is now similar to the last three notes on the 2nd & first string.
I've done it both ways, using right middle & ring finger to get that E & A on the 3 & 2 strings. But, hammering the E with the little finger is a bit easier, especially if one does minimal tapping.
Sorry about that.
(48,730 posts)I suck at long tapping runs and sweep picking. But I do like the triumphant sound of long major arpeggio run. I usually pick the whole thing, though. This is kinda neat.
(71,853 posts)I'm working on my version of "I Am A Rock"
Between the 3rd & last verse I'm playing a jazzy piano thing for the first half.
Then when the changes to F G F G F F G G (each letter is 2 beats) I want to do this riff, jump up 2 frets for the G, then the arpeggio starting on the 5th in F, jump up for the G, then run all the way up to the G at 1-15. That resolves to the tag line.
Also, for that jangly riff after the "I am an island" I'm doing three part guitar harmonies, and there's an arpeggio in there too.
(3,044 posts)prodigitalson
(3,044 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,853 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 10, 2021, 05:49 PM - Edit history (1)
I don't have it mastered at speed yet, but now that winter's coming and I'll get back to recording, I have to get it down because I have an intended use for it.
When I get to that point, I'll see if I can do as you ask.
On Edit: See my clarification to Iggo above.
It's probably easier doing that E (9th fret/3rd string) with the left hand little finger.
I was doing those two consecutive right hand taps with 2 different fingers, but that's harder than it needs to be.