Related: About this forumI got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photoooograph...
unfortunately not with Kodachrome.
She's currently loaded with Portra 400 pushed to 1600, not sure what I'm gonna do next. Maybe some Velvia 100 (I still have some in the freezer) to shoot some weird stuff and cross-process, or I'll just stuff some Delta 100 in there
is there a prettier all-round B&W film? Hell, maybe take some Tri-X 400, push it, and get some properly grotty retro-punk shots? I'll admit, the lens makes me want to do some very extreme things with the film.

Bo Zarts
(25,929 posts)Digital .. instant gratification!
sir pball
(4,983 posts)I also use that lens on my digital body
I just love analog.
I have my own scanner, I even develop my own B&W.
(745 posts)I went out to get several rolls of film developed. I shot them in the 90's and thought I would get them developed finally. WEnt to Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, no. They don't develop film any more. Found one place in town that still developed negative film. It has cost me almost $200.00 to get seven rolls done. I still have some reversal film that needs to be processed but I would have to mail them to a facility that does it. Before doing this I considered buying another 35mm SLR film camera but this event changed my mind. It's not a matter of instant gratification, it's that getting film processed has become financially out of reach. So, digital it is.
(122,596 posts)camera, was looking at the various options. Even wondered if it is worth getting my SLR's overhauled.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)it's around $8 for a basic development. If you want scans it's like $5 more, still way less than what you were quoted. Did you look at mailing it out?
(9,539 posts)I bought 2nd hand years ago as a backup to my F2. I really don't remember ever using it! I do remember they said it would not flash sync but I never used flash anyway. It sits on a shelf of honor by the F2 today
sir pball
(4,983 posts)I even have a contemporary flash that I use with it, shooting it is a great retro vibe at a party!
(16,412 posts)The seals kind of crumbled. And the mirrorless Z5 takes every lens I ever got, with the FTZ adapter. Even the very old non-AI which would jam DSLRs.
For film, I got the Hasselblad refurbished. A spring sprung after some 50 years, and the format is gorgeous.
You can get development and scanning at several places. Ken Rockwell likes North Coast in Carlsbad (by mail). He likes film. See
Reviews old stuff, as well.
Tons of useful info there.
I used a coolpix P510 for ages and ages post-F2. 24-1000mm equivalent zoom. Easy to deal with during some frantic times.
Remember, a dust grain affects only one frame of film (so scan it and mask it) but every frame of a digital camera, and sensor cleaning aint cheap.
I change lenses in a big new, unused ziplock bag, class 0 clean room style. Its very dusty where I live.
Have fun! Thats what its all about.
(22,020 posts)artsy pics w/ it. sigh. double exposures w/ my pentax.
(6 posts)I just got my hands on a Nikon Z fc -- new to me and on loan (forever?). I have been a point and shoot digital guy with a couple ultra zoom cameras so this will be a learning curve. Not bad so far. I used to have a Maxxim film camera so some of this is familiar. I have to buy a couple lenses.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)It was an incredible combo. I don't know why I ever sold it. Been kicking myself for years.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)And that was with the $10 premium for "excellent" condition.
It's so good I routinely use it on my digital body; it's probably the second best lens I own besides the far nicer Micro 55/2.8 I inherited from Gramps
you wanna talk about perfect optics, oh my.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)I bought a used Canon EF 50mm F1.4 from KEH. I think it cost me about $100. I have no idea how old it is. I keep it in my camera bag because I mostly use slower zoom lenses. It also reminds me of the old days when that was the only lens I owned.