TV Chat
Related: About this forumWhat non-fiction TV shows do people like?
I'm not talking about reality tv, but rather shows from the History Channel, Science Channel, or Discovery Channel (or anything along those lines). Every time I look for something to stream, there are just too many choices.

(52,672 posts)No Reservations(travel/cooking), but I don't think any of these are even on TV anymore.
(34,502 posts)and I can only find a year of it then a year with Danny DeVito. Where are you seeing it?
(52,672 posts)but only about once a year. They still have them on You Tube for free so that is where I see them now.
(34,502 posts)I never think about using YouTube for shows. Crazy I know but I don't. I really appreciate you letting me know. I love that show, it is so interesting.
(5,789 posts)Also, Carl Sagan's Cosmos, if you can find it.
I love shows about outer space and the cosmos.
Also, there is this, (YouTube has some great history documentaries.)
Vespasian: The Path To Power (Roman Empire Documentary)
(10,613 posts)But it's on the History Channel. And it's called 'ALONE.'
You will either love it or hate it. I don't think there's any in-between. If you hate it, you will compare it to watching paint dry. If you love it, it's because you really want to go out there and try it yourself, but you don't have the skill set to survive.
And they really are alone. It's not like Survivor. They have to film themselves. Some seasons are definitely better than others. A new season is on right now.
(34,502 posts)I probably would not have paid much attention to it but our oldest son is living with us to work in town here, he usually lives about 60 miles away but the gigs have all dried up for now....anyway I was looking for things that we all might enjoy. We already went through all the British Baking series.
I found it and had watched the entire first season before he even was here full time. We started and got all but this season on Amazon (I think) so we watched them straight through.
I have a problem with killing animals but there was not a lot compared to this new season. I just leave the room until that part is over. I do understand it but do not like it.
Anyway, what an interesting show of real surviving. We all pick our favorites. There have been several I really wanted to win that went out early and one that just surprised the heck out of me.
(10,613 posts)It's my favorite show. I can hardly wait for the week to go by so I can see it again.
I am blown away by the skills of the people on this show. And I'm like you, can't stand it when they kill the animals. Totally understand why they have to do it, but I can't watch that part.
The first season, I was so happy with the person who won. I actually missed the second season, need to go on Amazon and watch it. The newest season is being shown on the History Channel right now.
And also like you, some seasons I'm totally positive one person is going to win, and they end up tapping out, or being removed for medical reasons, and I'm shocked.
That's already happened to me during this season's show. Lol!
(34,502 posts)when someone who had done so well, seems so prepared and then boom they are gone. I loved the woman in I think Patagonia who had to go out because she had lost too much weight. There have been several of those. Man it must be hard on your body. We watched the seasons out of order so I do now know which is which but I loved the winners of the show where they had 2 people together. I never thought they would win but they did!
I really like one of the women on this season, hopefully she will do well. She is, however, not as prepared as one of the men who I think will win. I never can remember their names the way it goes but whoever wins always, ALWAYS deserves it.
I would give anything to not be a little old lady. I would love to try something like this but it would be beyond me to learn those skills or do most of it. I am having enough problems with a farm! Anyway, it is our night too. Not completely sure what the hook is for me, maybe just learning some things that possibly could come in handy some day. Who knows?
Where they are I worry so much about them burning down their huts and having to wait through the night with all those animals around. The time it happened was almost more than I could take.
I will think about you enjoying this while we watch it. I got a friend hooked on it too but they are way behind catching up.
(8,240 posts)(I find it on YouTube.)
(10,613 posts)I LOVE those shows!
(8,240 posts)Dem2theMax
(10,613 posts)I get absolutely lost in those shows. It's therapy!
(8,240 posts)Buckeye_Democrat
(15,168 posts)"How The Universe Works" and "Alone".
I'm mostly fascinated by the contestants of Alone who give up because of the loneliness, not because they're struggling to survive. Some of the better-skilled survivalists on that show just suddenly cracked, but dealing with the loneliness would probably be my main strength. Medics who periodically check on the contestants would probably force me out!
So it's interesting from a sociological perspective too, and especially apt during the pandemic.
Nature (sometimes)
Others that I can't recall right now.
I've lately been watching various "The Great Courses" through an app called Kanopy, and those have unlimited downloads from my local library.
(15,168 posts)The location was Vancouver Island during that season.
His techniques were very simple compared to the others, such as sleeping in an old bear den (with bears in nearby dens doing the same).
He was able to keep his mind occupied by reciting poetry, among other things.
The contestants are not told if others quit or were forced out, except for the last hold-out to let he/she know they're the winner.
(10,613 posts)What a perfect person to put in the first season, and he certainly deserved the win.
I know it's been a while since it was on, but didn't he sing opera while he was out there? He was so entertaining, in addition to having the skill set to survive.
I am absolutely amazed at the skills these people possess.
I feel so bad for them when they get injured and have to be taken out for a medical reason.
I'm thoroughly enjoying the new season that's on right now. I'm waiting for the weather to turn, because I know how hard it's going to be on them.
(15,168 posts)He was indeed entertaining! (He probably sang opera too, but I don't remember now.)
Lots of the contestants are entertaining, though, and I've liked several of them. I think their cameras are another way to keep their minds occupied, plus they're obligated to use them a particular amount of time from what I read. (Fresh batteries are brought to them during the quick medical checks.)
It's about the only "survival" show that I've seen which seems genuine.
Lots of little tricks to learn on that show too!
I'll have to check out the new season! I haven't seen it!
(10,613 posts)Then again, anyone who has the guts to go out there and do that should win on general purposes.
I'm quite a loner. I think a big part of what pulls me in to this show, is in watching how they deal with being totally alone.
However, after pretty much being in my house since the beginning of March, I am going a bit stir crazy. It's making me have a whole different appreciation for what they go through out there.
And I agree, it does seem to be the most genuine of the survivor type of shows.
I don't know if you remember the guy who had animals around his camp late at night. He totally freaked out and tapped out, and it took hours for the team to come in to get him. I think my heart is still in my throat from that episode!
(15,168 posts)Yeah, that was a bit scary.
I'm a loner too. People can "drain me" sometimes.
It sounds like you've been isolating yourself a few weeks longer than me. Hang in there! It's not too contagious that you couldn't talk to someone in open air at a fair distance, especially if masked.
(10,613 posts)I always say I can't be around too many people because they pull the energy out of me!
One of my cousins can't sit still. Whenever she would come to visit, we would reference 'the hurricane' that was about to descend upon our house. Three days of her and you'd have to go to bed for a week just to regain some semblance of energy.
I have a very small backyard. But there's enough room to safely social distance. I have some wonderful Democratic neighbors, and we can very easily sit back there and gab away safely.
The Republican neighbors definitely need to plug their ears if they don't want to hear the truth.
You hang in there too! And look for the latest season of Alone. I think it's three episodes in at this point. Enjoy!
(34,502 posts)I would have loved to have more of that. Deeper shows of how they fixed things. All done for people for free by restorers who worked in museums.
For some reason I got hooked on Travels by Narrowboat with Kevin Shelly. Interesting, season after season much the same but I needed that I guess. I admit that I really really liked it. Soothing maybe?