Tone deafness on steroids
Our mayor has deemed our fracking concerns "irrelevant" and dismissed evidence of fracking-related health issues as presented by worried doctors and nurses, and has waved off citizens who have found their property values falling with each fracking well that goes in next door.
We've been all over the news with the flooding, and FINALLY the media is covering the awful added reality of leaking, falling, floating tanks and numerous broken gas lines.
So hizzoner decided his campaign needs a boost, and sends out this invitation. The fundraiser is hosted by one of the larger locally owned drilling companies. Please note that he is wanting to make our town safe for the oil industry, no such concerns for us citizens.
We have a very dynamic candidate going against him. It's going to be a battle -- she's a Democrat (and this town has been owned by Republicans for a long time), she's Hispanic (and this will be a problem with the entrenched old white person faction), and she's female (OMG).
Please send good thoughts and strengthening vibes. We're working our butts off to replace this tyranosaur with someone who will actually give a damn about the people who live here.