District of Columbia
Related: About this forumCopperheads are out in the Mid-Atlantic region. Here's what to know.
Yards near wooded lots have the best chance of harboring copperheads, but the snakes thrive in many suburban and urban areas.
Temperatures are heating up, and snakes are out. One venomous snake is exceptionally well-hidden in our yards and gardens: the copperhead.
Copperheads received their name from the color of their head, but the rest of their body has shades of tan and brown in hourglass patterns, providing excellent camouflage in mulch, leaves, stonework and woodpiles.
The ambush hunter usually remains motionless for long periods, making it even harder to notice when strolling through the yard or working in the garden. And if you get too close, the snake can feel threatened and strike without warning.
Their bite usually requires medical attention, sometimes with antivenom treatments.>>>

(6,156 posts)then all snakes will leave you alone.
(13,968 posts)Mongoose pee concentrate: guaranteed too keep snakes, Republicans and probably your wife easy.
One oz. Bottle , $99.95 + shipping and tax.
Dilute with warm water and youre good on any trail.
(13,968 posts)Mongoose pee concentrate: guaranteed too keep snakes, Republicans and probably your wife easy.
One oz. Bottle , $99.95 + shipping and tax.
Dilute with warm water and youre good on any trail.
(13,807 posts)That was enough. I was with a friend and his kids, fishing on the shore of a pond in a residential area. Eeeeek.
(5,354 posts)They are usually very slow to anger or feel threatened. I lived in South Central Missouri for 7 years out in the woods (a retreat center). We had very little trouble mostly because we left them alone. The only time one got aggressive was when someone started poking it hard with a stick to try to make it move away faster. She admitted it took 15 minutes of abuse before the poor thing got angry enough to turn and but her. She was fine as was the snake who managed to escape.
Leave them alone and theyll go home and if theyre already home you probably dont belong there.
By the way Im mostly phobic about snakes. Have trouble turning a page if it has a photo of a snake.
Response to elleng (Original post)
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(2,234 posts)if you were out in the woods and smelled cucumbers, it meant a copperhead was near. Since she grew up in a very remote area of Ohio, I tended to believe her.
(13,968 posts)Bites are so rare that both made the Newark NJ paper.