Broward School Board approves LGBTQ resolutions after heated debate
Broward School Board approves LGBTQ resolutions after heated debate
An effort by the Broward School Board to honor its diverse communities over the next year turned into more of a feud than a celebration Tuesday.
In past years, resolutions recognizing certain events or groups have passed with little notice. But this year, resolutions to support the LGBTQ community and the instruction of African American history fueled the same angry culture war debates that have become increasingly common statewide.
By the time the 3½-hour discussion was over, the left-leaning majority on the School Board prevailed in passing 98 resolutions, including three in support of the LGBTQ community.
They also postponed one in support of the state-mandated African American history curriculum, which has generated national controversy due to a line about slaves learning job skills that may benefit them.
A crowd of dozens included members of the LGBTQ community who clashed with conservative opponents, with each side accusing the other of heckling.