Related: About this forumAnother e scooter death in Atlanta...
First one was in May and another one happened last night.
How long until these are banned in parts of Atlanta?

(4,613 posts)everywhere. They're all over L.A. and are just a disaster waiting to happen.
(16,600 posts)many injuries have been reported. I keep wondering what number of deaths will be the magic number to have them banned in certain areas.
(54,770 posts)can be an issue too, but the downtown streets are too narrow and filled with rushing traffic to be safe.
Where this accident occurred, the sidewalks are wide enough where scooters and pedestrians ought to get along.
(16,600 posts)the streets clearly are not safe and most don't even have bike lanes. But the sidewalks can be a mess as well. There's a stretch near my office that is unbelievable. It's very unsafe for pedestrians. Holes, uneven/missing concrete, parts of old street signs left sticking up in the sidewalk, a hydrant on its side, very narrow parts, etc. The guys at work saw a woman hit a hole and face plant into a business next to the sidewalk. Had she gone the other way into the street, she'd be dead.
(54,770 posts)them. It's too bad.
(13,064 posts)Idiots ride them just as insanely and selfishly as they ride skateboards and bikes on sidewalks -- they come zooming out of nowhere, zig-zagging back and forth, zipping through narrow spaces right next to pedestrians, NEVER saying a single word of warning, and NEVER wearing a helmet.
The scooters are a particular menace because they are almost silent and can quickly accelerate in any situation, plus the riders almost always have little experience and no training.
I've also come perilously close to hitting them while driving a car. Scooter riders frequently are listening to music with earbuds and blissfully unaware of their surroundings, running red lights and paying no attention to traffic.
I hate these vehicles and the companies that make a profit off them.
(246 posts)I am not very familiar with these scooters but bicycles have always been delegated to the road where they make me very nervous. So whats the difference? How many people died in automobiles the same time period in same area. If its more than two should they be outlawed? Im sure theres something about this I dont understand since Im not familiar with them.
(16,600 posts)the roads are designed for cars. Cyclists don't ride on certain parts of these roads because they are too dangerous for them as well. I don't know the stats for the roads where these people died but I am guessing the majority of auto deaths are on the highways and not the city streets.
The person riding the scooter does not have to own the thing to grab one and ride it. Probably gets them there faster than a bicycle would. That's one difference between scooters and bikes, hence this money making business.
I am not against bikes or scooters and if I ruled the world, there would be designated lanes for these. As it is, safety is an issue right now.
(52,672 posts)People in San Diego don't go for walks on the boardwalks anymore for fear of tripping on one or being hit by one. These things are dangerous to those NOT riding them. My city passed new rules recently and the companies are already breaking them right and left. Obviously more drastic action must take place.