Johnson County to Lord Dampnuts: No.
Some good news out of Johnson County
The Johnson County Sheriff's Department said it will not assist in any federal immigration raids should any happen in that county.
The Johnson County supervisors are preparing to vote tomorrow on whether the county should adopt a policy that is close to sanctuary status for illegal immigrants. The resolution would not allow county resources to go toward enforcing immigration policies. Resolutions give guidance on policies to employees in the county. But they can't dictate policy to elected officials in such areas as the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.
The Johnson County Sheriff will not honor voluntary detainer requests nor will the Sheriffs Office assist United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) in immigration enforcement raids. The Board of Supervisors supports the County Sheriffs position. Further, it is the position of the Board of Supervisors that the County will not assist I.C.E. in immigration enforcement raids. Nothing in this statement will preclude County offices in assisting or participating in lawful warrants and criminal investigations, nor will this statement preclude Department of Homeland Security grant-procured items from being used as required by law.
This will get the teabilly fornicate sticks whining. Wouldn't surprise me if that fornicate face Steve King tried to stab Johnson County in the back.