Related: About this forumCollins: Opponents Resorting To 'Distortion And Outright Lies' To Unseat Her
Maine Sen. Susan Collins says she is dismayed by the early start and extreme negativity of the campaign against her, even though she has not decided whether to seek re-election.
"Campaigns start earlier and earlier and the amount of distortion and outright lies is just extraordinary," she says.
Collins says Democrats have raised millions of dollars in their effort to unseat her, and she also expects to face a primary challenge from a candidate on the right. She says both groups are already distorting her record, but she says any attempt to use the abortion issue against her will fail.
"I'm being targeted by national and some state Democrats as their number one target, despite the fact that there is no one in the United States Senate that works more often across the aisle than I do," she says.
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(98,038 posts)right to choose
I don't think the Senator is being honest
(5,382 posts)This is so lamentable! On your behalf, I am (as you frequently are) concerned!
On a more serious - and awesome - side, this tells me that she's getting some bad vibes already in terms of her viability for reelection. Superb!!!! Go, Sara Gideon, go!!
(3,131 posts)She always expresses concerns about the republican position before voting for it
(3,909 posts)votes with the rest of the Repubs). Now that her cushy job is imperiled she gets fire in her belly. Too bad, so sad.
(90,335 posts)You have made it perfectly clear what you stand for. It is not for the Constitution, women's rights or affordable healthcare for all. You believe in tax cuts for the rich Americans and not the middle class. You support a pResident that stated in no uncertain terms that he assaults women on a whim, because he can.
Sue? Fact is you are an insult to women and all Americans. Fugg off Sue.
(10,633 posts)TexasTowelie
(119,310 posts)
(35,454 posts)Enough said
(119,310 posts)

(35,454 posts)

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)your Bull shit just caught up with you. Thinking your constituents would not figure your line crap would never be exposed,well the voters have figured you out as a waste of Senatorial Space.
The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)The most put-upon person ever. Doesn't ANYONE like her melodramatic little performances? The ones where she pretends to have a conscience, then votes for whatever vile poison her party has served up?
(42,649 posts)lacks integrity.
She is a complete phony, with her pose of bi-partisan reaching out.
(35,363 posts)shanny
(6,709 posts)the horrible and unfair treatment of this moderate Republican and champion-of-women Senator.
I can smell the flop sweat from here.
(6,294 posts)Would love to see her go. When Kavanaugh votes to overturn roe v wade, whats her excuse then?
(3,268 posts)Is how fast they claim victimhood after calling democrats "snowflakes".