What we must do
The past couple of months I have keep my mouth closed and ears open. It is surprising what you learn from conversations in stores, waiting rooms, and such. It is my opinion that Trump supporters have one thing in common. The fast-paced world with automation, technology, globalization has left these people behind. One would need a doctorate to do an in-depth explanation, however they all feel life has not been what they wanted or expected. Trumps make America great again implies he is going change things to make them all happy. Trump people dont really care about other folks as long as their life is the way they want it. This is my view of the right, now for the left. Progressives all seem to have a cause that comes first. Healthcare, environment, human rights and such. They all want to elect a person that puts their cause first. Progress is achieved by having a slow but well planed path to follow. We must unite and support a candidate who is both progressive and realistic. If we fail to do this we end up back in the dark ages and a third world country.