Related: About this forumOK Mass Dems, get out there and GOTV for Markey. Take NOTHING for granted. Good Luck ! :-)
Little Star
(17,055 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)He's up by double digits, but he should be. Gomez is a frigging moron.
(13,570 posts)masquerade as a "moderate independent different kind of Republican" like the naked man Scott Brown did. HOGWASH ! He is for trickle down. He is for the rich and their endless tax cuts. He is NOT for reasonable gun control. He would support a Republican Supreme Court nominee that would overturn Roe V. Wade. He was a swiftboater against Obama in 2012. He needs to go down, bigtime. Good luck.
(135,425 posts)He spent half his Navy career taking training of some sort or another. Further, he missed the one big war of his era (Gulf One) because he was...surprise! training. Guess he didn't want to risk ending up like poor old Scott Speicher, who actually used his training and paid with his life. He did keep Peru and St. Kitts safe, though, on exercises. And when he would have been up for promotion to (what is called in other services' "field grade" though the Navy still lumps the paygrade in as a senior junior officer) Lieutenant Commander, when you get some of the grittiest leadership opportunities, he takes a powder and gets out. Or maybe he failed of selection...or maybe he took the (you're going nowhere, leave now) early out.
I wish I'd been on his selection board--I'd-a loved to be a fly on the wall for that evolution....!
No one has said shit about that, but if he kept going on like he was running as "The Navy Seal Senator" I was gonna reach out and see what I could find. That shit doesn't play well in MA; we go into our service of choice, if we choose to serve, we do our duty, we come home, and that's that. We turn up at Memorial Day to remember the dead, and at Veteran's Day to honor all who served, but we don't make overmuch of a fuss. It's one of the things I like about being a military retiree in MA. No chest thumping, no excess of flag waving. And boasting? FTS!!!! (Fuck THAT shit!!)....that's just 'no class!'
And don't even get me started about how he screams that "Everyone must know ENGLISH" on the one hand, and then says he didn't speak it until he went to school. And oh, his "immigrant" parents--he talks like they hopped the fence and walked a thousand miles. He doesn't say his daddy was a well-to-do HOPS importer from Colombia, and he was wealthier than most of his peers!
Such a bullshitter--it was great to see Markey clean his clock, so sweetly, too.
(89,021 posts)We are going to do this!
Markey for Senate!
(327 posts)And with school still in session in most towns, less folks vacationing in late June than most years. Turnout should be as good as can be expected.
My wife and I will be voting of course, to cancel out some of those few crazy MA teabaggers who are desperately hoping for another Scott Brown surprise. You know those kooks will be out in force.
So we'll take nothing for granted, but I'm nearly certain this won't be a repeat of last time.
(89,021 posts)In Massachusetts, the biggest polling argument is whether Markey's margin will be large or small. Some poll results may not "tell the whole story" on guns and immigration, but ask the right questions and "polls" will. And the HuffPost/YouGov poll goes where no human has gone before. This is the HuffPost Pollster update for Friday, June 21, 2013.
MARKEY LEADS ON ALL POLLS - With the special election to fill John Kerry's Senate seat in Massachusetts just a few days away, a final round of polls continues to show Democratic Rep. Ed Markey leading Republican nominee Gabriel Gomez by comfortable though varying margins. The two most recent independent polls released on Friday show Markey leading by margins of 10 and 20 percentage points, and Gomez is trailing, albeit by smaller margins, even in his campaigns own internal automated polling. The Pollster chart, which uses all available public polls to produce a combined estimate of where the race stands, gives Markey a lead of nearly 10 percentage points (50.3 to 40.6) as of this writing. Removing the polls with partisan sponsorship gives Markey a larger, double-digit lead (53.2 to 40.4 percent). [Pollster chart with all polls, without partisan polls]
Very different polls, one leader -- The wide variance in the margins is not surprising given the challenge of accurately measuring the likely electorate in an off-year special election in which turnout is likely to be low. Low turnout elections are more prone to error, something poll watchers should always bear in mind. The small number of polls involved use a wide variety of methods, from a "dual-mode" random digit samples of landlines and cell phones called by live interviewers or the UMass Lowell/Boston Herald Poll to the automated calls to landline phones sampled from registered voter lists for the student run Emerson College poll. But the important point is this: Despite a wide variety of judgement calls by Massachusetts pollsters, 23 surveys conducted since March have all given Markey at least a nominal lead, including 6 surveys sponsored by either the Gomez campaign or Republican interest groups. [UMass Lowell, Emerson College Polling Society]