Related: About this forumHave the McCloskeys disbarred for Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Finger on the trigger its lucky no one was shot.
Some context for those outside of Saint Louis
Portland Place is a gated community street that
Is on the last neighborhood before the delmar divide all of the houses inside the neighborhood are 5mil - 25 mil. The delmar divide is an old segregation line that divided the black part of Saint Louis from the white; for over 100 years this neighborhood has stood there. When you drive up Kingshighway you go from seeing these million dollar mansions to boarded up houses and buildings falling apart within 500 feet of each other, its problematic to say the least. Over the weekend the mayor of St Louis Lyda Krewson not pictured below decided to read the names and addresses of protestors and defund the police organizers in a live press release( she later took it down) but not before the rally to have her resign formed. Yesterday hundreds marched into her gated community (the community police stood aside) (side note he is a great guy I spent many days as a teen in the neighborhood at a good friends grandmothers house just 5 houses down from this one). As the protestors made their way to the mayors house peacefully these two came out with a hand gun and an AR 15. The look in her eyes speaks volumes. They need to be held accountable. Brandishing a weapon with intent (as clearly displayed in this photo is a criminal offense when you are not in direct danger.
On 6/28/20 Mark & Patricia McCloskey, of McCloskey Law Center, pointed an AR and a handgun at nonviolent protestors who were passing through. Both Mark & Patricia are lawyers, and Patricia sits on the Missouri Bar Association Ethical Review Panel and is a part of the Board of Election Commissioners as a St. Louis City Committeewoman. Please share and contact the numbers and emails below.
Board of Election Commissioners
Phone: (314) 622-4336
Missouri Bar Association
Email: Mobar@mobar.org
Phone: (573) 635-4128
Alan D. Pratzel, Chief Disciplinary Counsel
Phone: (573) 635-7400

(41,746 posts)What the F is wrong with some people?
(6,645 posts)Thank you, Sherman A1