Schupp: 'We must expand protections for workers and their right to collectively bargain'
Jill Schupp, Labor-endorsed Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress in Missouris 2nd Congressional District, has been a strong, reliable voice for working families in the state House and Senate. She supports strengthening prevailing wage laws and fought to defeat right-to-work.
She supported the voter-approved Clean Missouri initiative to clean up politics in Jefferson City and eliminate partisan gerrymandering of legislative districts and is adamantly opposed to Amendment 3 (Dirty Missouri) which seeks to overturn the will of voters and enshrine partisan gerrymandering in the Missouri Constitution.
She is an advocate for family medical leave, increasing teacher pay and doing what is necessary to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control so children and teachers can return to school.
And she supports raising the federal minimum wage so working families can make enough to not only survive, but to thrive.