Missouri Republican leader suggests expulsion of GOP lawmaker as tensions mount in state Senate
Source: Associated Press
Missouri Republican leader suggests expulsion of GOP lawmaker as tensions mount in state Senate
Updated 4:56 PM EST, January 25, 2024
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Republican leader of the Missouri Senate said Thursday that she would like to expel a conservative senator who has been blocking work in the chamber, escalating a GOP rift that has thwarted work on the party’s priorities.
The Missouri Senate has been in session for four weeks but has yet to debate any legislation on the floor, as conservative Republicans in a newly formed Freedom Caucus have used procedural tactics to slow routine work. The Freedom Caucus is trying to force more rapid consideration of a proposed constitutional amendment that would make it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives such as one backing abortion rights.
Earlier this week, Senate Republican leaders stripped four Freedom Caucus members of their committee chairmanships and prime parking spots.
On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin told reporters at an annual Missouri Press Association event that she “absolutely would” like to expel from the chamber state Sen. Bill Eigel, an outspoken member of the Freedom Caucus who is running for governor. But she acknowledged that was unlikely, because it would require a two-thirds vote and the support of some minority party Democrats.
Read more: https://apnews.com/article/missouri-senate-republicans-conservatives-freedom-caucus-81870973cd083305f719cec5cd65761c