Nevada in trouble if financial crisis strikes, report finds
CARSON CITY If Nevada was forced to run solely on its rainy day funds starting Monday, the state government would be out of money and shuttered by lunchtime Thursday, according to a study of states financial stability released last week.
The study conducted by the nonprofit Pew Charitable Trusts found that Nevada had just $39 million in its rainy day funds for fiscal year 2017, and ranks 44th out of 50 states in the U.S. in terms of how long its government could operate solely just reserve funds.
Alaska and Wyoming lead the rankings, with each having enough in their rainy day tanks to run their respective governments for more than a year.
Meanwhile, Nevada, at 3.6 days worth of reserve funds, was one of eight states that would last less than a week. Three states Kansas, Montana and New Jersey had no reserve money at all. The median time for all 50 states was 20.5 days.
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